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Random Comments



  • edited December 2010
    Why were the jews really wandering in the desert for 40 years?
    Someone said they dropped a nickle.
    Three Jewish mothers are sitting on a bench in Brent Cross shopping centre talking about (what else?) how much their sons love them.
    Sadie says "You know the Chagall painting hanging in my living room? My son, Arnold, bought that for me for my 75th birthday. What a good boy he is and how much he loves his mother."
    Minnie says,"You call that love? You know the Mercedes I just got for Mother's Day? That's from my son Bernie. What a doll."
    Shirley says "That's nothing. You know my son Stanley? He's in analysis with a psychoanalyst in Harley Street. Five session a week. And what does he talk about? Me."

    Also good:

    Hetty, a little old lady, gets onto a crowded bus in Hendon in the middle of a heat-wave and stands in front of a seated young girl.
    Holding her hand to her chest, Hetty says to the girl, "If you knew what I have, you would give me your seat."
    The girl gets up and gives up the seat to Hetty.
    The girl then takes out a fan and starts to fan herself. Hetty looks up and says, "If you knew what I have, you would give me that fan."
    The girl gives Hetty her fan.
    A short while later, Hetty gets up and says to the bus driver, "Stop, I want to get off here."
    The bus driver tells her he has to drop her at the next bus stop, not in the middle of the road.
    Her hand across her chest, Hetty tells the driver, "If you knew what I have, you would let me out here."
    The bus driver pulls over and lets Hetty out. As she's walking out of the bus, he asks, "Madam, what is it that you have?"
    "Chutzpah," Hetty replies.

    Q: What did the waiter ask the group of Jewish mothers?
    A: "Is anything OK?"
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Q: What did the waiter ask the group of Jewish mothers?
    A: "Is anything OK?"
  • Q: What did the waiter ask the group of Jewish mothers?
    A: "Is anything OK?"
  • Q: What did the waiter ask the group of Jewish mothers?
    A: "Is anything OK?"
    *golf clap*
  • edited December 2010
    Dear friends with penises:

    Have you seen the new perfume commercial starring Charlize Theron?


    Post edited by Jason on
  • edited December 2010
    Previously on "Weird/Cool Shit Peter sees while walking around Seattle University and the surrounding areas of Capitol Hill, Central Seattle, Downtown, Little Saigon and the rest of the International District" or W/CSPSWWASUATSAOHCSDLSATROTID:

    And now in a special Tacoma excursion, we knew that born-again Christians weren't that smart, but it turns out they can't even spell the chapters of the only book they have read:
    Furthermore, some person with an ironic flair decided to deposit their unused wrapping atop the selection of Strawberry Panic! manga as a warning to innocent yuri fans, indicating that even though we are promised pretty things from the package when we open it up we are greeted with the disappointment of no substance:
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • [4:58:23 PM] churba: Goddamnit, I just realised
    [4:58:42 PM] churba: The FRC breakfast club(It's always breakfast somewhere) has been going on longer than any relationship I've had
    [4:58:54 PM] MC Walker: Ahaha
    [4:58:56 PM] churba: Including the one where I nearly got married
    [4:59:07 PM] churba: Wait.
    [4:59:13 PM] churba: Does that mean I have to marry y'all now?
    [5:01:20 PM]MC Walker:
  • Gunter, you win for knowing that song.
  • Also, this means that the initial FRC Breakfast Club(Initially Grey, Gunter, Nine and I) Have wished each other happy Christmas, New years, easter, and other holidays, as well as celebrated individual birthdays three times, including this year, as well as three years of celebrating academic, financial, employment, romantic and personal achievements.
  • edited December 2010
    I grew up on TMBG. Flood is practically etched on my soul.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I grew up on TMBG. Flood is practically etched on my soul.
    Dawg, we soul mates.
  • I grew up on TMBG. Flood is practically etched on my soul.
    Dawg, we soul mates.
    Random question: when you see a pair of public bathrooms, do you start singing "Women and Men" in your head? I need to know if I'm the only one.
  • Random question: when you see a pair of public bathrooms, do you start singing "Women and Men" in your head? I need to know if I'm the only one.
    Sorry :/

    But whenever someone uses a phrase similar to "I almost had a heart attack" I start singing "I'm Having A Heart Attack" in my head.
  • For me, whenever someone says, "Nobody knows", I'm compelled to say "particle man."
  • Sorry :/
    That's OK. I figured it was a little too mad to expect other people to have the same association.
  • Dawg, progSHELL, why you wanna go to Tacoma for? I have left the safety of Seattle for Tacoma three times, and only one was a good decision. The other two respectively smelled of dog shit, and almost killed me.

    I guess you coulda been visiting Ro, though, which is cool.
  • Dawg, progSHELL, why you wanna go to Tacoma for?
    I go to Seattle University, but I my parent's house is in Gig Harbor and I went to high school in Tacoma. I don't think it smells that bad, especially if you stick the the section closest to the Narrows Bridge. For those firmiliar with the area, the bricks are from the front of Life Christian, the school down the road from Bellarmine, my high school. Seriously, Tacoma's only a good place if you live there or you want to visit the Point Defiance Zoo, which is pretty awesome. It's gotten much better since I've lived there.

    P.S. Can you think of anyone else who lives in Western Washington on these forums, apart from you, myself, and Ro?
  • Warm clothes? I've got explatives.
  • I want a Kevin Flynn's fancy coat so bad right now you have no idea.
  • Warm clothes? I've got explatives.
    I have taught you well, my padawan. Now swear into the fireplace.
  • P.S. Can you think of anyone else who lives in Western Washington on these forums, apart from you, myself, and Ro?
  • Benefit of being home sick: Cornbread pancakes may be had.
  • Benefit of being home sick: Cornbread pancakes may be had.
    Lies! You're only home sick because you didn't get enough sleep from playing too much Minecraft.
  • Benefit of being home sick: Cornbread pancakes may be had.
    Lies! You're only home sick because you didn't get enough sleep from playing too much Minecraft.
    By "sick" I mean, "I drank a whole big thing of Mountain Dew yesterday to stave off work exhaustion and stay alert for the podcast, and then stomped around all night unable to sleep, so now I'm sleep-deprived and hallucinating slightly. Are you real?"
  • P.S. Can you think of anyone else who lives in Western Washington on these forums, apart from you, myself, and Ro?
    I live in Capitol Hill. Seattle U is within walking distance.

  • Three Jewish mothers are sitting on a bench in Brent Cross shopping centre talking about (what else?) how much their sons love them.
    Yay North London Jews/my classmates.
  • really helps me sleep.
  • edited December 2010
    Weird question: Does anyone know the brand name of those motorized bookcases on tracks you find in university libraries that open to a shelf on demand and can fit about 20 double-sided shelves in the space five with an aisle per side would usually take?

    I need it for a project I'm researching. "Motorized bookshelf" on google only turns up this fun clip:

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Weird question: Does anyone know the brand name of those motorized bookcases on tracks you find in university libraries that open to a shelf on demand and can fit about 20 double-sided shelves in the space five with an aisle per side would usually take?

    I need it for a project I'm researching. "Motorized bookshelf" on google only turns up this fun clip:
    Those are known as mechanical assist mobile shelving units.
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