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  • "The BLT at Hash House is so big, they had to add extra B's."
    Thanks, over-dramatic travel channel voice-over guy.
  • Smallville: Season 1 - AKA: Dammit, Kryptonite!
  • Weird question: Does anyone know the brand name of those motorized bookcases on tracks you find in university libraries that open to a shelf on demand and can fit about 20 double-sided shelves in the space five with an aisle per side would usually take?

    I need it for a project I'm researching. "Motorized bookshelf" on google only turns up this fun clip:
    Those are known as mechanical assist mobile shelving units.
  • I plan on watching the original Tron before seeing Legacy. Good move?
  • I plan on watching the original Tron before seeing Legacy. Good move?
  • I plan on watching the original Tron before seeing Legacy. Good move?
    I watched the original at 4AM at a sleepover. Apparently I fell asleep during it. I don't remember doing so. Take that as you may.
  • edited December 2010
    It feels so weird to bubble in the same letter more than twice on a test. I took my health final right now, and I had a case of four B's in a row. I know the answers, and I know they're right, but I'm still nervous.
    Well, you should be glad it wasn't a statisics test. Assuming the options are in a randomized order, in a 20 question 4-option multiple choice test, there's a ~62% chance of 3 in a row occuring, and a ~22% chance of 4 in a row occurring.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • It feels so weird to bubble in the same letter more than twice on a test. I took my health final right now, and I had a case of four B's in a row. I know the answers, and I know they're right, but I'm still nervous.
    Well, you should be glad it wasn't a statisics test. Assuming the options are in a randomized order, in a 20 question 4-option multiple choice test, there's a ~62% chance of 3 in a row occuring, and a 21.7% chance of 4 in a row occurring.
    I had teachers in high school who would make the right answer be 4-5 of the same choice in a row just to watch people sweat (and see how confident they were in what they knew).
  • edited December 2010
    I had teachers in high school who would make the right answer be 4-5 of the same choice in a row just to watch people sweat (and see how confident they were in what they knew).
    An economics professor at U of I (might have even been Fred Gotheil, who wrote a couple Macroeconomics books and whose book is the basis for the current AP Macroeconomics curriculum) once made every single answer on a major exam for his class "C."

    I think people ended up failing the exam in terms of raw score just because they couldn't believe what they were seeing initially.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2010
    Scott: Set yours to width=50%
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I feel sorry for anyone that opens up this page on their mobile browser.
  • It actually isn't that bad on my Droid Incredible running Android 2.2.
  • Scott really should stop twittering about football. It never ends well.

    On the other hand, the Flyers mauled the Rangers yesterday and the Eagles scored four 4th Quarter Touchdowns to rally against the Giants and win. Philly 2 - Scott 0. And that's only this weekend. Anybody know if Scott is a Mets or Yanks fan?
  • It actually isn't that bad on my Droid Incredible running Android 2.2.
    My paltry 200 megs a month are being consumed by this. ;_;
  • My iPhone is handling it. The .gifs move really slowly, but the rest of the page loaded like normal.
  • You guys ever see a Kindle crash? I did.
  • edited December 2010
    My paltry 200 megs a month are being consumed by this. ;_;
    It's just 3 different gifs being loaded. And 200MB way too little for a whole month!
    Post edited by Aria on
  • edited December 2010
    From the Ghostface Killah's Twitter over the last 30 minutes:
    Certain muthafuckas g, is weak muthafuckas. Like they might love too much and be so much in love that they say love is blind, you can't see. Nahmean, they just fall and dwell on it. Sick all day. They just caught up in love. It's good to love but not to be IN IN IN LOVE. Because you can't SEE. Once you all in that shit sometimes you gotta be able to step out and be like WHOA! Check this out this is a crazy world right here. Its a good thing and a bad thing. But when it come to the fact that say for instance, if your bitch fucked on you and you know that bitch might've made the best love to you or whatever whatever whatever and its gonna have you buggin out like you ready to kill a bitch or even start smokin. A bitch'll lead you to start start smokin nigga if you ain't strong enough. Before you know it you on the rock my nigga. You hittin that muthafuckin pipe because of the bitch got you like that and shit. But yo thats a weak excuse for a REAL man son. Cause these bitches AIN'T OUR BITCHES Son! We ain't they fathers man. We just rentin these bitches right now. Nah mean it's like Rent-A-Center. We like Yo, you my girl you my girl she said you my man you my man. But you don't own that bitch like that G. And I know we spend a lot of money on these bitches and thinkin that we own these bitches and all that but at any given Sunday man these chicks could just leave and say I don't want you no more and flip the script on you. Nahmean. I know to some niggas man, a few niggas done killed theyselves over bitches man. Niggas done went crazy, never been the same again. Niggas eatin shit out the garbage cans because they the only thing they had was that bitch and they loved them so much. It just bugged them out to the fullest. They can't even get they mind straight no more. Niggas don't even dress the same no more. Niggas swagger ain't the same no more. Over a bitch g!
    Words to live by.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I'm thoroughly convinced the sorter hates me.
  • The wily old bastard with the jagged facial scar and the leather vest at the local tobacco shop sold me a tin of German flake tobacco.

