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  • The fact that they make 100 visits like this per week and 99% of them turn out to be nothing is pretty bad. Their metric for "yeah, we should check this out" is grossly out of whack. A 1% success rate is shit.
    What fact? There is nothing to back up this claim.
    Eh, I thought that was something I read in the press release. If it's not, then my bad.
  • edited August 2013
    Sorry I guess I wasn't sarcastic enough there. What I was trying to say was that these fellows have so little actual terrorism to stop that they have to react to every little thing. Otherwise they can't justify their own coffee budget.

    I couldn't say whether or not we need all these anti terrorist agencies. The lack of terrorist attacks in the U.S. as of late could indicate either;
    A: They are very good at their jobs
    B: There's just not all that much terrorism going on.
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • I think B is the much more likely scenario.
  • If there were truly smart terrorists, we'd be fucked. Luckily, smart people tend to not decide that terrorism is the best way to achieve their goals.
  • If there were truly smart terrorists, we'd be fucked. Luckily, smart people tend to not decide that terrorism is the best way to achieve their goals.
    At least not very often. When they do, shit gets all historic.

  • If there were truly smart terrorists, we'd be fucked. Luckily, smart people tend to not decide that terrorism is the best way to achieve their goals.
    Indeed. Actually, I think there may be a tiny number of smart terrorists out there, but the numbers are so small that their ability to do damage is limited because there are so few of them. At best, they can recruit a bunch of dumb terrorists to do their dirty work, but then you'd have the problem that your mooks are too dumb to carry out your clever plan.
  • All the smart terrorists are dead. We killed them.
  • edited August 2013
    All the smart terrorists are dead. We killed them.
    No, we just killed the smart terrorists who were crazy enough to target an industrialized nation with the worlds largest military. There are still plenty of them organizing attacks in poorer, less white portions of the world.
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • edited August 2013
    No, we just killed the smart terrorists who were crazy enough to target an industrialized nation with the worlds largest military. There are still plenty of them organizing attacks in poorer, less white portions of the world.
    In case you haven't heard, we kill people in poorer, less white portions of the world with robotic death machines.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • No, we just killed the smart terrorists who were crazy enough to target an industrialized nation with the worlds largest military. There are still plenty of them organizing attacks in poorer, less white portions of the world.
    In case you haven't heard, we kill people in poorer, less white portions of the world with robotic death machines.
    True, but if we are still doing so then we clearly haven't gotten all of them yet, have we?
  • I think your logic is fundamentally flawed.
  • No, we just killed the smart terrorists who were crazy enough to target an industrialized nation with the worlds largest military. There are still plenty of them organizing attacks in poorer, less white portions of the world.
    In case you haven't heard, we kill people in poorer, less white portions of the world with robotic death machines.
    They're going to kill themselves anyway. We're just helping the process along.

  • The smart ones are not the foot soldiers, but rather the bomb makers, ideologists, recruiters, and leadership.
  • RymRym
    edited August 2013
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • The smart ones are not the foot ninjas, but rather the shuriken makers, senseis, recruiters, and Shredder.
  • I guess they've been recording Acquisitions Inc. D&D podcasts again. Their fourth member is Patrick Rothfuss. Kinda neat.
  • The smart ones are not the foot ninjas, but rather the shuriken makers, senseis, recruiters, and Shredder.
    1980s cartoon Shredder, or early 2000s cartoon Shredder?
  • No, we just killed the smart terrorists who were crazy enough to target an industrialized nation with the worlds largest military. There are still plenty of them organizing attacks in poorer, less white portions of the world.
    In case you haven't heard, we kill people in poorer, less white portions of the world with robotic death machines.
    Yes, but we don't do so smartly.
  • edited August 2013
    Nah it is actually pretty smart in that it's smashing up centralized terrorist leadership and pushing them out of Capitalistically Crucial territory. The only dumb part is that it continues to give reason for radicalized individuals to carry on the "Open Source Jihad", which doesn't have the mass destructive power of a centralized global organization, but it's really good at creating an atmosphere of perpetual fear, paranoia, and Islamaphobia. I'm not so sure that's a bad thing for the US government, tho, so for their intents and purposes, it seems like everything pretty much worked out well.
    Post edited by johndis on
  • This movie needed better advertising.
  • edited August 2013
    I hate having ideas for stories and such while in bed trying to sleep. Getting up to document it gets bothersome.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • Going to apply to work for the CBP as a law enforcement officer. From what I've heard, it's a loooooooooooong aplication process. Hopefully already working for the Government will work in my favor for this. *fingers crossed*
  • I started safety razor shaving last month with an old style razor, using soap and a shaving brush. I've found a new geekery it seems as there are forums and heaps of different types of soaps, blades, razors, after shave and pre shave products.

    I actually enjoy shaving now and still can't believe that a shave lasts me 2 days rather than 8 hours.

    I also tried going back to cartridge for a day and it felt crappy.

    It's so funny to see flame wars over shaving soaps or types of brushes on the forums.
  • I love my Gillette Fat Boy razor. Still have not figured out what setting to leave the blade at.
  • edited August 2013



    I rest my case.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • My god, the new episode of Bee and Puppycat.
  • Watching Churba on The Daily Show.
  • Watching Churba on The Daily Show.
    Which guest is the Churba-alike? I need to watch this.
  • Liam Hemsworth. Which was surprising.
  • Holy shit, fuck sidewalk petitioners. Most annoying people ever.
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