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Random Comments



  • At least MTV's censorship priorities are in the right order. War - especially nuclear war - is something I would rather avoid, while I'm OK with Dick Valentine from Electric Six having something to put in me at the gay bar.
  • Movember isn't going very well...
  • Is it just the facial hair for No-Shave November and Movember? Because I had to cut my hair since it was already approaching Shaggy length.
  • The facial hair is bad.
  • edited November 2013
    95% of people cannot grow facial hair and have it look good. That is a fact.

    Citation: I am surrounded by peers who think facial hair is their ticket to virginity loss.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • I can't stop listening to the Pravda girls singing Katyusha.
  • I shaved clean for my Halloween costume, it's growing back pretty well. The downside of this is that I have to cut my nails every two weeks or they become hard to type with.
  • I don't think I can listen to Sail without dancing like a crazy person.
  • I JUST WON THE SPANISH LOTTERY! Fuck yes! €725.830,- is all mine! I just gotta fill out this form and send it to them:
    ABC Lottery
    Can't believe my luck!
  • My mom got one of those checks once with a letter where you're supposed to deposit the check and then mail back your own check to cover "taxes". Of course 4 or 5 days later, the international cashier's check bounces and you get stuck with the fees and its probably too late to stop payment on your check.

    It took me like, a week, to convince her it was a fraud. Even her bank told her the check looked good to them. :-/
  • I'm just kind of surprised to get physical spam. Doesn't that cost them money? I suppose they make back more than they lose.

    I should note, this is the second time I've won the ABC Lotería International.
  • Today, I learned that the 'closed' in closed caption refers to them being able to be disabled. If they are part of the video file or are irremovable through any other means, they are called Open Captions instead.
  • Way to bring back an old forum thing.
  • edited November 2013
    I just saw a bull dog driving. It was wearing a turquoise dress and had a bob haircut. Be careful out there.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • Is calling someone a "casual" the new way to call them a "pleb?"
  • No, they're two totally different insults. A "casual" is someone who doesn't care about their hobby, who is passive in their passion and experiences their hobby in whatever way is easiest instead of whatever way is best or purist. A pleb is someone who has no taste, regardless of how much they like that thing (read as: die hard Mumford and Sons fans).
  • It's "plebeian" you uncultured member of the proletariat.
  • Really? My latin teachers after 1st year used them interchangeably.
  • It's a joke.
  • FUCK YOU i didn't come this far to deal with cake sniffers.
  • Heh, this guy on facebook is blaming me for him getting a virus because I told him about a streaming site (primewire, the latest incarnation of letmewatchthis). I told him not to fall for fake codec's and all that but I guess some people just don't know how to internet.
  • Bruce Springsteen said that at the recent shows, they've been ressurecting songs that "we haven't played since we were 16". The first of these to get a release (a Youtube video on VEVO) was "You Never Can Tell". Naturally, I not only already heard it, but have a copy of a performance from 1974 (estimated, since the bootleg doesn't give me any real info) on vinyl.
  • To be fair, its not as insensitive as having your school mascot be "The Indians".
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