    First impression: "This is an awesome tobacco."
    Second impression: "Weird, I feel a bit buzzed. Must be a lot of nicotine in this..."
    Third impression: "Wuuurrrggggh."

    Copious amounts of water and food balanced it out. Lesson learned? Old men who look like pirates will probably lead you into unknown waters.
  • My paltry 200 megs a month are being consumed by this. ;_;
    It's just 3 different gifs being loaded. And 200MB way too little for a whole month!
    Fuck, I went to this page again on my phone. I only have 200 megs because I usually have constant wifi but now I'm on vacation.
  • My paltry 200 megs a month are being consumed by this. ;_;
    It's just 3 different gifs being loaded. And 200MB way too little for a whole month!
    Fuck, I went to this page again on my phone. I only have 200 megs because I usually have constant wifi but now I'm on vacation.
    Is there a little bar that fills up as you use more and more of your bandwidth?
  • My paltry 200 megs a month are being consumed by this. ;_;
    It's just 3 different gifs being loaded. And 200MB way too little for a whole month!
    Fuck, I went to this page again on my phone. I only have 200 megs because I usually have constant wifi but now I'm on vacation.
    Is there a little bar that fills up as you use more and more of your bandwidth?
    Yeah, it's an app by AT&T;.
  • edited December 2010
    Scott really should stop twittering about football. It never ends well.

    On the other hand, the Flyers mauled the Rangers yesterday and the Eagles scored four 4th Quarter Touchdowns to rally against the Giants and win. Philly 2 - Scott 0. And that's only this weekend. Anybody know if Scott is a Mets or Yanks fan?
    Philly can go phuck itself. The players and fans of all their teams are a bunch of disgusting human beings. You may win a game here and there, but you lose at life. Go on Youtube and search for "Eagles fans" or "Phillies fans" and compare it to what you find when searching for Giants or Mets fans. We may boo our own players for sucking, but we're not going to boo at santa or unleash a non-stop assault of snowballs on visiting fans. Maybe some trash talk, but not violence.

    Compare how the Giants players and staff conduct themselves on and off the field with class and dignity. No cheerleaders, no moronic antics near the endzone. Giants are also one of the only five NFL teams classy enough not to have cheerleaders. When the Giants have criminals on the team, like Plaxico Burress, we kick their asses out, even if they caught the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl. Meanwhile, the Eagles are signing guys up as they walk out of jail. Even if you grew up in Philly rooting for that team, I don't know how a decent human being can associate themselves with those fans, and root for the dregs of humanity on that roster. I certainly would not continue rooting for the Giants if they lined up a roster of scum. Even Jeremy Shockey was over the line. Thankfully we replaced him with the Boss.

    I also don't know how anyone can root for the Jets, who are almost as disgusting as the Eagles. And while the Yankees have class, they're also the evil team. If you watch The Mighty Ducks, and you root for the evil team, just GTFO. I'll steal a line from a comedian I saw on the Internet and say that rooting for the Yankees is like going to a casino and rooting for the house to win.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I don't know why I ever stopped reading SMB.

  • I don't know why I ever stopped reading SMB.
    I would definitely go for a less frequent update schedule if it got rid of most of the lame, predictable dick jokes.
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