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  • Also, only one of those teams actually plays in New York.
    Yes, but Jersey people, especially Jets fans, are much more likely to riot or get stupid. That's why not only is the stadium in Jersey, but it's also far away from civilization.
  • That's why not only is the stadium in Jersey, but it's also far away from civilization.
    No need to repeat yourself.
  • As for the Mets, I'm currently trying to find whether that game ended during the day or in the early evening, which could be a considerable factor as well.
    In 1969 the game was played during the day. Everyone who didn't go to the stadium listened on their radios during work. That's what allowed for such a celebration. It was a different time, you understand.
  • Philadelphia had never won a championship in my memory, I didn't know what to do. Burning cars seemed like a good idea at the time.
  • edited December 2010
    As for the Mets, I'm currently trying to find whether that game ended during the day or in the early evening, which could be a considerable factor as well.
    In 1969 the game was played during the day. Everyone who didn't go to the stadium listened on their radios during work. That's what allowed for such a celebration. It was a different time, you understand.
    OK, so you are citing the lack of a riot after the Mets win as evidence for no sports riots occurring in New York, and now you are readily admitting that it was a different time then and the circumstances of sports celebrations have changed. I'm perplexed to say the least. Did it ever occur to you that one influenced the other?

    Considering the time of day, the alcohol level among celebrating fans was also probably significantly lower than among people who celebrate a sports victory during modern day, when all championships, including baseball ones, are won in the evening. This in addition to the patrons leaving the stadiums, a lot of drunk people also come out of bars and join them.

    You are also contradicting yourself. Earlier you stated that the celebrations were contained within Shea Field, and now you basically bookmarking them with celebrations in offices and other work places. Of course, while it wasn't a straight up riot and there was less property damage, the severe littering that occurred after the victory probably did not have the City of New York officials happy about it.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • And how the fuck does having cheerleaders have anything to do with class?
    I find cheerleaders above the school level of sporting to be fairly pathetic. They're clearly chosen for particular... assets... over any skill or athleticism. Few people pay attention to them except as basically outdoor strippers without the stripping. NFL cheerleaders are decidedly a low-class affair.
  • It doesn't matter, no one likes the city of Philadelphia anyways.
  • edited December 2010
    And how the fuck does having cheerleaders have anything to do with class?
    I find cheerleaders above the school level of sporting to be fairly pathetic. They're clearly chosen for particular... assets... over any skill or athleticism. Few people pay attention to them except as basically outdoor strippers without the stripping. NFL cheerleaders are decidedly a low-class affair.
    It's the entertainment industry. What is really expected? I don't really see why or how this has anything to do with class and I doubt Scott would make that argument to praise Philadelphia, i.e. because the Flyers don't have cheerleaders while teams like for example the New York Islanders (and many others*) do.

    * Most recently, the Edmonton Oilers introduced cheerleaders which gave quite the stir in the Canadian press.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited December 2010
    It doesn't matter, no one likes the city of Philadelphia anyways.
    Aside from delicious cheesesteaks, Philly is pretty much a shit hole.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • It doesn't matter, no one likes the city of Philadelphia anyways.
    Aside from delicious cheesesteaks, Philly is pretty much a shit hole.
    Hey, it has great sports :)
  • It doesn't matter, no one likes the city of Philadelphia anyways.
    Aside from delicious cheesesteaks, Philly is pretty much a shit hole.
    Cheesesteaks and Rocky. And that... what was it?... that Constitution thing. Yeah, that.
  • edited December 2010
    For a riot to occur, two things need to happen:

    1) a large crowd
    2) velociraptors
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • People who get excited about watching other people play sports are weird.
  • People who get excited about watching other people play sports are weird.
    Watch this and tell me it's not exciting.
  • People who get excited about watching other people play sports are weird.
    Watch this and tell me it's not exciting.
    I'd not seen that one, but I love when the big guys who aren't supposed to have the ball get it and then proceed to do their damnedest with it.
  • I'd not seen that one, but I love when the big guys who aren't supposed to have the ball get it and then proceed to do their damnedest with it.
    That's the meaning of life. Humans exist so gods can have a great old time when the big guy gets the ball.
  • *closes Super Meat Boy*

