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  • I am slightly annoyed by the "cis" orientation nomenclature. It's always felt awkward and unnecessary - like it's bringing complexity to a picture that doesn't really have that much. I understand the desire to eliminate the concept of a "normal" orientation - but I mean, statistical "normal" is not the same thing as the overburdened social "normal."

    Ultimately, I don't care that much - but it's phrasing that always sticks out in my head. And most of the time, when I run into someone who habitually uses "cis" in their conversation/descriptions/whatever, I'm pretty well guaranteed to run smack into a terminology argument.
  • edited April 2013
    I have heard it argued that anyone who identifies as "cisgendered" is effectively queer, because the amount of time reading queer theory and number of queers known necessary to know what the term means is so great that they are culturally queer, regardless of gender identity.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • I think "culturally queer" is a pretty interesting term, actually. I like it more than "open-minded" or "adventurous" - because those have connotations of distancing or super-weirdness. "Culturally queer" is more like "I do not neatly fit into social categories."
  • edited April 2013
    185, but I dispute that Jewish is +25. An anti-semite made that chart. You can score me at 135 for atheist in the US.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited April 2013
    Jewish is +25 because they're disproportionately less impoverished. If they also factored in parents' income at time of one's birth, then the +25 would be anti-semetic.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Jewish is +25 because they're disproportionately less impoverished. If they also factored in parents' income at time of one's birth, then the +25 would be anti-semetic.
    Except the Hasidim are poor as fuck. They make tons of babies and study torah all day. Only a few are wealthy jewelers.
  • If they're doing it because Jewish families are disproportionately wealthy, then just have socioeconomic status you were born into be the category. By that standard a non-Jewish rich person would be more privileged than a poor Jewish person, but the numbers wouldn't reflect that.

    Anyway, you've all come to the conclusion that the chart is dumb, so I'll leave it alone.
  • edited April 2013
    Scott, I see what you did there.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • My Dad's Jewish and he's broke as all hell, so I don't buy into the wealthy Jew thing at all.
  • edited April 2013
    Asexual should probably be a negative, not a 0, in the US at least.

    Also 70.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Asexual should probably be a negative, not a 0, in most cases.
    Again, it's easy to conceal, and you don't have the legal problems with partners (as much),
  • Asexual should probably be a negative, not a 0, in most cases.
    Again, it's easy to conceal, and you don't have the legal problems with partners (as much),
    But you don't get ahead by sleeping your way up the chain of command, either. BOOM!

  • Bwhahaha that chart. Talk about somebody missing the fucking point.

    There's a reason we don't try to play oppression olympics.
  • edited April 2013
    You can, it's just not as pleasant. I'd say that the two even out to a zero, but we've already established that this chart is bullshit so I'm really just nitpicking here.
    EDIT:Ninja'd by Open_sketch.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • I feel like entertainers should get +15 for our charisma/sociability.
  • Fuck you, I'm not very sociable.
  • True, but you have charisma.
  • I was disappointed that I couldn't use my newly learned riffle-shuffle last time I played dominion. So I practised, and now I can riffle-shuffle any deck of cards that has more than 5.
  • I keep practicing shuffling and I'm still pretty bad at it.
  • I can riffle shuffle, but the bridge is something I am still working on
  • edited April 2013
    I pinch the underside of the cards with my middle finger before I bridge them, so I can bend them properly. I'm not sure if that's proper form, but it works pretty well.
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • The SVN repository at work is now only 2000 commits away from the commit which will have the comment: "IT'S OVER 9000!!!!" I suspect it will be sometime late this year.
  • edited April 2013
    When I do a traceroute the first IP that comes up belongs to the DoD. Probably not a good sign, right?
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Are you working in an office run by the DoD?
  • The price of Disney World vacation packages has more than doubled since 2008. I cannot freaking BELIEVE how much more expensive it is to vacation there now than it was the last time we went. From $5100 for an all-expense paid 10 days at a good resort in May 2008 to nearly $10,000 for the same trip now. Holy crap.

  • Went to a conference at Disney World once. The state paid for it.

    That's right, New York paid me to go to Disney World.

    They also just paid for this post gloating about it.
  • Eh, I've never traveled for work and I don't feel the absence of traveling for work. I'd hate to be at Disney and have to think for even one second about work. That's totally antithetical to the reasons I go to fucking Disney World in the first place.
  • Eh, I've never traveled for work and I don't feel the absence of traveling for work. I'd hate to be at Disney and have to think for even one second about work. That's totally antithetical to the reasons I go to fucking Disney World in the first place.
    I definitely fucked off from the conference one day and spent it at Magic Kingdom instead.

  • The price of Disney World vacation packages has more than doubled since 2008. I cannot freaking BELIEVE how much more expensive it is to vacation there now than it was the last time we went. From $5100 for an all-expense paid 10 days at a good resort in May 2008 to nearly $10,000 for the same trip now. Holy crap.

    Never went to Disney World in my life. Now I'm even less likely to want to go.
  • I get paid to go to Disney and Universal/IoA on a fairly regular basis.
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