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  • edited January 2013
    I'm curious, what put you over the edge? I haven't listened to the new one because it seems like all they talk about is Django Unchained, which I haven't seen yet.
    It hasn't really been a case of an edge to go over, more of a slow accumulation over time. It was during the latest episode that I realized it, I'm just standing around in the kitchen making tea, and I think to myself about halfway through "You know, I don't really want to listen to this bollocks anymore", And turned it off.
    You can tell [Kids on the Slope] is set in the early 60s because of the music they're listening to, which is all Jazz from the 60s, and all the music is on vinyl.
    So for all we know, Kids on the Slope is set in my room.
    Well, that, and they talk about "New" records that were released in the mid 1960s, the 1960s clothes and news, the talk about war as something relatively recent, the utter lack of computers, cell phones, phones in general, everybody writes letters, people's attitudes etc, etc. They don't bet you over the head with it, the setting is really well done in a subtle but very clear way.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Doesn't this happen with most podcasts you listen to? If they carry on long enough, it gets to the point that you know what they're going to say on any topic, and don't say new things in interesting ways.
  • edited January 2013
    I listened HAWPcast once. They said that Cowboy Bebop and some other thing I liked both sucked in a really condescending, smug, annoying way. I never listened to it again.
    Doesn't this happen with most podcasts you listen to? If they carry on long enough, it gets to the point that you know what they're going to say on any topic, and don't say new things in interesting ways.
    I wouldn't put it that way. I usually stop listening to a podcast because the hosts start to sound like smug, pretentious cunts. That's why I don't listen to Geeknights or anything with Richard Smith in it anymore, but I still listen to Fast Karate and Greatest Movie Ever.

    Post edited by Walker on
  • People who aren't full of themselves are not the kind of people who are going to record themselves talking and put it up on the Internet.
  • I don't mind smug pretentious cunts as long as they remain fresh and entertaining.

    Anyway, here's the list of podcasts I've now been listening to for over 5 years:

    Skeptics Guide to the Universe
    Kermode and Mayo's Film Reviews
    Little Atoms
    Fighting Talk
    Candid Frame
    The Bugle
    The Bible Geek

    Of those I've listened to pretty much every episode since I started listening, and and some I went back and listened to every available episode. GeekNights I normally don't bother listening to full episodes of Anime and Manga discussions, but still listen to the openy bits. The Mayo Kermode episodes with guest hosts I sometimes skip if they annoy me. The Candid frame came out every two weeks for most of its existence so was easy to keep up with, but I'm a bit behind right now. Skeptics Guide has been fun and poignant, with two deaths of the regular hosts, but one marriage episode to offset it. The Bible Geek is probably my most-listened show as I've stuck with it since 2007 and new episodes come out two-four times a week.

    And, I guess, I just passed the 5 years mark for my own podcast, the SFBRP, so technically I've listened to that too.
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2013
    People who aren't full of themselves are not the kind of people who are going to record themselves talking and put it up on the Internet.
    I make a podcast and I neither have an overly large ego nor am I full of myself, so I can't agree with that. I'm sure there are totally humble podcasters out there.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited January 2013
    Smug is fine, pretentious is fine, being a cunt is fine. I think most good performers have one of those traits. When those three intersect too often it gets really fucking aggravating.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I wouldn't put it that way. I usually stop listening to a podcast because the hosts start to sound like smug, pretentious cunts. That's why I don't listen to Geeknights or anything with Richard Smith in it anymore, but I still listen to Fast Karate and Greatest Movie Ever.
    So, I'm curious.

    Sure, we're smug as all shit, but when have we ever been pretentious?

    As for cunts, we both have penises, and are generally nice to people. ;^)

  • Oh, all the time. Usually when talking about the military, martial arts, or social problems. To be fair, though, I've tuned in a few times more recently and you guys have toned it way down. As for being a dick, cunt, asshole, jerk, or whatever, you can be nice when it counts and still come across as all that. I don't mean to cast aspersions on your character, just your show.
  • edited January 2013
    People who aren't full of themselves are not the kind of people who are going to record themselves talking and put it up on the Internet.
    I make a podcast and I neither have an overly large ego nor am I full of myself, so I can't agree with that. I'm sure there are totally humble podcasters out there.
    You're pretty pretentious, though, that helps. I bet your podcast would suck if you weren't pretentious.

    I really shouldn't be calling you guys on this shit. I'm a rapper. I've made it my craft to be a smug, pretentious asshole.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited January 2013
    Doesn't this happen with most podcasts you listen to? If they carry on long enough, it gets to the point that you know what they're going to say on any topic, and don't say new things in interesting ways.
    Not really, I find. I think the only other podcast I stopped listening to because I knew what the host thought on every issue was Penn's Sunday school, mostly because it's Penn being Penn about the things Penn's always talks about, and has been talking about for the 15 odd years I've known of his existence - a pretty good run, all in all, but I'm sick of hearing "this week, surprise surprise, Penn's a big-L libertarian magician that loves Dylan and the Monkees."

    I still listen to Geeknights, because despite being able to predict opinions and the like half the time, there is enough that's new to me that it's worth listening to. I still listen to the SFBRP - after all, it's something new that I may not have read every time, and if I have, I've propably not heard your thoughts on it. I think there was only one episode that annoyed me, so far, and that was because you were doing a rather effective job of demonstrating an annoying thing a book was doing.
    Sure, we're smug as all shit, but when have we ever been pretentious?
    Oh shit yeah. It's not exactly your default state, but the pair of you can be overwhelmingly pretentious at times. As Walker said, it's eased up some over time, but you both still have your moments.

