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  • Also chiropractors don't massage muscles.
  • Massage is a legitimate adjunctive treatment option.
    Chiropractic pushing vertebrae around is not.
  • sK0pe said:

    Massage is a legitimate adjunctive treatment option.
    Chiropractic pushing vertebrae around is not.

    Yeah. I'll probably be looking for a good massage place, not just for the pulled muscles but, depending on the price, a pay-day treat. I've had some real good massages before, and given the opportunity I want to make that a monthly occurrence in my life.
  • No, fuck that noise. If you need physical therapy, you should go to a physical therapist. A certified one.

    There is no excuse to ever go to a chiropractor under any circumstances ever.
  • I'm not going to see a chiropractor. I'm talking about getting a massage, because they are fucking glorious.
  • Yeah, getting a massage from a chiropractor is the only legitimate thing. Although at that point, go to a damn masseuse.
  • Axel said:

    Although at that point, go to a damn masseuse.

    Basically what I'm doing, I just want to see if my doctor has a recommendation in regards to that.
  • edited November 2013

    Also chiropractors don't massage muscles.

    Of course they do. Chiropractors often stretch tendons and rotate joints which is cartilage, bone, muscle. They also perform hand and foot massages in certain circumstances based on some nonsense about it controlling other parts of the body.

    My mom worked as a secretary for a couple chiropractors so I know all about that BS.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Shhh... I like my oriental chiropractor. She's cute :)
  • Can't tell if you're kidding, but augh don't use the word 'oriental' like that, it's 2013 :P
  • Sail said:

    Can't tell if you're kidding, but augh don't use the word 'oriental' like that, it's 2013 :P

  • He could have a rug for a chiropractor... I know my back feels better with a good rug :-p
  • Just drink a fifth of whiskey you'll feel better.
  • Yes I am kidding. I was making a bad Asian massage parlor joke.
  • Sorry I doubted you, Steve.
  • Sail said:

    Sorry I doubted you, Steve.

    That's what happens when you're... inscrutable.

  • I do lurve my Asian rug...
  • Aw yeah chromecast
  • Aw yeah chromecast

    I 2nd that. Been watching Masterchef Junior with the family because of it.
  • Swear to god these refs are blind
  • Swear to god these refs are blind

    Why are you watching wrestling?

  • HMTKSteve said:

    Swear to god these refs are blind

    Why are you watching wrestling?
    Or foot-to-ball?
  • Because free tickets to the UK-Missouri game. Kentucky lost hard.
  • Rewatching Daria, I'm noticing how safe it is. I had assumed that it was because it was on tv, but Freaks and Geeks was made at the same time and had at least a bit of an edge -- and that was on a major network, this was on the same channel as The Real World.
  • edited November 2013
    Yes, the same channel that was also doing things like censoring "War" and "Nuclear", censoring Beavis and Butthead extensively through editorial control or during re-runs(including destroying some of the originals, according to Mike Judge), Censoring completely innocuous songs, banning videos, and so on. They even censored Maroon 5's "This Love".

    Daria was great, but it was a product of MTV in the late 90s. It was always going to be very safe. I'm frankly amazed they got away with even as much as they did - let's face it, a censorship-heavy channel(even compared to other channels of the time) is not exactly fertile ground for social satire.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Well TIL. I never read up on their other properties (never really liked them), so this was all news to me.
  • Posting just to clear what was saved previously.
  • Greg said:

    Well TIL. I never read up on their other properties (never really liked them), so this was all news to me.

    It's all good. MTV always marketed itself very well as the youth network, the dangerous, shocking network, the counterculture network, the Alt-culture network, but 95% of it was just that - Marketing. They'd have the occasional show that was genuinely pushing their normal boundaries (ie, Jackass, which was pretty out there for MTV, and almost guaranteed to cause controversy) but even that was a calculated part of the marketing of the channel, because people remembered the controversies that fit the image.
  • edited November 2013
    Yeah, the calculated controversies are pretty much what fooled me. I knew that Daria was contemporary with The Real World, which I understand was controversial, so I thought they were lenient at the time.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • edited November 2013
    Greg said:

    Yeah, the calculated controversies are pretty much what fooled me. I knew that Daria was contemporary with The Real World, which I understand was controversial, so I thought they were lenient at the time.

    Don't worry dude - They sucked me for ages too, so I won't be giving you noise about it.

    The thing that finally made me twig was a combination of Viva La Bam(which was heavily and obviously scripted, along with being shot on location sets, but sold 100% as an improvised show in the vein of the old CKY videos), Maroon 5, and the song "Gay Bar" by Electric Six. It all came off as really weird, so I looked into it.
    Post edited by Churba on
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