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  • Unless the spider has six eyes they can take up residence in my home with no problem.
  • Got a spider chilling out on my shoulder. Not sure how I feel about that.
    Keep him and love him. We have one in our bathroom and polices the fuck out of it. His webs are out of the way there are no flies in the house (despite how much my alovera plant attracts them) and is small enough that people don't notice him. The dude is also hard as nails, he keeps the corpeses of larger spiders on display as a warning to others.
    Your spider is my new favorite spider.

    He's pretty boss as spiders go. Also fun fact he smells very nice due to his proximity to the little miss body wash I was using for a time.
  • When you get a spider on the only window in a basement kitchen, no flies.
  • I am watching
    Batman: The Brave and the Bold
    And now I am sad that I missed most of this show original run.
    It is amazing!

    There is also a soundtrack guys! :O
  • From what little I've played of Saltybet, my advice is always bet against the tits. They get more money than they should.
  • From what little I've played of Saltybet, my advice is always bet against the tits. They get more money than they should.
    Also, Always Bet On Sword, Never Bet on DBZ, and Symbiote Spider-Man, Cless Alvian, and Ghetto WarMachine are automatic all-ins.
  • I'm thinking bet against Touhou is a good rule.
  • From the time I spent observing, Touhou seemed to rock house.

    But I have awesome friends.



  • Landlord who doesn't understand the concept that 10 days is not enough time to go from "yeah, I'll probably be putting the house on the market this Fall" to "Real Estate Agent coming to take photos to list the house." I just took the Bar. I didn't have the time/energy to clean all summer. He told us he was listing the house "next week" the day I finished the Bar exam (July 31). Last I checked, it is not Fall yet.

    I dunno what the fuck he expected to find when they came to photograph today. There are boxes everywhere (because I am moving stuff out to storage so the apartment will look nice!), and the apartment is cluttered (because I am sorting shit and dealing with shit and spent all summer studying for the Bar!). I suppose he expects us to live like rich old people who don't keep a lot of shit around because socializing is their hobby and they can just re-buy objects when they need them again.

    So now we have until the 19th to get the apartment ready to show because that's when they're coming back to take pictures. And Pete is gone all week. I was already planning on cleaning all week, but I cannot actually get some of these totes and things down the stairs and to the storage unit. Blessedly, our friends are helping out. Because we have awesome friends.

    But seriously. I definitely needed one MORE thing on my stress plate. Because I don't already have enough stress in me. Got room for more.

  • Wow, that is a colossal pain in the ass. I'm sorry.
  • edited August 2013
    Okay - Some people are still complaining about Peter Capaldi being in Who and Torchwood before he became the doctor. This is stupid, and here's 16 reasons:

    -Colin Baker appeared in the 5th doctor series, as a time lord who tries to kill the doctor, before coming back as the sixth doctor.

    -Bret Vyon came back as a different character who became a companion.

    -They re-cast Romana as someone who was in a previous series.

    -Mark from The Lazarus Experiment showed up in The Wedding of River song as someone else.

    -John Levene was in three different roles.

    -Wilf, Donna's grandad, was previously a major character in one of the Dr Who films.

    -Martha Jones was in a previous named speaking role, in an episode in the 10th doctor's run. Fun facts - Martha Jones is the cousin of the previous character she played, who was killed off.

    -Martha Jones's mother was in a previous episode as someone else, and so was Martha's dad.

    -Amy Pond was not just in a previous series, but was in Fires of Pompeii with Capaldi. Funny how people forget that.

    -Peter Purves had a role, before returning in a different role as a companion.

    -Gwen from Torchwood appeared previously as a different character, including hints back to the previous role.

    -David Troughton was in Four episodes as four different people.

    -Geoffery Palmer shows up in three, two third doctor and one tenth, as different people.

    -Tosh from torchwood was two different characters in the whoniverse.

    -Graham Cole played SIX CHARACTERS across three doctors.

    -Michael Wisher had a bunch of roles in the show before playing Davros.

