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  • It's supposed to snow this Wednesday and Thursday. I hope it's a lot .
  • It's supposed to snow this Wednesday and Thursday. I hope it's a lot .
    I miss snow.
  • edited December 2010
    It totally snowed yesterday! In Florida! For like five minutes.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • It's supposed to snow this Wednesday and Thursday. I hope it's a lot .
    I miss snow.
    You want some? I've got a bunch extra.

    Note to self: invest in a snowblower.
  • The snow totally missed DC this time. ^_^
  • Fucking blizzard closing my fucking trains.
  • edited December 2010
    You want some? I've got a bunch extra.

    Note to self: invest in a snowblower.
    I'm actually quite tempted, even though it would melt.

    Also - I actually enjoy shovelling snow. I'm led to believe that this is odd. I don't care, I'll nail you with a shovel-sized snowball.
    Fucking blizzard closing my fucking trains.
    So you're saying you're sick of the got-damn flakes on these motherfuckin' trains?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Also - I actually enjoy shovelling snow. I'm led to believe that this is odd. I don't care, I'll nail you with a shovel-sized snowball.
    It is certainly good exercise, but 45 mph gusting winds sort of make it a lot less fun.
  • It is certainly good exercise, but 45 mph gusting winds sort of make it a lot less fun.
    S'alright, I'm theoretically unstoppable.
  • I honestly want it to snow to have a reason to stay home and knit and do other fun things. :P
  • I honestly want it to snow to have a reason to stay home and knit and do other fun things. :P
    Wow, I wish snow meant a day off for me. >_>
  • Next year, I'm 90% sure I want to take the week after Christmas off.
  • Next year, I'm 90% sure I want to take the week after Christmas off.
    Fuck yeah.
  • image

  • It's supposed to snow this Wednesday and Thursday. I hope it's a lot .
    Word. Won't stop me from doing work remotely, but it is pretty to look at.
    Next year, I'm 90% sure I want to take the week after Christmas off.
    This was the one nice thing about working at Boeing. It was mandatory. But, even though I have to work this week, it'll be fairly easy.
  • edited December 2010
    Hey Puppet Pal Clem! Do you know what one line Kenshiro always says in Fist of the North Star!?

    I don't know Puppet Pal Mitch. What does he say?!

    ''Omae wa mou BONKdeiru''
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • It's supposed to snow this Wednesday and Thursday. I hope it's a lot .
    Word. Won't stop me from doing work remotely, but it is pretty to look at.
    Well our work doesn't offer to work remotely from home. It's possible, but trusting most government workers to know how to work on a secure network from home is not a good idea.
    This was the one nice thing about working at Boeing. It was mandatory. But, even though I have to work this week, it'll be fairly easy.
    That's pretty cool. I honestly have never taken the week after Christmas off of work. Right now I wouldn't honestly mind a few days off to relax, rest, and re-energize.
  • Hey Puppet Pal Clem! Do you know what one line Kenshiro always says in Fist of the North Star!?

    I don't know Puppet Pal Mitch. What does he say?!

    ''Omae wa mou BONKdeiru''
    Wow. Thank you for this...I...Don't know what to say.
  • edited December 2010
    This is a real product.

    Translated description: "Lightning can fit together a delicious curry and curry Mito Natto!"
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Ah navigating the waters of licensing. Joy.
  • Check out a default smiley I found when I changed the language on my ipod touch to Japanese: (^人^)
  • A smiley butt?
  • I sent that bitch a smiley butt. Bitches love smiley butts.
  • I wonder if I can use my mouse on 5700DPI for basic browsing..
  • edited December 2010
    This was the one nice thing about working at Boeing. It was mandatory. But, even though I have to work this week, it'll be fairly easy.
    The best argument I heard about taking holidays was when I was still flying - One of the green girls was whinging about having to work christmas with the rest of it, and one of the seniors(I was getting there, but wasn't quite senior yet) rounded on her and said "First, You're getting paid extra, on top of your christmas bonus, to work today. Second, You already have seventeen days off a month like the rest of us, why don't you go and see your bloody family then?"

    Also, today's random Russian(Since we lack a christmas geekchat)
    An overweight Russian IL-76 taking off, AKA, "If I pay for runway, I use all of Runway, unlike you wasteful, decadent capitalist dogs!"
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Also, today's random Russian(Since we lack a christmas geekchat)
    An overweight Russian IL-76 taking off, AKA, "If I pay for runway, I use all of Runway, unlike you wasteful, decadent capitalist dogs!"
  • That take off is one video I watch every few months, just to remind myself how much runway there is in an emergency.
  • edited December 2010
    One of the green girls
    Post edited by Jason on
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