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  • I started kendo on Wednesday and just got all my stuff today. They couldn't give me a hand me down gi because I'm too tall, so I got a brand new one. Which means that after 2 hours of practice today I've turned into a smurf.
  • Taco bell breakfast tastes the same as taco bell at any other time.
  • So.... awesome?
  • Fell off a bike going fast down hill.
  • What super powers did you acquire from this accident?
  • Did you eventually crash crotch first into that cute girl from school?
  • I lost my power to work the forum correctly and posted it twice.

    I gained the power to make EVERYONE crack a joke about how much of a mess my face looks.
  • Sorry to hear that your face is messed up. Shit sucks.
  • So.... awesome?

    I don't understand. You're in Southern California. Aside from moving to Mexico itself, you can get the best Mexican food here. How the heck can you like Taco Bell?

  • I'm actually not too big on most mexican food.
  • Neither am I. As a consequence of that I like excellent Mexican food, not shitty. To me, if I don't like something, it's already in a hole. High quality helps dig whatever it is out of said hole.
  • It's weird that the majority of my class need to work collaboratively / plagiarise to write Java and Python applications while I did them both in a day.

    Should I be saddened or angy that there was somebody who is studying to be a Software Engineer, in his 2nd year copying my code character for character over my shoulder?
  • sK0pe said:

    It's weird that the majority of my class need to work collaboratively / plagiarise to write Java and Python applications while I did them both in a day.

    Should I be saddened or angy that there was somebody who is studying to be a Software Engineer, in his 2nd year copying my code character for character over my shoulder?

    You should report them for academic dishonesty so you don't get accused of cheating and get an automatic F. At the RIT CS department you submitted your code digitally. They had software which compared it to every other submission for that assignment that any student had ever done. If you cheated, you were screwed.
  • edited April 2014
    Apreche said:

    sK0pe said:

    It's weird that the majority of my class need to work collaboratively / plagiarise to write Java and Python applications while I did them both in a day.

    Should I be saddened or angy that there was somebody who is studying to be a Software Engineer, in his 2nd year copying my code character for character over my shoulder?

    You should report them for academic dishonesty so you don't get accused of cheating and get an automatic F. At the RIT CS department you submitted your code digitally. They had software which compared it to every other submission for that assignment that any student had ever done. If you cheated, you were screwed.
    We should get that here, where it's an open secret that one of the professors plagiarizes, even from members of their own department.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • The Professors have said that they run the code through a database that is linked with multiple Universities from the US and check for copying.
    There is also an interview section of this assignment where you have to describe what your code is doing in each method / module, the main and also to alter it on on the fly in a presentation.

    I will be reporting the various students who have copied me tomorrow. It is kind of obvious that my code is also original considering the level of image manipulation I'm doing plus I'm showing use of Hashsets, Treesets and Hashmaps while the lectures are only up to string / substring slicing.

    Python is hilarious (I made sure to do this project mostly at home because of the copying), people complaining about simple modules which I've written in 3 lines yet they take 27 lines to do the same. I don't even understand how some of these kids get into University.
  • You don't know hell until you've tried to teach Python to Business and Math majors.

  • Neito said:

    You don't know hell until you've tried to teach Python to Business and Math majors.


    Well I'm going to give it a try I'll be trying to teach Human Biology, Business and Stats majors a lesson on C with a few people.

    I expect there to be frustration from both sides.

  • I am glad I'm out of school. I'm too jaded to even deal with that.

    Speaking of jaded, a friend of mine recently told me about a job he was applying for where they wanted him to build a particular website as a part of the interview process from top to bottom. It's not like he couldn't easily do this, but it struck me as something I would be mildly insulted to be asked to do for an interview even a few years after college. Actually, there are a lot of things about interviews that seem directed at college graduates that bug me now.
  • I am glad I'm out of school. I'm too jaded to even deal with that.

    Speaking of jaded, a friend of mine recently told me about a job he was applying for where they wanted him to build a particular website as a part of the interview process from top to bottom. It's not like he couldn't easily do this, but it struck me as something I would be mildly insulted to be asked to do for an interview even a few years after college. Actually, there are a lot of things about interviews that seem directed at college graduates that bug me now.

    Correct answer: no I'm not going to do free work for you. Pay me and maybe I'll make this site for you.
  • Apreche said:

    I am glad I'm out of school. I'm too jaded to even deal with that.

    Speaking of jaded, a friend of mine recently told me about a job he was applying for where they wanted him to build a particular website as a part of the interview process from top to bottom. It's not like he couldn't easily do this, but it struck me as something I would be mildly insulted to be asked to do for an interview even a few years after college. Actually, there are a lot of things about interviews that seem directed at college graduates that bug me now.

    Correct answer: no I'm not going to do free work for you. Pay me and maybe I'll make this site for you.
    The above is correct why the fuck should you be doing work for free.
    Even when I was a Veterinary surgeon I'd be asked to do a day of work, I would ask the hourly rate and either they would be stunned or tell me straight up. If they were stunned I would walk out.

  • This wasn't something you could get payed for. It was the equivalent of telling someone to implement a linked list. There are already existing implementations that do what you were asked to do better than you're ever going to manage.

    But I do agree... it was basically being asked to work for free to "prove yourself."
  • Protip: Never do work for free. Ever. Seriously, don't.

    A good company (that's looking to hire devs, specifically web devs) will bring you in for a day or so to have you work on a sample project, and pay you a consulting rate. That's standard practice at places that don't suck, and shows they actually respect their potential employees. Any company that doesn't do that (especially after you have a conversation with them explaining it) isn't a company you probably want to work for.
  • A friend of mine just found out that her bf discovered a secret I had confided in her, and that he's cheating on her. She's waaay pissed about the latter, and fairly indifferent about the former. It's hilarious.
  • I'm watching the archived Giant Bomb panel from PAX East this year and then suddenly somebody showed up during the Q&A:
  • Man, that guy really looks like the PAX2 stream guy.
  • That guy is showing up in a ton of neat places. We should try to get him on FNPL. Anyone know who he is?
  • Churba said:

    Man, that guy really looks like the PAX2 stream guy.

    Aw man, I wish I know what all those super secret awesome codes he was giving out mean!
  • I hear that guy is a snobby douche who thinks he knows game theory.
  • I hear that guy is an anime fan and goes by the name "long hair-kun".
  • I hear that guy is a self-proclaimed skiing demigod. I also hear he is gay for the very Apreche of our humble forum!
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