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  • Waiting for Joe Boomer to post a screenshot of his browser to show us how it's done.
    Alternatively: Why I don't use chrome.
    Tree Style Tabs.

  • WTF is wrong with you people. Close your fucking tabs! You are not using all of those. It would be faster to close them and then re-open them later than to try to find anything in that horrifying list.
  • Zettai Ryouiki is pretty silly.
  • For the record, I'm with Apreche.

    Additionally, that GameCenter CX sort is horrible.
  • Chrome has tree-style tab extensions. I just don't like tree tabs. Also I'd still be using Firefox except it basically became broken on my Mac.
  • WTF is wrong with you people. Close your fucking tabs! You are not using all of those. It would be faster to close them and then re-open them later than to try to find anything in that horrifying list.
    If you get to know Joe a little better you'll learn not to question his behavior too much.

  • I'm beginning to get the feeling that the way I use my computer may just be crazy fast and efficient. Like, I don't have any APM in Starcraft at all, but my APM in a web browser and the standard PC interface may be insane. Could that be? Nah, you people are just really slow and do weird shit. I should make a video of how to use a computer.
  • I'm beginning to get the feeling that the way I use my computer may just be crazy fast and efficient. Like, I don't have any APM in Starcraft at all, but my APM in a web browser and the standard PC interface may be insane. Could that be? Nah, you people are just really slow and do weird shit. I should make a video of how to use a computer.
    Oh, you use vimperator too?
  • I closed half of the tabs I had open when I come back from class to post this, threads of thought that weren't that important to me.
  • I closed half of the tabs I had open when I come back from class to post this, threads of thought that weren't that important to me.
    We're not crazy or stupid, we're ADHD.

  • I'm beginning to get the feeling that the way I use my computer may just be crazy fast and efficient. Like, I don't have any APM in Starcraft at all, but my APM in a web browser and the standard PC interface may be insane. Could that be? Nah, you people are just really slow and do weird shit. I should make a video of how to use a computer.
    The thing is that Starcraft is an competition, you have good APM you are more likely to win. Normal web browsing is not an competition. In normal PC usage comfort and ease of use goes over speed, at least for certain point, obviously if things are super slow it's not comfortable ether.

  • edited March 2013
    I closed half of the tabs I had open when I come back from class to post this, threads of thought that weren't that important to me.
    We're not crazy or stupid, we're ADHD.

    That's one way of putting it.

    If you're talking about APM, it's rather bursty. I open everything I want to read real quick, then just tab through shit until I finish reading everything. I quickly close everything that I no longer need and start the cycle again.
    Post edited by Nine Boomer on
  • I'm beginning to get the feeling that the way I use my computer may just be crazy fast and efficient. Like, I don't have any APM in Starcraft at all, but my APM in a web browser and the standard PC interface may be insane. Could that be? Nah, you people are just really slow and do weird shit. I should make a video of how to use a computer.
    The thing is that Starcraft is an competition, you have good APM you are more likely to win. Normal web browsing is not an competition. In normal PC usage comfort and ease of use goes over speed, at least for certain point, obviously if things are super slow it's not comfortable ether.

    It is true there is no competition, but there is time savings. Reading fast and using my computer efficiently allow me to absorb an insane amount of information from the Internet while still having plenty of time in my life for other things. I look at how little information other people absorb, and it's somewhat shocking.
  • Chrome has tree-style tab extensions.
    Not really - It can't have them without doing some hacky bullshit, because of how Chrome's extension architecture works. You can see in Joe Boomer's screenshot that Firefox tree-style tabs are native tabs, whereas Chrome requires some sort of crappy web-view somewhere in addition to your horizontal tabs.
  • What does the p stand for in pc? Oh, right...
  • edited March 2013
    I'm beginning to get the feeling that the way I use my computer may just be crazy fast and efficient. Like, I don't have any APM in Starcraft at all, but my APM in a web browser and the standard PC interface may be insane. Could that be? Nah, you people are just really slow and do weird shit. I should make a video of how to use a computer.
    Aw man, I'm still waiting on that "How to give condescending, supercilious monologs" video. Can't you get that done first?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Trog watch how many time you click the button.
  • I closed half of the tabs I had open when I come back from class to post this, threads of thought that weren't that important to me.
    We're not crazy or stupid, we're ADHD.

    That's one way of putting it.

    If you're talking about APM, it's rather bursty. I open everything I want to read real quick, then just tab through shit until I finish reading everything. I quickly close everything that I no longer need and start the cycle again.
    We're mentally handicapable, now they can't make fun of us.
  • So I go to get this tree tab extension to try it out, open up a window that is %100 Bruce Springsteen bass tabs, google "tree tabs chrome" and half expected to find how to play a song called "chrome" on the tree.
  • As I sit in my classroom at 9:00AM, my students and I hear and feel the sounds of shells and guns on the other side of the hill. That's where the military base is in this part of the Korean countryside. It seems that they are doing their military drills these days. Even though the sounds are loud and occasionally shake the windows, my first graders are unfazed as they continue working on their daily math worksheets.

    What a surreal country to live in.
  • Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays.
  • I find this whole Gabe and weed blog series very interesting. I'm not sure why. Almost everyone's story of the first time they try weed is the same. "I was kinda nervous because of misinformation and illegality, but it's really not that bad."
  • Re: Tab creep: I only find it a problem when I'm working on a project and trying to do my regular browsing too. Some way to quickly break out a group of tabs to a second window or hibernate them to be pulled up later without save/loading them as bookmarks.
  • I find this whole Gabe and weed blog series very interesting. I'm not sure why. Almost everyone's story of the first time they try weed is the same. "I was kinda nervous because of misinformation and illegality, but it's really not that bad."
    Mike Krahulik's very torn relationship with drugs is probably the most compelling factor, particularly since it's paired with his anxiety disorder. Incidentally I started watching PATV last week and it is also explored in this episode:
  • I think I've maybe seen that episode, but it was a while ago.
  • edited March 2013
    Re: Tab creep: I only find it a problem when I'm working on a project and trying to do my regular browsing too. Some way to quickly break out a group of tabs to a second window or hibernate them to be pulled up later without save/loading them as bookmarks.
    There's an extension called One Tab I have that does this.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited March 2013
    Oh, a leadership challenge in Australia. Next week or two is going to be fun. For varying definitions of the word fun.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Ok this shit pisses me off. Over the summer a guy I went to school with died in a car accident. Yes, its horrible and I feel for his friends and family but honestly he was a total asshole. He died because he drank a shitload of vodka and crashed his car. Well on at least 2 separate occasions, people from my high school had an accident or close call and "thanked" him and said he was their guardian angel or something similar. He wasn't some sweet guy who helped little old ladies across the street and donated to charity. He was the kind of guy who you're look into his eyes and just see emptyness. I hate to see people make him into something he wasn't. Instead of thinking "wow what a close call, I should be more careful, .etc" its "I'm so glad I have a guardian angel." In reality he easily could have been the person to kill them in a car accident, not save them from one.
  • I ought to start bringing emergency chocolate to school. Today is the third day I've had to go home early for emotional reasons.
  • edited March 2013
    I'm enjoying the faces on the forum. Quality members.
    Post edited by Sail on
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