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  • Now, it's also these gaps in your knowledge that are often forgiveable - Both of you have a fair bit on your plates, and you don't always get the chance to play as much as you'd like. Nor is everything within your tastes - again, forgiveable. But it's when you arrive at points like "I'm ignorant of this game because I refuse to play anything but (Games X and Y)" or when judgement is passed upon a game that you simply haven't played and don't know much about. I don't hold it against either of you if you say "Well, I've heard this, but I've not played it, so grain of salt..." or whatever other variant of "I don't know" you feel appropriate at the time. It's cases of "I don't really know about this, but I'm going to pontificate on it or pass judgement anyway" that give me the shits.

    I remember being really irritated one time, where Rym was really talking about XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and goes to depths about how he would not buy the game. Even going to the point saying "Even if this game was available free the next day and has lived up to all the potential people have been saying about it, I will NOT get this game." I understand the doubt with the game, but it felt really odd that you were really discounting this game just because you have so many other games to play.
  • I don't think he ever said he wouldn't get it, just that he doesn't want to spend money on it, which for that game is somewhat understandable since if you've played the original I don't expect is a whole lot differnt.
  • edited January 2013
    I don't think he ever said he wouldn't get it, just that he doesn't want to spend money on it, which for that game is somewhat understandable since if you've played the original I don't expect is a whole lot differnt.
    Having played through and finished it recently, I can tell you - It's very different. It's a faithful translation of the general mechanics and theme - the overall style with how you move your little blokes around, and how you generally approach combat, movement and positioning, without being exactly like it. It's faithful to xcom without being slavishly devoted to being the same, the theatre adaptation of the popular novel, or the movie version of the popular theatre production.

    Edit - also, Powerpuff girls is coming back, however, Young Justice is going away. Thus, the balance is maintained.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Just had to eat one of my MREs since I'm broke and hungry. Surprisingly chicken noodle isn't that bad.
  • edited January 2013
    You lose a lot of respect for a person when you discover that "nutrition" needs to be a religion-like taboo subject with them.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • You lose a lot of respect for a person when you discover that "nutrition" needs to be a religion-like taboo subject with them.

  • I remember being really irritated one time, where Rym was really talking about XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and goes to depths about how he would not buy the game. Even going to the point saying "Even if this game was available free the next day and has lived up to all the potential people have been saying about it, I will NOT get this game." I understand the doubt with the game, but it felt really odd that you were really discounting this game just because you have so many other games to play.
    One, I did later buy the game. Two, I wouldn't buy it SOLELY because I had a backlog of other good games I already owned and hadn't played yet.

    I didn't doubt the game at all. I knew it was going to be great. Everyone I trusted said it was great.

    Literally, the only reason I didn't buy it was that I physically did not have time to play it at the time. Literally. I literally didn't have time. AND, I already had games I'd committed to playing and was already chomping at the bit to play but could not play.

    So you find it odd that I wouldn't buy something I physically couldn't use at the time, and that was guaranteed to be cheaper by the time I was able to use it?

  • Even if I'm sure it's probably not the case, the more times you say literately, the more I think you mean figuratively.
  • RymRym
    edited January 2013
    Even if I'm sure it's probably not the case, the more times you say literately, the more I think you mean figuratively.
    I literally mean literally.

    I have basically zero free time except on rare occasions.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I'm on Rym's side for this one - I do recall he had(and has) fuck all time availiable, and his objections are mostly if not entirely(since I can't recall exactly what he said) time-based, rather than any judgement on the game itself.
  • The joys of being young(er) and carefree.
  • I think I'd be a terrible IT professional. Not so much because I think I'd be bad at the job, just that I'd probably try and throttle a lot of idiots. How do you guys cope with stupidity?
  • I think I'd be a terrible IT professional. Not so much because I think I'd be bad at the job, just that I'd probably try and throttle a lot of idiots. How do you guys cope with stupidity?
    Not all IT jobs are support. I do work a helpdesk-like position part-time (only 25-50% of the job is helpdesk), though. It's not that bad, especially if you have remote support tools.
  • I think I'd be a terrible IT professional. Not so much because I think I'd be bad at the job, just that I'd probably try and throttle a lot of idiots. How do you guys cope with stupidity?
    Not all IT jobs are support. I do work a helpdesk-like position part-time (only 25-50% of the job is helpdesk), though. It's not that bad, especially if you have remote support tools.
    I'd probably still want to physically go to where they are and throttle them.
  • We ETs have a similar problem (watch standers throwing cans in front of high power microwave beams, and OSs shoving gummie bears into there key boards)
  • This is from way back but, a woman entering homes and giving people random enemas. What kind of twisted fuck do you have to be? (I'm clearly not on that level yet)
  • There.

