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  • edited May 2013
    (In response to a comment about how Benedict looking like Kanye west in all his papal gear)

    A surprisingly apt comparison. Benidict was more the self-satisfied, smug pope, saying no one man should have all this power, with the unspoken implication that he's keeping it anyway.

    Francis is more the Ball so hard motherfuckers wanna fine me type of pope, making moves which may be unpopular with the greater church, getting shit done rather than wallowing in his own smug self-satisfaction at having the fanciest dress in the vatican, and as it were, being 100% baller.

    But why stop here?

    Francis gives to the poor, cutting bonuses to cardinals and giving to the poor. When questioned, he's known to have said "What's 50 grand to a motherfucker like me, can you please remind me?" thus showing his acknowledgement that while such a sum is little to him, it could be put to better use helping others, to whom it would seem a sizable sum. Indeed, when French Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran spoke against the decision, he said quite politely "Ball so hard since we here, It's only right that we'd be fair", but was later heard to comment to the Australian Cardinal George Pell, "Doctors say I'm the illest, Cause I'm suffering from realness, Got my niggas in Paris, And they going gorillas, huh?"

    It's said that his first words upon entering the Papal suite were "Ball so hard this shit weird, We ain't even supposed to be here", showing his thoughts on the issue of the opulent papal suite, opting to live in the more modest Vatican guest house.

    Furthermore, it was noted that despite the church's previous good works, he's disappointed with how the church seems stuck in time, unable to keep up with the modern world while foolishly focusing on accumulating wealth and investing in the diamond trade, commenting that the church "Ball so hard got a broke clock, Rolleys that don't tick tock, Audemars that's losing time, Hidden behind all these big rocks."

    On the topic of traditional dietary restrictions on certain days, he once turned to a dining partner and questioned "That shit crazy, ain't it Jay?" to a fellow church official, before subtly correcting the Marquess's order by stating to the server "What she order, fish filet?"

    Riding around in Benedict's popemobile, he wasn't into that, with no more comment than a dismissively put "Your whip so cold, this old thing" before turning his back and choosing instead to walk among the people.

    He's a strong supporter of not just the narrow-minded tradition of marriage between one man and one woman, he prefers to encompass the entirety of biblical tradition including polygamy, commenting "Prince William ain't do it right if you ask me, Cause if I was him I would have married Kate & Ashley"

    And finally, he even addressed his new title, the previous issues of popes misusing power, with the trust issues within papacy that he hopes to correct, and the expansion of the papal domain when he stated "You are now watching the throne, Don't let me get in my zone, These other niggas is lyin, Actin' like the summer ain't mine"

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited May 2013
    I feel the same way about the Pope as I do about Kanye.

    No one man should have all that power.
    You know, I can't imagine it would be THAT hard to add the venom-producing gene from those hallucinogenic toads into a wasp to make real tracker-jackers. I mean we already have glow in the dark cats.
    I'll have WUB get right on that.
    In theory, it's not that difficult to do; in practice, it'd be impossible to get funding. Such is science.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The Catholic Church isn't all that powerful anymore. The Pope is just a figure head who makes speeches and doesn't do much. Even most Catholics don't listen to what he says.

    Kanye, however, is another story...
  • Kind of tempted by the prospects of joining a Krav Maga class and getting beat up a lot as a form of exercise. I find that way more relatable than most things, and I could stand to toughen up a bit.
    Yeah, nothing makes you happier than pepperspay to the face before running a mile :D (that is actually a thing at a Krav Maga academy where a friend is enrolled)

  • So I found this billboard on geoguessr, thought it was pretty interesting: Google Maps Link
  • My Russian friend says that they are commemorative posters of the beginning of the Siege of Stalingrad. He also says it's a pretty crap attempt at Soviet nostalgia and they should just use the old art. :P
  • My pinkey finger is spasming.
  • edited May 2013
    So, turns out that Amazon have figured out how to monetize fanfiction.
    I smell large numbers of IP suits...

    Edit: or maybe not... apparently they're licensing some of these shows/books/etc...
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Pope says everyone who does good will be redeemed, including atheists

    So in other words, so long as you're a good person, you don't need to worry about whether or not there is a God. If there is a God, you'll be rewarded for doing good. If there isn't, well, you won't go to eternal damnation either way, but at least you made the world a better place by doing good.
  • Damnit! I was really looking forward to ruling in hell. I do NOT want to serve in heaven. Guess I gotta do some evil!
  • Damnit! I was really looking forward to ruling in hell. I do NOT want to serve in heaven. Guess I gotta do some evil!
    Go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company.
  • Damnit! I was really looking forward to ruling in hell. I do NOT want to serve in heaven. Guess I gotta do some evil!
    I don't see why it's a binary choice. Just overthrow God. Duh.
  • Damnit! I was really looking forward to ruling in hell. I do NOT want to serve in heaven. Guess I gotta do some evil!
    I don't see why it's a binary choice. Just overthrow God. Duh.
    The last guy who tried to do that didn't do very well.
  • edited May 2013
    Except now that guy is ruling in hell! So in my plan, my failure state is to succeed in Scott's goal. That's some Xanatos shit right there.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Why don't hotel websites give me a map option on their mobile site? I am trying to find the closest hotel to a given point on the map and when that map only shows one at a time with no scale I have no clue if that location is close enough!
  • edited May 2013
    The last guy who tried to do that didn't do very well.
    Nonetheless, maybe it could be done.
    Except now that guy is ruling in hell! So in my plan, my failure state is to succeed in Scott's goal. That's some Xanatos shit right there.
    Good point.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited May 2013
    nvm ninja'd
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • I'm so used to listening to podcasts at double speed now that going back to normal speed makes people sound soooooo slooooooooow.
  • I'm so used to listening to podcasts at double speed now that going back to normal speed makes people sound soooooo slooooooooow.
    I feel the exact same way. Even listening at 1.5x sounds slow to me anymore.
  • edited May 2013
    A lot of my friends do podcasts of their own. The podcast this guy just started is terrible awful because of his co-host, but this promo is so amusing.

    And he always talks like that. It is not an accent.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • edited May 2013
    Post edited by colbyblogger on
  • Well, that certainly was random.
  • edited May 2013

    Spoiler - Turns out that chocolate fired through a shotgun will dent steel, break a breeze-block and reduce a watermelon to delicious shrapnel.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Got back from a week of being in Europe. Already thinking about going back next year.
  • Spoiler - Turns out that chocolate fired through a shotgun will dent steel, break a breeze-block and reduce a watermelon to delicious shrapnel.
    Not quite as devastating as a real, high brass slug, but damn impressive.
  • Spoiler - Turns out that chocolate fired through a shotgun will dent steel, break a breeze-block and reduce a watermelon to delicious shrapnel.
    Not quite as devastating as a real, high brass slug, but damn impressive.
    True that, but bet your left bollock I'm not going to be standing in front of that shit. One will kill you, the other will kill you messier, but you're still dead either way.

  • For some reason I'm not getting any css on the main page of the forum.
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