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Random Comments



  • I wish the mobile Google Reader page didn't suck.
  • Can you guys help me with my Linguistics homework? All you have to do is fill out this quick survey. Danke!
  • Can you guys help me with my Linguistics homework? All you have to do is fill out this quick survey. Danke!
    Done and done.
  • This just in via television news: A shocking 66 percent of people are tired of pinching pennies and want their dollars to go further.

    In other news, a shocking 98 percent of people surveyed hate shitting glass.
  • It's a discussion board, responding to people is the point. He often made it look like he actually had something to say, but with prodding he just vomited out more stupidity. I can't really blame anyone but him for that. That said, I'm with Jason; the whole forum doesn't need to turn into the supreme court when somebody gets banned. Let Scrym take out the trash and get on with it, I say.
    But that would be awesome. I always wanted to have a mock trial.
  • Can you guys help me with my Linguistics homework? All you have to do is fill out this quick survey. Danke!
    Yeah, all my answers were "As freely as cat or dog".
  • I'm having trouble with your survey. I'm trying to say "I have no problem swearing, but I will definitely avoid it at work (I work with kids) and in other professional situations (including class) unless it's not frowned upon." Also, your choices (especially the "bold or modern" one) don't really describe how I feel about any of these words.
  • I'm having trouble with your survey. I'm trying to say "I have no problem swearing, but I will definitely avoid it at work (I work with kids) and in other professional situations (including class) unless it's not frowned upon." Also, your choices (especially the "bold or modern" one) don't really describe how I feel about any of these words.
    I didn't write it, my linguistics teacher did. Just try and find something that fits.
  • someone should make a lego minecraft mod.
  • Y'know, I've been wondering something about Paul the Psychic Octopus - How the shit does an Octopus know what Soccer is, let alone what the World Cup is?
  • Wrote a reinforcement learning algorithm in four hours, been spending the last 3 running it and collecting data. This thing takes far more time than I would like.
  • We should get a large group of people in anonymous masks with one guy among them wearing a Gogol 13 mask.
  • I am soooo goddamn bored I am debating cracking my head against the wall to alleviate my boredom.
  • I fell asleep last night with Guile's theme stuck in my head. It goes with everything.
  • Wash Uffizi drive me to Firenze
  • My friend is trying to convince me to go on a Disney Cruise with her. An interesting turn of events.
  • My friend is trying to convince me to go on a Disney Cruise with her. An interesting turn of events.
    Is said friend romantically interested in you?
  • This is a Disney Cruise, there will be no sexy rumpus.
  • Think I'm gonna be drawing my dad Batman in my style and framing it for his birthday. Should be fun.
  • Think I'm gonna be drawing my dad Batman in my style and framing it for his birthday. Should be fun.
    It was a little disappointing when I re-read this sentence. For a minute I thought you were Batman's son.
  • You Dad is Batman???? Are you Damian Wayne?
  • Think I'm gonna be drawing my dad Batman in my style and framing it for his birthday. Should be fun.
    It was a little disappointing when I re-read this sentence. For a minute I thought you were Batman's son.
    Damn you for beating me by 40 seconds to the joke! I had to look up how to spell Damian.
  • Well, one of my sketches is my dad as bats and me as Damian...

    I'm such a gross nerd.
  • My friend is trying to convince me to go on a Disney Cruise with her. An interesting turn of events.
    Is said friend romantically interested in you?
    No; I'm like her surrogate sibling because her real brother is a treacherous scumbag who paints her as a headcase to curry favor with his mom--who also hates her. She just wants someone who is just as cynical about life and just as interested in dressing up for nice dinners and getting dangerously drunk on fine wine to share a cabin with on a transatlantic cruise.
  • There isn't anybody on this forum except me right now, so I guess I'll just sing to myself.

    Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
    Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.
  • Open your eyes, look up to the skies, and see..
  • I'm just a poor boy. I need no sympathy.
  • Because I'm easy come, Easy go.
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