    Come ON, people!
  • There.

    Come ON, people!
  • Their, their, no need to go they're and get on there case about it.
  • A justifiable reaction.

  • He would not win "Anus of Concrete".
  • Probably not. Also, the other person speaking is an indigenous bloke going "y'alright? Y'alright?"
  • Helen Love started following me on Twitter, be still my heart.
  • If I could, I'd replace the previous video with this vast improvement:

  • So you find it odd that I wouldn't buy something I physically couldn't use at the time, and that was guaranteed to be cheaper by the time I was able to use it?
    I think it was going so far into that hypothetical that irritated me. That, even if the game were to be given to you free as a gift, that you wouldn't want it. You guys express a lot that you end up buying games for 10-15 dollars that are turn out to be total wastes, but somehow a Triple A title that everyone says it's good for $5 or Free is somehow bad to own? I get having too many games to current play and not spending the full 60, but it comes back to the attitude towards getting the game for a ridiculous offer.
  • RymRym
    edited January 2013
    So you find it odd that I wouldn't buy something I physically couldn't use at the time, and that was guaranteed to be cheaper by the time I was able to use it?
    I think it was going so far into that hypothetical that irritated me. That, even if the game were to be given to you free as a gift, that you wouldn't want it. You guys express a lot that you end up buying games for 10-15 dollars that are turn out to be total wastes, but somehow a Triple A title that everyone says it's good for $5 or Free is somehow bad to own? I get having too many games to current play and not spending the full 60, but it comes back to the attitude towards getting the game for a ridiculous offer.
    Any non-zero price is identical if I'm not going to play the game regardless, except that I lose more money for nothing.

    You really, really missed the point of that entire conversation.

    Getting the game was no different from not getting the game, because I couldn't play it either way. Owning and not owning the game were identical states.

    It's commentary on the fact that the entertainment space is so crowded that even a game that I:

    1. KNOW is good
    2. Expect to be good
    3. Waited for
    4. Am super into

    is STILL not able to breach the top of my massive backlog of interactive entertainment.

    Couple that with the fact that the price WILL hit effectively zero in a reasonable span of time, and you can see why the industry is so rough.

    I'd LOVE to own and use a jetski. They're super fun. But, I don't live on the ocean, or even on a lake, and I wouldn't have time to travel in order to jetski even if I wanted to. Now imagine that jetskis get cheaper by a dollar every day. Are you mad in this case that I don't own a jetski?

    The hypothetical is illustrative of the reality. Games and music both are under ENORMOUS price pressure, and piracy is the least of their concerns.

    Thus, I really can't understand your surprising umbrage with my not being willing to pay for something I will not actually use.

    Post edited by Rym on
  • Jetski in the Hudson, I dare you.
  • Yeah I thought that New York had everything one could possibly want. The Hudson looks find for a quick trip.
  • Yeah I thought that New York had everything one could possibly want. The Hudson looks find for a quick trip.
    Yes, but further upstate. I don't live on the Hudson, I live on the East River.

  • I'd LOVE to own and use a jetski. They're super fun. But, I don't live on the ocean, or even on a lake, and I wouldn't have time to travel in order to jetski even if I wanted to. Now imagine that jetskis get cheaper by a dollar every day. Are you mad in this case that I don't own a jetski?
    Naw man, Wetbikes are where it's at. Seriously, they're fucking awesome, I'd take one over a jetski any day.

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