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  • I've just been referred to as "Super Saiyan 4" because of the hair on my arms. Oh boy.
  • Hey Seattle, thanks for waiting until the first week of spring to start snowing this year. You must have missed the memo.
  • Intelligence will only really get in the way of what idiocy can solve easily.
  • I've just been referred to as "Super Saiyan 4" because of the hair on my arms. Oh boy.
    Is your hair red?
  • School is weird. Not just in the usual ways, but the curriculum itself is weird. This year alone (which I'm a little over half way through) I've made a Bruce Springsteen parody record jacket, three "medals of the proletariat" which were made from tin foil and cardboard, 50 lines of epic poetry about Andrew Jackson, a fucked up Bruce Springsteen fanfic, FCC regulated LEGO porn, and not even thought about it. Now I'm making another Bruce Springsteen parody record jacket, and only just realize how odd all of these things are.
  • Yeah... um... are all your classes taught by Mr. Garrison?
  • Not that I know of, but about half of those come from the same English 11 class taught by one Ms. Richards, and if her maiden name was Garrison I would be unphased.
  • edited March 2013
    Yesterday I witnessed C418 karate chopping Big Giant Circles in the crotch during a game of Ninja. That is all.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Ninja is fun. :-)
  • So I've always wanted a flying fortress, I am living in the city of Columbia, I have a friend named Elizabeth to cosplay Elizabeth, and I'm going to look into piecing together a Booker cosplay from the new Bioshock game.
  • image

    This model exists. How the hell am I supposed to remain loyal to the Emperor now?

    Strongly considering breaking out a half a pound of Green Stuff and converting it into an Imperial Knight.
  • You know you want to go for the Greater Good~
  • edited March 2013
    Oh, we're doing mechs now.



    Also, No joke - according to the tech specs poster for that mech, the Australian one has usual stuff like chest missiles, but also has giant blades(as you can see) and MOTHERFUCKING BRASS KNUCKLES

    America robot is there with it's plasma gun and shit, meanwhile, Eureka is wading in going "Using a gun, ya fuckin' sook, what a softcock" and punching giant godzilla-aliens in the fucking face
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited March 2013
    So yeah, Guillermo del Toro is made of awesome!
    Also, I just watched "Le Miserable" again. It was pretty amazing and I can't wait for the show to hit broadway next year.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2013
    So yeah, Guillermo del Toro is made of awesome!
    Also, I just watched "Le Miserable" again. It was pretty amazing and I can't wait for the show to hit broadway next year.
    If only several of us forumites who live near Broadway could plan a get-together and see it together...

    Post edited by Geo on
  • I live in Va and I am willing to do the trip.
    Also, I haven't been in NYC in almost 13 years.
  • Just got a FB friend request from my first ex-wife. Have not even spoken to her since 1991!
  • And on this most auspicious of Sundays, I see no better way to celebrate Easter than to subvert il Papa's control over Roma.
  • And on this most auspicious of Sundays, I see no better way to celebrate Easter than to subvert il Papa's control over Roma.
  • And on this most auspicious of Sundays, I see no better way to celebrate Easter than to subvert il Papa's control over Roma.
    AC2: Brotherhood.
  • "Health Food" == "Death Food" as it prolongs your death?
  • In that case everything is health food.
  • Does it prolong the process of your death or postpone the beginning of your decline? People who say we are all dying are actually wrong. Getting closer to death is not the same thing as dying. Even if it was, sometimes people do things that take them further from death, like quitting smoking.
  • At any given point, you're about seven days from death if you just stop doing anything.
  • Three provided "do nothing" includes drinking.
  • About 15-20 minutes if you include breathing.
  • < 1 minute if you include living.
  • edited April 2013
    About negative your lifetime if you include existing.
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
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