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  • Negative infinity if you include your mom.

    To change the topic... Oh look, pokeymanz.
  • That was the thing, I imagined Rosa was hanging onto her Rufflet's feet as they flew, then riding on its back when it became a Braviary.
  • That was the thing, I imagined Rosa was hanging onto her Rufflet's feet as they flew, then riding on its back when it became a Braviary.
    That would be the most uncomfortable way to fly ever. Similar to surfing in this way.

  • edited April 2013
    Problem is I love my braviary and he didn't evolve until so late I was flying with him to go to and from the Pokemon League.

    But yeah such silliness is typical in games. Like, how am I able to dive without proper equipment? Not even a swimsuit! (Okay the boy has a dry suit under his clothes but Rosa did not!)
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • It seems like there is a whole category of joke where people take a fantastic thing that happens in video games, or sometimes other media, and then apply the rules of the real world to show how crazy it is. I would like to see someone make an actual video game that was based on this concept.

    I imagine a game where you are in a fantastical world, and have to avoid being fooled into doing stupid things. The NPCs will tell you to do things, just like any other video game, but they won't work. I imagine something like Mario 2. You see a whale with a spout of water. You think you can stand on the whale or his water spout. If you jump on the spout, you get wet. When you land on the whale, it get's pissed off and you are in deep shit.
  • edited April 2013
    I kind of want to print out Pokemon Trainer Tip signs and post them in random grassy areas.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Oh mans, I could totes do that for ConnectiCon. Can't think of a grassy area near the Hynes, but Anime Boston would be another good place to do that.
  • It seems like there is a whole category of joke where people take a fantastic thing that happens in video games, or sometimes other media, and then apply the rules of the real world to show how crazy it is. I would like to see someone make an actual video game that was based on this concept.

    I imagine a game where you are in a fantastical world, and have to avoid being fooled into doing stupid things. The NPCs will tell you to do things, just like any other video game, but they won't work. I imagine something like Mario 2. You see a whale with a spout of water. You think you can stand on the whale or his water spout. If you jump on the spout, you get wet. When you land on the whale, it get's pissed off and you are in deep shit.
    Suddenly breaking into houses and and rooting through the neighborhood garbage seems creepy. I want a game like this as well. It could be a major deconstruction of the "hero" trope where, as you finish random missions, the world around you becomes aware of just how insane you have to be, and you gradually realize what a sad little life you've taken upon yourself ("Oh, hero, please save my cat from the tree." "Take this ice cream to my daughter across the park." "Climb up that building and not get caught to capture the squirrel.") It would be Don Quixote meets video game cliches.

  • It would be Don Quixote meets video game cliches.

    Why the hell doesn't that game already exist?
  • Doing an extra credit project for my German class about German artists in exile. I actively don't want to talk about the Nazis, so I googled "german artists in exile -Nazi -1933 -Weimar." The first result of use was on page two.
  • edited April 2013
    I just used a dog to get a lass's number. While hardly the first chap to break the ice with the help of a canine, here's the odd part - it wasn't my dog, it was the Macross's dogs, Malcolm and Zoe. Figure that one out.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Incoming air busses have the right of way.
  • Borrowing babies also helps. However babies tend to work best when you want to attract a family orientated female.
  • edited April 2013
    wait, what?
    Post edited by Dazzle369 on
  • You can use younger siblings too. Watching your little brotherin the park gives signs that you're responsible.
  • You can use younger siblings too. Watching your little brotherin the park gives signs that you're responsible.
    Speaking as part of the female gender, the day I realized I was madly in love with my (now) husband was when I saw him playing in the park with his toddler-niece. I will say, while I MIGHT have kids some day and am in no hurry to do so, it's still attractive even if you aren't a hugely-family-minded female.
  • Got an e-mail asking if I wanted to volunteer for an American Legion project. My first reaction: "This sounds like some Enclave bullshit..."
  • I was put so far on call today from the hospital that I've been, essentially, given a free day off. My husband is at work and now I don't know what to do with my new found freedom. Bookstore? I don't feel like starting up any new anime yet. I guess I could work on my husband's gift for our anniversary (my drawing of his original Naruto character) but I have weeks to finish that.
  • edited April 2013
    Michigan's basketball game against Syracuse today is making me chew through my fingernails.

    Edit: Nevermind.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I was reading the Android Netrunner rules (36 pages), scrolling (75% of touching the mousewheel, more if I dragged it) caused it, it froze for ~3 seconds and nearly crashed. I can't tell if acrobat reader is just really badly written, or something is wrong on my end.
  • edited April 2013
    so right away I'm "privileged" because I'm a white straight male who is comfortable with his gender, and probably nothing else on this chart is going to reduce that below "privileged."


    No I will not "check my privilege."

    Edit: 95.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • So, the least privileged you can be is being blind. Being blind is worse than being paralized, homeless or retarded, or institutionalized.

    (85, possibly 95 if you count the Netherlands to 'Europe North').
  • 90.

    Haha why is Scientist -15?
  • Haha why is Scientist -15?
    Pay is it's own scale, and most of 'MURICA is anit-intellectual. Though really... yeah.
  • edited April 2013
    160 here as well. The chart looks pretty flawed to me, though.
    So, the least privileged you can be is being blind. Being blind is worse than being paralized, homeless or retarded, or institutionalized.
    Well, in order to be the least privileged on that chart you'd have to be blind, trans, homeless, gay, and from the Middle East, among other things.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I feel like it gets sillier as it goes down and you're not really supposed to take it seriously in the end.
  • That chart is awful.
    I was reading the Android Netrunner rules (36 pages), scrolling (75% of touching the mousewheel, more if I dragged it) caused it, it froze for ~3 seconds and nearly crashed. I can't tell if acrobat reader is just really badly written, or something is wrong on my end.
    Reader is really badly written.
  • edited April 2013
    So what's "tall?" I'm 5'11 3/4", but that's not really unusual in the US.

    85 over here.


    Haha why is Scientist -15?
    Because anti-vaccine people exist.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • That chart is awful.
    Understatement of the century? The values assigned don't make sense when compared to each other (ie being gay in America is not worse than being straight in India without knowing any other factors), for starters. In addition to the values being hyperbolic, its gender queer section doesn't really work; you can't lump all genderqueer people together, because some are very concealable (like if someone identifies as non-gendered) and would have less or sometimes no effect on ones privlige. Then there's the problem of the gap between 65k/y (upper tier of this chart's middle class) and 100k/y (bottom of its rich) that I just happen to fall into. It also doesn't factor region into the religion section (ie muslims in the middle east gain privlige for their religion, not lose it).

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