    I think it hit the peak when you took an argument you were having on the forum - which you hadn't won, and were kinda still in the middle of - and basically rolled out a smug "here's what some people think, and they're wrong and dumb, and we're better because we think this other thing" on the podcast, where obviously, the other party had no voice but for what you assigned them - which was, suffice it to say, less than complementary. I don't think I was more than a bit player in the argument - knowing me, I propably stuck my head in to crack a shit joke - but that still struck me as particularly distasteful.

    Not going to pretend I'm immune, though. I can't name am example, but I'm 100% sure I've been both smug and pretentious on FNPL, if not both, at various times. I've sure as hell been an egotistical cock, to the point where it's a miracle that I've not disappeared up my own arse.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited January 2013
    I surprised people still listen to Geeknights. It's kinda subpar in terms of podcasts contentwise ~_^
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I surprised people still listen to Geeknights. It's kinda subpar in terms of podcasts contentwise ~_^
    I don't understand it myself.
  • I surprised people still listen to Geeknights. It's kinda subpar in terms of podcasts contentwise ~_^
    I don't understand it myself.
    the audio quality. The highs and lows are like a choir of angels. Christ they talk some shit, though.

  • I enjoyed Geeknights...when I was a highschooler.
  • RymRym
    edited January 2013
    Oh, all the time. Usually when talking about the military, martial arts, or social problems.
    Such as? I'm curious as to what opinion in particular you find pretentious, particularly because we haven't really talked about the military or martial arts much at all.

    Post edited by Rym on
  • I enjoyed Geeknights...when I was a highschooler.
    Hey, me too.

  • edited January 2013
    Oh, all the time. Usually when talking about the military, martial arts, or social problems.
    Such as? I'm curious as to what opinion in particular you find pretentious, particularly because we haven't really talked about the military or martial arts much at all.

    I started listening to the show before I discovered drugs and everything before that year is kind of a blur. I would go back and listen to your old shows and find some more specific examples to sate your curiosity, but by now you should see the problem with that idea.

    Post edited by Walker on
  • Last time I was a highschooler was seven years ago...
  • I enjoyed Geeknights...when I was a highschooler.
  • Last time I was a highschooler was seven years ago...
    3 for me.
  • Last time I was a highschooler was seven years ago...
    3 for me.
    Plus 10 for me.

    I can't even remember the last Geeknights that I consumed intentionally.

  • Pretty much every podcast I still listen to has been for at least five years now. I've gone through a ton in the process though, and I've gotten to the point where I don't feel like adding any more, so if they end, I don't know if I'll listen to any podcasts at that point.

    My list:
    Fast Karate
    Distorted View
    Pickup Podcast (depending on the guest)
    Whichever gaming podcast Garnett Lee hosts (currently Weekend Confirmed)

    As for why I still listen to GeekNights, I respect the opinions of Scrym as they mostly reflect my own, and so I want to know what their views on things are without having to spend time reading this forum.
  • Unsubscribing from the podcast is kind of a forum rite of passage.
  • edited January 2013
    Unsubscribing from the podcast is kind of a forum rite of passage.
    Yeah. It's no longer an automatic download for me. It's more of a "I have a long, tedious, and wholly mechanical task to do. Whelp, better load up the phone with all the interesting looking Geeknights I missed and get to it".
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I still do so many much sitting and drawing/modelling crap that having a billion podcasts on hand is useful, so I still listen to all the episodes pretty soon after they come out, but it's not like it used to be when I was in high school, where coming home and listening to the new episode was a highlight of my day.

    I have a weird relationship with Geeknights as a podcast because it kind of came at sort of a perfect point in my life, when I was about 16 and I kind of realized who I was, really embracing art and game design and geekery as something to be proud of. Self-loathing over all the geeky shit I was into, among other things, was the defining emotional trend of my young teens. Geeknights just happened to come at around the time when I finally got some meds and therapy that actually helped and I latched onto the "Proud to be a Geek" stuff as hard as I could.

    I've listened to every episode of this podcast pre-2009ish at least three times, and some of the stuff talked about on those episodes, especially any game analysis ones and a lot of the politics and science stuff, just really stuck with me. I mean, I realized I was an atheist due to one of these podcasts.

    It's why I listened to the show for so long but took so long joining the forum. Rym and Scott are like... my Carl Sagan or something. They were the fucking heroes of my late teenage years. It's fucking crazy being on this forum because there is still a punk kid in my head feeling like I am in the presence of giants. It's dumb, I know, but still. I think I will keep listening to new episodes until they stop because of that, even if they don't invoke those same feelings anymore.

    Fast Karate is still as perfect as the day I heard the first episode, though. Sorry Rym and Scott. Your karate is not fast enough.
  • I still love Geeknights for introducing me to the concept of atheism. That shit was life-changing.
  • I still love Geeknights for introducing me to the concept of atheism. That shit was life-changing.
    Come to think of it, Geeknights did that to me too. It might have been the first time I ever heard of people that don't believe in God.
  • Really? I got my atheism from my parents. :P
  • GeekNights gave me atheism, but Fast Karate taught me to be a man.
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