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  • As the week closes, my motivation and productivity goes down. -____-

    1.5 days. Perhaps the government will give us a half-day tomorrow. Probably not.
    Truth. Tomorrow is my last day of work this year. I do have a lot that needs to get done, but I'm so bleh.

    Someone should do some research into the psychology/neurology of this senioritis. How come when we are very close to escaping, graduating, vacationing, the anticipation makes us stop working?
  • It's worse for me, today is my last day and I'm so done mentally.
  • It's worse for me, today is my last day and I'm so done mentally.
    Whatever, it's your last day. I have no sympathy for you!
  • edited December 2010
    A chapter and a half in and I am so glad I bought Acting White at the used bookstore. Also, Offbeat Bride is just what I needed. I have to stop reading to do other things, like, make a random comment.

    Um. "Snoogens."
    Post edited by Viga on
  • "Snoogens."
    And a merry snootchie boochies to you, too!
  • New software? NEW SOFTWARE!? Could it be? Could it happen? Could my company pull its head from its glorious ass and actually use something that's both versatile and stable? That would be great. They are "examining the possibilities for Q1."
  • I have a shot of good tequila courtesy of Eminem's people on the 6th floor. Thanks Slim Shady!
  • I have a shot of good tequila courtesy of Eminem's people on the 6th floor. Thanks Slim Shady!
  • Anyone know a place to get SNES roms?
  • Megadownload or Torrentz?
  • Any one of the hundreds of sites you can find on Google.
  • I use doperoms.
  • Anyone know a place to get SNES roms?
    There is a torrent on Pirate bay that has every SNES ROM ever. There are also torrents for NES, Genesis, MAME, etc. Just get all the roms.
  • Days until Christmas:
  • Anyone know a place to get SNES roms?
    There is a torrent on Pirate bay that has every SNES ROM ever. There are also torrents for NES, Genesis, MAME, etc. Just get all the roms.
    Once got a torrent pack of all SNES games ever, too bad that there was every version of every game also. Not nice to have 3-5 different versions of same game with (basically) no differences.
  • edited December 2010
    I made a quick, silly alternate to Today's Johnny Wander

    Da na na na na na, Da na na na na na, Da na na na na na DA NA NA NA NA na na, Da na na na na na, Da na na na na na, Da na na na na na DA NA NA NA NA na na, WOOOO-OOOOO-HOOOOOO, DOOOOOO, DO DO, DO do do...
    Post edited by Churba on
  • During my commute this morning, I drove past a Honda Civic Ricer with an AZN boi driving. He had a bumper sticker that said "Team Miley Cyrus".
  • During my commute this morning, I drove past a Honda Civic Ricer with an AZN boi driving. He had a bumper sticker that said "Team Miley Cyrus".
    That's the best team.
  • I just saw on Facebook that a former classmate of mine is featured on the new Dave Days album. So random. If you don't know who Dave Days is, ask your nearest 13-year-old.
  • Reddit is one of the worst communities on the Internet. Many people on Reddit do not mean well. As a community it is very gullible, fickle, and acts with a bias towards outrage. There's also a lot of outward racism and such on there. If 4chans attitude can be described as "LULZ U MAD?" then Reddit's attitude is "YES, WE ARE VERY MAD AT EVERYTHING!"
    I won't deny that you could get that kind of experience on reddit. Like most communities on the internet, it suffers from the law that sites in which content is provided by users tend to start sucking once there they grow beyond a certain point. However, reddit is made up of hundreds of smaller communities of varying sizes. The smaller, more focused, sub-reddits tend to have the same feeling as a smaller community. For example, /r/pics is a mix of circlejerk and bad memes. In contrast, /r/linux is a pretty cool group, which is the right size to be active without being full of spam. In short, reddit is far from homogeneous, and in treating it as such, the best parts are ignored. Even taking in all of its negatives, I think that calling it "one of the worst communities on the Internet." is a big exaggeration.
    This is why I pretty much ignore comments on almost every web site I go to nowadays. The only exceptions are things like where the comments are the content.
    I agree that comments on sites like youtube and engadget make me embarrassed to be of the same species as the writers of those comments. The same law of the Internet that I stated above still applies. Too many people leads to bad fanboyism, excessive memes, and a lack of true discussion. My experience on reddit has been that if the number of comments is bigger than 250, then few of them are worth reading unless you just want a quick pun. However, when there are between 30 and 100 comments, there is usually some actual discussion going on.
  • "But what about MK ultra, And the watergate scandal, and all those government cover ups! The government covers things up all the time!"
    "If you know about these things, then they're not doing a very good job of it."
  • Happy Belated Festivus, everyone!

    Since I'm assuming that no one has tackled and held Scott down in the past 24 hours, Festivus is still on. FEATS OF STRENGTH!
  • Merry Christmas, Gabriel. I got you the truth.
    Just watched the new Penny Arcade: The Series. Mike's gift from Scott Kurtz of lil Mike being photoshopped into a picture of lil Scott Kurtz and lil Brian Kurtz was probably the sweetest thing ever.
  • FO:NV is a lot of fun with console and mod tweaks. I don't understand why anyone would buy it for 360.
  • Zuruzukin is the only Pokemon that I have not taken out of my VGC 2011 team because he works so well.
  • Fuck you, Fallout: New Vegas. Making me choose between orbital strike capability and being the true New Century's End Savior.
  • Fuck you, Fallout: New Vegas. Making me choose between orbital strike capability and being the true New Century's End Savior.
    If it's any consolation, the orbital strike never worked for my roommate once he got it, it just kept targeting forever.
  • Fuck you, Fallout: New Vegas. Making me choose between orbital strike capability and being the true New Century's End Savior.
    I wasn't aware that was a choice. Fuck New Century.
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