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  • Yep, haters are going to hate.
    Well I'm glad we cleared that up, how much did that study cost?
  • Yep, haters are going to hate.
    I'm willing to bet you that that study got started by a bunch of researchers making haters gonna hate jokes until one said "wait... are haters gonna hate?" And then shit got real.
  • edited August 2013
    Why does my local computer hardware shop start selling Google Nexus 7 (2013 edition) tablets before Google does in Australia?
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • Cherno's Quest
    Every time you post about that, my first thought is Cirno, the touhou character.

    My second thought is then an image of a half-giant-robot, half-touhou, and I get sad that that's never going to exist.
  • Bought a laminating machine. It's incredible. My tabletop RPG life will never be the same again.

    Scotch Thermal Laminator 2 Roller System (TL901)

    Scotch Thermal Laminating Pouches 8.9 x 11.4 Inches, 100-Pack (TP3854-100)
  • I have an intense sudden urge to write crossover fanfiction where the Belchers move to Lawndale and Tina starts hanging out with Daria.
  • Also, I didn't sleep last night. These two things might be related.
  • Even the internet is telling me to move to Massachusetts or Washington.
  • In an interesting case of life resembling art, or vice versa, in Game Dev Tycoon you can easily make an absurd amount of money by making a mass market appeal FPS with yearly iteration.
  • edited August 2013

    Why does it feel like fan films are often better than licensed films when it comes to comics and video games?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Why does it feel like fan films are often better than licensed films when it comes to comics and video games?
    Fans just know the characters in and out and have the detailed background and passion for the subject to make them true in the view of other fans. They also pick up key character elements from multiple story lines which make the characters insanely deeper than the Hollywood counterparts.

    However with fan works, we tend to let certain things pass without judgement subconsciously as a trade off for something else we like. It can be music, sound effects, composition of scenes, acting or creative liberty that improves the base material (my main example for the latter since it usually is no the case, is Fight Club the movie).

    Having said that I did like the Keith Urban representation of Judge Dredd, it was way better than the Stallone version.

  • Why does it feel like fan films are often better than licensed films when it comes to comics and video games?
    I would argue that the Urban Dredd was a fan film. Dude loves his Dredd.

    There was a fan made LOTR film made by a woman in Wales I think that was made up of volunteers and rocked. Not sure what happened to it though.
  • I was wondering why the forum was so dead today before I remembered it was PAX.
  • PAX, the Awoken launch party, Blair Crimmins at Dragoncon -- this is the weekend where everything awesome happens and I get to go to none of it.
  • LKAB :P
  • So sad and ronery.
  • You or the forum? Both?
  • Should we hold a Leftover From PAX G+ Hangout?
  • Let's do one tomorrow.
  • WWE All Stars is shockingly good.
  • Im still here....
  • Europeans representing. We could discuss cheese and wine and culture and stuff....Or strictly come dancing.
  • I wonder why there isn't a Google Plus Community for the FRCF.
  • I wonder why there isn't a Google Plus Community for the FRCF.
    I thought there was one somewhere.
  • There is now. I couldn't figure out what to use for the profile picture (Mr Period was too small, as was the Geeknights logo), so I just used the pic of Rym from RIT with the tiara and the mustache as a filler. Any suggestions would be awesome.
  • When the people delivering my couch said some time between 12:10 and 3:10... I should have known it would be after 3:10...
  • There are those moments in life when you just have to set everything on fire and run. Scorched earth.
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