    And that's not even close to being a full list.

    Well, England does only have like 12 actors.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Well, England does only have like 12 actors.
    Oh come on, they have at least fifteen.

  • edited August 2013
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • I for one welcome Capaldi as our new overlord.
  • Hey, did you know that apparently, thinking that it's reasonable that you should pay for an indie game you enjoy is classist, and paying for media is "bourgeois"?

    Personally, I can't think of anything more "bourgeois" than feeling entitled to the fruits of somebody else's labour without feeling the need to compensate them for it.
  • Wait like, someone said those words too you about your game. I know people pirate but I can't wrap my head around people who do it and the proceed to talk shit about it.
  • About FTL, actually. When I mentioned that not paying for indie games you enjoy is pretty much exactly how you stop more cool indie games from being made, the response was "oh, won't somebody think of the devs!"

    Like, I know gaming culture sucks, but it's like saying it's okay to stab a film student in the back because people at movie theaters are rude.
  • I just checked the details of a podcast I recorded this evening, and thought I'd made some kind of error. As it happens, there was no error. What made me think there was? The podcast was exactly the same length as the previous podcast (to the closest second) as well as the same size.
  • Whenever someone I know gets married, I feel like part of them dies.
  • You're like... 18-22? Yeah... I don't remember too many positive marriages among my friends that age. A few very good ones though happened when couples that were together for a long while finished up grad/law/med school and moved on to careers and families. At least... as far as I can tell... for the time being.
  • My 23 year old sister just got married on Saturday.
  • My 23 year old sister just got married on Saturday.
    My gut reaction to that was "isn't that a little young?"
  • I'm not judging other people I don't know. Just the people I knew at the time around then.
  • Growing up in a very Mormon-centric area there are a lot of people that end up getting married very young. It always seems weird to me when its like right out of high school barely figuring shit out on your own and you get married. But hey, for some people it seems to work. It hasn't been enough time to see how well the glue holds.
  • I used to think that reddit was mostly a cool place with some bad parts. I'm realizing now that reddit kinda sucks and there are a few small communities I like.
  • I used to think that reddit was mostly a cool place with some bad parts. I'm realizing now that reddit kinda sucks and there are a few small communities I like.
    Sounds like someone did not unsub from all the default subreddits.

  • edited August 2013
    Was crossing on a green pedestrian crosswalk downtown. Cut off a lady riding a bike. She got pissed because I cut her off and I noted she had a red light. She then proceeded to argue that since she was in a bike lane she didn't need to stop at the light.

    How come very few cyclist actually follow any road rules?

    Section 11.44.100 RIGHT-OF-WAY IN CROSSWALK. A person operating a bicycle across a roadway upon and along a crosswalk shall have all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances, but shall yield to pedestrians upon and along a crosswalk. No person operating a bicycle shall suddenly enter a crosswalk into the path of a vehicle which is so close that the driver cannot yield safely.

    Eat a dick bicycle lady.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Was crossing on a green pedestrian crosswalk downtown. Cut off a lady riding a bike. She got pissed because I cut her off and I noted she had a red light. She then proceeded to argue that since she was in a bike lane she didn't need to stop at the light.

    How come very few cyclist actually follow any road rules?

    Section 11.44.100 RIGHT-OF-WAY IN CROSSWALK. A person operating a bicycle across a roadway upon and along a crosswalk shall have all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances, but shall yield to pedestrians upon and along a crosswalk. No person operating a bicycle shall suddenly enter a crosswalk into the path of a vehicle which is so close that the driver cannot yield safely.

    Eat a dick bicycle lady.
    Quite a few people pick up a bike thinking to get fit and never use them. Funny fact, the average Halfords bike is only ridden 3 miles. Anyway. Half of the people that use them do not do so on a regular basis, nor do they understand that bikes are not pedestrians. Hence the amusing name of pedestrian cyclists. I am strongly in favour of mandatory cycling tests the same as riding a motorbike the two are just as dangerous.
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