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  • edited March 2011
    I'm really looking forward to him in the future as well. The thing is though, Silva has shown that he can still win even when he is in a bad spot. Just look at the Sonnen fight. Jones has never been hurt, or even put on his back, and keeping a belt when you have everyone watching every one of your fights for your flaws and training to beat you and only you is a tall order when you have only been fighting in MMA for three years.
    Thing is, where are you going to find someone to train and spar with, with that reach?! You can theorize on how to win, but unless you can get a gorilla arm freak like Jones that is as flexible and thin for the weight class and as unpredictable you really don't stand a chance. With arms and legs that long, all that muscle memory on how to preform the submissions has to change and it will probably feel awkward as hell.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • edited March 2011
    @Trogdor: Pretty much. People don't like remembering extra stuff so .com and Google are really where it's at.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I want to see what would look like.
  • Probably will just bump you back to when it does. There are sites for that already.
  • edited March 2011
    I want to see what would look like.
    Google Porn, now a part of the Google Web family.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited March 2011
    I want to see what would look like.
    Google Porn, now a part of the Google Web family.
    Every second of all porn ever indexed and searchable by fetish, physical parameters of actors/tresses, language, free or paid, how vocal they are, and time.

    Search example: milf -latex -strapon +Hair:red +cup:c +english +free +screamer +>30min
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Look on my works ye mighty, and despair.
  • I want to see what would look like.
    Google Porn, now a part of the Google Web family.
    Every second of all porn ever indexed and searchable by fetish, physical parameters of actors/tresses, language, free or paid, how vocal they are, and time.

    Search example: milf -latex -strapon +Hair:red +cup:c +english +free +screamer +>30min
  • Every second of all porn ever indexed and searchable by fetish, physical parameters of actors/tresses, language, free or paid, how vocal they are, and time.

    Search example: milf -latex -strapon +Hair:red +cup:c +english +free +screamer +>30min
    I would actually pay for that service.
  • edited March 2011
    Friend showed me the cake topper his future wife chose for their cake. Pretty cool.

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • WOW. That was some crazy-ass pregnancy mood swing shit right there. Guyz, be glad you were not here. There was sobbing. Apparently her cousin is pregnant, and Lisa is... crying? Because that's bad... ish? I don't understand how hormones work.
  • WOW. That was some crazy-ass pregnancy mood swing shit right there. Guyz, be glad you were not here. There was sobbing. Apparently her cousin is pregnant, and Lisa is... crying? Because that's bad... ish? I don't understand how hormones work.
    It could be a lot of things: she's either happy for her or jealous. Good luck.

    Just give her a hug and tell her you love her.
  • I want to see what would look like.
    I'd rather see google.cum ;)
  • It could be a lot of things: she's either happy for her or jealous. Good luck.

    Just give her a hug and tell her you love her.
    I finally calmed her down. Her cousin's baby is due the month before ours, and ours will now be the third great-grandchild on that side. Lisa's upset that will steal some of her thunder with the great-grandparents. Normally that would be a tiny little niggling thought that she would suppress immediately, but her rampant hormones are blowing it out of proportion. So there were waterfalls.

    I held her a little while and rubbed her back and whispered things about how she's going to be a great mom.
  • Just saw this on a friend's blog and thought it was Rym. But it's... Weird Al!
  • edited March 2011
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • It could be a lot of things: she's either happy for her or jealous. Good luck.

    Just give her a hug and tell her you love her.
    I finally calmed her down. Her cousin's baby is due the month before ours, and ours will now be the third great-grandchild on that side. Lisa's upset that will steal some of her thunder with the great-grandparents. Normally that would be a tiny little niggling thought that she would suppress immediately, but her rampant hormones are blowing it out of proportion. So there were waterfalls.

    I held her a little while and rubbed her back and whispered things about how she's going to be a great mom.
    You could offer to push her cousin down some stairs...
  • edited September 2011

