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  • Weather is calling for snow for the next two days. Perhaps it will snow enough for me to not be able to drive into work. I doubt it, but here's to hoping.
  • edited February 2011
    Cake is on Jimmy Kimmel!
    I saw them play last night. They covered War Pigs. Fucking amazing.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Ich leibe Cake.
  • One of my oldest internet friends just AIMed me for the first time in about a year. I just did the math and realized that our first contact was about ten years ago on Neopets. Crazy.
  • Ich leibe Cake.
  • One of my oldest internet friends just AIMed me for the first time in about a year. I just did the math and realized that our first contact was about ten years ago on Neopets. Crazy.
    Yeah, that time dilation effect gets worse as you get older. I remember 1998 like it was yesterday, and then I realize that it was 13 years ago.
  • A few days ago I got a message from an ex-ex-ex-ex-girlfriend, who I've not seen since 2004. In the meantime we've each had a 5 year relationship... it was fun to catch up!
  • I'm pretty sure it was never for the severity of the annoyance but the sheer amount of small annoyance. K was about 50/50 useful posts and completely annoying posts. Honestly I was find with K as long as he stuck to the random threads but it was getting annoying that every "serious" thread was being hijacked. Still, would have been good to give the red warning banner and see if the behavior changed (though we know it wouldn't have).
    Huh. I showed Scott the penis gif he posted, and told him to put a warning banner on him. I did not advocate immediate banning. He was often a jerk, though, and I did not find him funny. Most of his contributions either boiled down to I HAVE SEXSEX! or I HATE (something).
  • Most of his contributions either boiled down to I HAVE BUTTSEX! or I HATE (something).
  • Basically, so many people complained that I actually investigated. Upon investigation I determined that the vast majority of his posts were absent of any valuable content, and they were great in quantity. That counts as spam in my book. Spam is immediate banning.
  • I seriously don't care what kind of sex people on this forum have, but why bring it up unless it is relevant?
  • I seriously don't care what kind of sex people on this forum have, but why bring it up unless it is relevant?
    I don't care either, but the amount he proclaimed he was gay was nearly as much as the amount he declared he had sex. I just combined it into a single statement of buttsex.
  • edited February 2011
    Basically, so many people complained that I actually investigated. Upon investigation I determined that the vast majority of his posts were absent of any valuable content, and they were great in quantity. That counts as spam in my book. Spam is immediate banning.
    I don't know if he was "spam," but he sure as hell broke the annoying rule. I got annoyed with him, and I sure as heck wasn't the only person.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited February 2011
    I seriously don't care what kind of sex people on this forum have, but why bring it up unless it is relevant?
    I don't care either, but the amount he proclaimed he was gay was nearly as much as the amount he declared he had sex. I just combined it into a single statement of buttsex.
    His entire identity was wrapped up in what type of sex he has and what type of drugs he uses. That's not a very interesting or dynamic personality. Frankly, I was bored by him, and it was becoming impossible to avoid his torrent of meaningless posts.

    Also, on the topic of "there wasn't even a tribunal" et al, I am glad there's no big community circus when this sort of thing happens. I support Scrym's dictatorial style. This is their playground.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • His entire identity was wrapped up in what type of sex he has and what type of drugs he uses. That's not a very interesting or dynamic personality.
    I was convinced from the start (and am still convinced) that it is a largely made up persona.
    rankly, I was bored by him, and it was becoming impossible to avoid his torrent of meaningless posts.
    I was considering putting a ban up for a vote a while ago, but never got around to it. He was approaching flamminggeek levels of annoying, lacking only the former's disregard for language.
  • I was convinced from the start (and am still convinced) that it is a largely made up persona.
    Frankly, I was bored by him, and it was becoming impossible to avoid his torrent of meaningless posts.
    This and that.
  • I still stand by my statement that most of the meaningless posts that made his presence annoying were generated by other users attempting to respond to him.
  • I still stand by my statement that most of the meaningless posts that made his presence annoying were generated by other users attempting to respond to him.
    I'll admit, I'm guilty of letting him anger me into responding instead of just ignoring him, because I was giving him the benefit of the doubt for a while on whether or not he was actually a troll.
  • I still stand by my statement that most of the meaningless posts that made his presence annoying were generated by other users attempting to respond to him.
    I did that, but I stopped after a few. Besides, isn't a forum about discussion?
  • I still stand by my statement that most of the meaningless posts that made his presence annoying were generated by other users attempting to respond to him.
    It's a discussion board, responding to people is the point. He often made it look like he actually had something to say, but with prodding he just vomited out more stupidity. I can't really blame anyone but him for that. That said, I'm with Jason; the whole forum doesn't need to turn into the supreme court when somebody gets banned. Let Scrym take out the trash and get on with it, I say.
  • Also, on the topic of "there wasn't even a tribunal" et al, I am glad there's no big community circus when this sort of thing happens. I support Scrym's dictatorial style. This is their playground.
    I agree with you, but Rym does not. He wants to have a big circus with votes and judges and other drama factories.
  • He wants to have a big circus with votes and judges and other drama factories.
    I note that with one exception, I've just summarily banned everyone I've banned with no discussion or further comment. In fact, the only vote I ever entertained was on our first banning.

    My only disagreement was that I felt a single, locked thread with a sentence explaining why the user was banned is prudent.
  • edited February 2011
    Also, on the topic of "there wasn't even a tribunal" et al, I am glad there's no big community circus when this sort of thing happens. I support Scrym's dictatorial style. This is their playground.
    I agree with you, but Rym does not. He wants to have a big circus with votes and judges and other drama factories.
    I can understand the desire for this, but with something small like a banning, it seems rather tedious and unnecessary. It is your forum, and so I don't really question your actions, since it's all just your discretion. I can't really think of any big decisions that I'd want a vote on, but I'm sure there could be some.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • We've banned maybe five people ever other than "true" spammers. That's pretty good for over five years of foruming. I am overall extremely hesitant to swing the ban hammer, as we value free speech above most else. I think of the ban hammer like a fire axe in a glass box you break in case of emergency. That being said, I have seen the value in its use quite recently, and am less hesitant to use it than I have been in the past.
  • That being said, I have seen the value in its use quite recently, and am less hesitant to use it than I have been in the past.
    Yes. K was extremely annoying, and we let it go on for way too long. As for Nine, though, I do wish we hadn't had to ban him. Crapflooding is one of the few things that will get someone banned outright regardless of who they are or how much they otherwise contribute.
  • That being said, I have seen the value in its use quite recently, and am less hesitant to use it than I have been in the past.
    Yes. K was extremely annoying, and we let it go on for way too long. As for Nine, though, I do wish we hadn't had to ban him. Crapflooding is one of the few things that will get someone banned outright regardless of who they are or how much they otherwise contribute.
    I think Nine had it coming. Making every post a series of ellipses is rather uncalled for. He could be as rude as he wanted and get away with it, so I think it was his own fault for deciding that wasn't enough.
  • Guess I'm going to have to troll more to make up for my alt being banned ;-p
  • Guess I'm going to have to troll more to make up for my alt being banned ;-p
    Please, his grammar and punctuation were way too good for him to be your alt. ;)
  • Please, his grammar and punctuation were way too good for him to be your alt. ;)
    That's the glory of it!
  • Guess I'm going to have to troll more to make up for my alt being banned ;-p
    Please, his grammar and punctuation were way too good for him to be your alt. ;)
    If I've learned anything dealing with an IRC asshole who wants OPs on a channel I frequent, it's never underestimate the ability of a troll to mess with your head. This guy could be speaking barely passable English one minute and then be erudite and concise the next when he was trying with an alt.
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