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  • Amazon supposedly is doing lots of stuff like that for its app store. Since Android doesn't particularly care what app store you use for it, that works here. However, since Apple is the only one allowed into the iOS app store, they can't do that.
  • Since Android doesn't particularly care what app store you use for it
    Except on AT&T.; AT&T; won't let you install non-market apps. It makes absolutely no sense.
  • Since Android doesn't particularly care what app store you use for it
    Except on AT&T.; AT&T; won't let you install non-market apps. It makes absolutely no sense.
    Ah, AT&T; being dicks. Why am I not surprised. That's actually one problem with Android -- as open as they claim it is, there is nothing that keeps the carriers and handset manufacturers from being dicks about what they do to it. I'm honestly starting to think that openness is no reason to get an Android handset over an iPhone as it looks more and more like a myth (unless you maybe get something like a Nexus-S direct from Google).
  • Jesus christ I could go a Kebab right now. A proper Kebab, not this UK bullshit of horrible, overcooked Anonymous Doner Meat in a plastic box, fuck that.
  • Jesus christ I could go a Kebab right now. A proper Kebab, not this UK bullshit of horrible, overcooked Anonymous Doner Meat in a plastic box, fuck that.
    I really need to check out the Kebab place that's a 5 minute walk from where I live.
  • I really need to check out the Kebab place that's a 5 minute walk from where I live.
    I'm pretty tempted, I've got a Great Kebab joint up the road which is open 24 hours.
  • Even though I had chicken shawarma last night, I want more today.
  • Since Android doesn't particularly care what app store you use for it
    Except on AT&T.; AT&T; won't let you install non-market apps. It makes absolutely no sense.
    Ah, AT&T; being dicks. Why am I not surprised. That's actually one problem with Android -- as open as they claim it is, there is nothing that keeps the carriers and handset manufacturers from being dicks about what they do to it. I'm honestly starting to think that openness is no reason to get an Android handset over an iPhone as it looks more and more like a myth (unless you maybe get something like a Nexus-S direct from Google).
    I would agree with this, but I have the latest AT&T; Droid, the HTC Inspire, and I haven't really had that become a problem. For the enthusiast, sure, the lack of third-party app support is a bitch, but the workarounds aren't exactly difficult to pull off for someone who cares. Obviously, this means that the typical consumer wouldn't be capable of using those workarounds, but they likely don't care/don't know about any apps outside the Android Market. So yeah, AT&T; are dicks, but it's not difficult at all to get past it, not nearly enough for me to say it's not more open than an iPhone.
  • How do they get the bowls of soup to look so good on the Vietnamese menus?

  • In light of the Easter Bunny being an egg-stealing chicken murderer, I propose an Easter version of Angry Birds: Angry Chickens. Launch the angry chickens at the Easter bunnies to get their eggs back.
  • I would agree with this, but I have the latest AT&T; Droid, the HTC Inspire, and I haven't really had that become a problem. For the enthusiast, sure, the lack of third-party app support is a bitch, but the workarounds aren't exactly difficult to pull off for someone who cares. Obviously, this means that the typical consumer wouldn't be capable of using those workarounds, but they likely don't care/don't know about any apps outside the Android Market. So yeah, AT&T; are dicks, but it's not difficult at all to get past it, not nearly enough for me to say it's not more open than an iPhone.
    Question: How is this hoop jumping any different from jailbreaking an iPhone?
  • Question: How is this hoop jumping any different from jailbreaking an iPhone?
    Just in terms of ease - Jailbreaking an iPhone involves bypassing the firmware altogether, and going through a series of steps to get the apps/customizability on there. First of all, the Android has a lot of that customizability already built-into the system, simply given that apps don't need to be specifically opened in order to work. Second, getting third-party apps onto the locked AT&T; Android phones is as easy as mounting your phone on the computer, running a simple application, and pointing to the app that you want on the phone. No firmware replacement/bypassing, no warranty voiding (to the best of my knowledge), so it's generally a less painful process overall.
  • no warranty voiding (to the best of my knowledge)
    Best check that, son.
  • no warranty voiding (to the best of my knowledge)
    Best check that, son.
    Doesn't like just installing third-party apps voids the warranty, but rooting the phone does.
  • edited March 2011
    Make sure you're sure. The nature of specific apps may void the warranty (Tethering being the obvious one.).

    Also: Acer and Toshiba laptops have to be some of the worst for coming with way too many junk programs.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • The only third-party app I've put on there is Swype, which is nothing more than an alternate text input-option. Honestly, 'most anything I care about is in the Android Market anyway, so rooting isn't a concern anyway. Given that with the iOS, the added functionality offered with apps is limited, often superficial at best, whereas Android apps can completely alter the core functionality of the phone (buzzwords buzzwords). So, Android > iOS, at least in my book.
  • Also: Acer and Toshiba laptops have to be some of the worst for coming with way too many junk programs.
    Really, worse than HP? I actually got angry when a dormmate asked me to help optimize his HP laptop.. The fucking POST screen is loaded with all sorts of HP Media junk.
  • edited March 2011
    Nero has about 7 programs installed. Toshiba itself is pushing around 15 as well as numerous bars and other crap. There's the standard McCafee trial.

    In total, I count three separate disc burning programs.