    *Stares at his withered claw-like hand*

    Also, via Something Awful:

  • edited December 2010
    Christmas present idea: Get the box for a PS3, poke some holes in the side and put a sleeping puppy inside.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • You guys have yet to see a *real* *football* riot.
  • New retractable Sharpie pens! New mouse pad with wrist cushions. Ahhhhhhh. It's these tiny comforts that make work a lil' bit better.
  • Reading ignorant rah-rah "NOBAMA" posts on Facebook is annoying as shit. It reminds me why I don't have a Facebook account for myself (just for the newspaper).
  • Ever notice how terrorists don't have plans, only plots?
  • Ever notice how terrorists don't have plans, only plots?
    We should call them "plops" for humorous effect.

    NEWS: FBI agents today foiled a plop to assassinate the CEO of a small pig farm....

    NEWS: A Homeland Security Agency spokesman said plops such as the one hatched by Achmed Al-Bennigans O'Leary are common in Ireland....
  • Reading ignorant rah-rah "NOBAMA" posts on Facebook is annoying as shit. It reminds me why I don't have a Facebook account for myself (just for the newspaper).
    That's why 50% of my friends list is filtered out of my news feed. ;)
  • So, last night, somebody posted a story to reddit titled I know everyone thinks Valve is the shit and whatnot (Hell, I still love them), but remember there are always two sides to a coin. This is very long, but please read it. I need reddit's help., in which a man named Dragonshadow tells his tale of woe, being falsely VAC banned boy a power-hungry Valve employee. A few things didn't sit right with me about that story (it's not until later that he starts claiming that he didn't cheat, plus most people who bitch about being VAC banned are cheaters), but his story moved Reddit's deep soul, and people started writing in on his behalf, campaigning for him to be unbanned, and generally getting pissed off at Valve (his story did seem legit enough that I could understand falling for it). Apparently, some people were even writing to Gabe Newell about this, even some people that work at Valve and know the man personally.

    Anyone who's ever watched a movie where the bad guy lies and cheats to get ahead, only to have the good guys revel the truth to the world can see what's coming next.

    Regarding Dragonshadow's Modern Warfare 2 VAC Ban -There's a lot more to the story. TL;DR, sucka lied like a rug, got caught, and now Reddit's pissed.
  • There's two discussions to be had there. One is the problem with permanent zero tolerance banning policies. Yes, cheaters must be punished, and there's really not much you can punish them with besides banning. However, there really needs to be an appeals and review process. It's really not fair to just permanently ban without evidence, investigation, etc.

    Also, Reddit is one of the worst communities on the Internet. Many people on Reddit do not mean well. As a community it is very gullible, fickle, and acts with a bias towards outrage. There's also a lot of outward racism and such on there. If 4chans attitude can be described as "LULZ U MAD?" then Reddit's attitude is "YES, WE ARE VERY MAD AT EVERYTHING!"

    This is why I pretty much ignore comments on almost every web site I go to nowadays. The only exceptions are things like where the comments are the content.
  • I think it depends on what parts you go to (though I rarely read the comments, even on the section I moderate). The links are always pretty decent though.
  • As the week closes, my motivation and productivity goes down. -____-

    1.5 days. Perhaps the government will give us a half-day tomorrow. Probably not.
  • edited December 2010
    My name.. IS PROFESSOR SPACE!!

    Sorry to hear you're feeling down Ro. I keep seeing people in panda hats and thinking "Wait, is that Ro?".
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Sorry to hear you're feeling down Ro. I keep seeing people in panda hats and thinking "Wait, is that Ro?".
    Hehe. I'm not down, necessarily, I just don't want to be at work. I'd rather be home doing Ro-things.

    I thought about knitting a panda hat, but I don't like white as much.
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