    [12:07:29 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Do you realize the 90s was over a decade ago?!
    [12:07:35 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Holy shit.
    [12:08:16 AM] MC: i love it! that only means its finally ok to bring the back
    [12:08:27 AM] MC: scrunchies and bare midriffs
    [12:08:48 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Now that is something I'd like to see come back. ;)
    [12:08:57 AM] MC: lol
    [12:09:06 AM] MC: but it was a descent bare midriff
    [12:09:41 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: I think you mean decent. If it was a descent bare mid riff, their pants would be falling.
    [12:09:52 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Also something I wouldnt have a problem with.
    [12:09:54 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: lol
    [12:09:56 AM] MC: lol decent!
    [12:09:58 AM] MC: hahahahaa
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Descent was also an awesome video game from the 90s.
  • edited September 2011
    The continuation of that conversation:
    [12:11:53 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: You know, I would have loved to be down in Miami or southern cali in the mid 80s
    [12:12:07 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: That whole scene; that was cool.
    [12:12:20 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Or rather, tv re-runs tell us so.
    [12:12:22 AM] MC: oh boyyy
    [12:12:23 AM] MC: lol
    [12:12:43 AM] MC: isnt it funny, how we remeber things that probably never happened
    [12:13:23 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Maybe, but a lot of things are like that.
    [12:13:45 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Take the idea of the Cowboy.
    [12:13:56 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Cowboys wernt really like that.
    [12:14:10 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: All we know is john wayne and maybe clint eastwood.
    [12:15:01 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: real cowboys were like farm hands and cattle ranchers today, only with less tools
    [12:16:02 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Or, for example, The Roman gladiators. We can only guess based on historical writings from romans what they were really like, yyet there are countless movies about them
    [12:16:41 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: So having nostalgia for soemthign you missed out on is normal.
    [12:17:03 AM] MC: that was deeper than i intended
    [12:17:14 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: I'm a deep guy.
    [12:17:16 AM] MC: haha
    [12:17:25 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: I even have nostalgia for the futures I will never know
    [12:17:37 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Well, might not ever know.
    [12:17:42 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: after all, you never know.
    [12:17:46 AM] MC: what u dont know
    [12:17:57 AM] MC: me too, actually
    [12:18:24 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: For example, someday there will be readily available cybernetic replacements for failing organs.
    [12:18:43 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Maybe even cyberbrains to load your own consiousness into.
    [12:19:09 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: With a robot body, you could live forever and experience infinite expereinces.
    [12:19:14 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: How cool would that be.
    [12:19:30 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: But, chances are, we wont live to see it. Our children may not even live to see it.
    [12:19:45 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Or hover bikes
    [12:19:56 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: or world peace
    [12:20:01 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Or world chaos.
    [12:20:10 AM] MC: lol
    [12:20:31 AM] MC: we are doomed for sedentary lifestlye
    [12:20:36 AM] MC: where nothing happens
    [12:20:44 AM] MC: and we all just talk about things happeening
    [12:21:14 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: You can live a sedentary lifestyle and still make things happen. Remember, words can drive actions just as much as actions drive words.
    [12:21:43 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Words are just actualized thoughts, and thoughts are the most powerful, unstoppable, force on the planet.
    [12:23:02 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Remember the quote from V for vendetta,"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
    [12:24:12 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Beneath all our masks, whether sedentary or active in this world, are ideas. Ideas that can raise kings or crumble nations. Ideas that can spark innovation or stifle it in the darkness of pedantry.
    [12:24:27 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: It matters not if move, but if we think.
    [12:25:32 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: And as long as we think, whether in rememberace of pasts not known, presents not see, or futures yet to come, we can still be an active part of this world and of it's reality.
    [12:26:11 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: Man, I can't belive I just made all that up. That's some good stuff right there.
    [12:26:15 AM] Sonic D Hedgehog: lol
    [12:27:15 AM] MC: haha
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • You sound hella high.
  • You sound hella high.
    That does indeed sound like the intense, "deep" thoughts brought on by certain herbs and fungi. Or acid.
  • You sound hella high.
    That does indeed sound like the intense, "deep" thoughts brought on by certain herbs and fungi. Or acid.
    I've never tried drugs. If you think I sound high when I'm lucid, I wonder how I'd sound if I was actually high.
  • edited March 2011
    You don't sound high all the time. It's just the wordy quoting from pieces of pop culture followed by philosophical pondering on the quotes followed by something like, "Y'know man, that's what it's all about!" or "I should write this stuff down," is how high people around me behave just about 100% of the time.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Old school avatar from Scott. Nice little surprise for the morning.
  • Suicide is ragequitting life.
  • You could offer to push her cousin down some stairs...
    That's fucking horrific. USER BLOCKED.
  • Umm kiding..
  • My mama is in NYC and is bringing me home some spicy tuna onigiri, curry pan and rolls! (greentea and red bean) This one is verry happy!
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