    Update: Toshiba is at 21 in the programs list.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Bloatware is the bane of my existence, I wish death upon it all.
  • The problem with AT&T's Android bullshit is that, for most users (the exceptions being people like ProfPangloss who are working around it), it removes the ability to use the Amazon Appstore, which really dicks Amazon, and for no apparent reason.
  • Just in terms of ease - Jailbreaking an iPhone involves bypassing the firmware altogether, and going through a series of steps to get the apps/customizability on there. First of all, the Android has a lot of that customizability already built-into the system, simply given that apps don't need to be specifically opened in order to work. Second, getting third-party apps onto the locked AT&T; Android phones is as easy as mounting your phone on the computer, running a simple application, and pointing to the app that you want on the phone. No firmware replacement/bypassing, no warranty voiding (to the best of my knowledge), so it's generally a less painful process overall.
    Doesn't sound any easier than jailbreaking an iPhone, except that you have to be wary of jailbreaks needing to be updated every time iOS is updated. In general, the iPhone procedure is:
    1. Attach iPhone via USB to computer
    2. Run the appropriate jailbreaking program on your computer
    3. The jailbreaking program automatically installs the alternative app store for you.
    Now if Android doesn't require an alternative app store to be installed in order to put alternative apps on, that is nice, but I don't see how it's significantly easier than using an alternative app store like Cydia.

    Changing the subject to laptops, what laptop manufacturers put the least crapware on their computers. I got an Acer as my road machine (I'm in the "expensive desktop, el-cheapo laptop" school of thought on this) because it was cheap, but it had quite a bit of crapware. If/when I replace the Acer with something nicer, what brands will waste the least of my time with removing said crapware?
  • I pretty much only had to delete the Norton trial when I got my new laptop (a Dell). I don't know if I'm abnormal in that camp, though.
  • The problem with AT&T;'s Android bullshit is that, for most users (the exceptions being people like ProfPangloss who are working around it), it removes the ability to use the Amazon Appstore, which really dicks Amazon, and for no apparent reason.
    Well this pretty much solves that one
  • Goddamn it. A welding setup is fucking expensive, man.
  • edited March 2011
    Goddamn it. A welding setup is fucking expensive, man.
    Yep. You can cheapen it some by not bothering with a bunch of the protective equipment, but on your head be it, and it only takes one hot spark burning through your jeans to rest on that particular head to make you re-consider. And that is not what the ladies would call a cool scar. (Not happened to me - Yet. But I did learn the folly of elastic sided boots when a spark dropped down the side of my boot and left me with a nice big burn. Hurt like a motherfucker. The quest to replace my entire body with scar tissue continues.)

    Ideally, what you need is a welding helmet - or at least goggles or glasses, and don't cheap out on them, for fuck's sake - and a good set of gloves. Heat resistant shoes are helpful, but they MUST be lace up, not elastic sided - see above - but not absolutely nessasary, just a decent pair of boots. Don't weld in sneakers. Don't weld barefoot. Don't follow my example and weld in nothing but shield glasses(Literally - Sunnies with Welding shield glass in them), jeans, and gloves, because I've got years on you, and still fuck myself up from time to time. A Respirator isn't essential, but it is preferable.

    From a few minutes looking over Amazon, I reccomend :
    The Neico auto-darkening helmet, US forge leather welding gloves, US forge Economy Chipping hammer.

    Also, if I remember rightly from when WorldSkills went to Chicago for a competition, don't Wisco do welder rentals? Failing that, From when I worked at B.O.C, I know that WeldMart U.S.A have good stuff for decent prices, and have a store in Wheeling. I have no fucking idea where Wheeling is, other than that it's in Illinois.

    EDIT - also, while I encourage you to buy good safety equipment and not be a walking don't-do-what-donny-don't-does fuckwit like me, you don't have to get top notch stuff for a long time yet. The welders I use are a 30 year old hand me down industrial Arc Welder nicknamed "Fat Bitch", and "The Russian", an old, very, very red MIG welder which is an old heavy industrial machine, but is closer in it's lineage to being the big daddy of Smootharc 350R - which I got for $100 when I was working at BOC, because a customer bought it in because it was "Completely broken" but he'd already welded a big hanging frame to the back of it for the handpiece and other kit, so it was thrown on the unusable returns pile. Turns out all he was doing was trying to make it feed welding wire that was way too big, tried to force it through, and jammed it up. Took it apart, pulled out the wrong sized wire, some minor repairs, and blam, easily a grand's worth of industrial welder for $100. Grab something old and cheap that'll do the job, learn how to weld, and then worry about a good setup.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • WeldMart is like an hour away from me. I'll check that out. Wisco could rent me a 135A, 115V Lincoln MIG unit.
  • WeldMart is like an hour away from me. I'll check that out. Wisco could rent me a 135A, 115V Lincoln MIG unit.
    Good plan - rentals are handy for when you're low on cash, but need to get a job done. Also, Pro-tip - normal welding rods, when soaked in water, make decent enough cutting rods, if you can't be bothered to go and buy cutting rods for a small job.
  • Now I just need a couple food-grade steel drums. I thought McMaster would have me sorted, but no.
  • Now I just need a couple food-grade steel drums. I thought McMaster would have me sorted, but no.
    Wait, wait, wait, wait wait. You're welding stainless? In that case, respirators are 100% a must, and it must be rated for stainless welding, or you will fucking die. You need about a third of the amps, and you need to shield both sides of where you're welding with your shield gas, argon is best. Practice first, you only get one chance with stainless.
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