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  • After spending a while here on the Amazon, I'm seriously wondering why sloths aren't more popular pets around the world. It's like nature has genetically engineered the perfect living teddy bear.
  • I think it's the whole "mold on its fur" thing.
  • I think it's the whole "mold on its fur" thing.
    Quiet you.
  • edited April 2011
    After spending a while here on the Amazon, I'm seriously wondering why sloths aren't more popular pets around the world. It's like nature has genetically engineered the perfect living teddy bear.
    Because they've got big fuck-off claws, and are not afraid to use them on whatever comes to hand(claw?) when they're pissed off. Seriously, don't fuck with sloths, they're slow to anger, but they don't piss about.

    Edit - on top of that, they can't really survive too well outside of the rainforest, and many of them are endangered.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I am so many colours. @_@
  • Figured out how to make videos on the forum autoplay.
  • edited April 2011
    Because they've got big fuck-off claws, and are not afraid to use them on whatever comes to hand(claw?) when they're pissed off. Seriously, don't fuck with sloths, they're slow to anger, but they don't piss about.
    Whether or not that's an issue depends on how well a sloth would take to domestication and training. I'm willing to bet that dogs are far more dangerous than sloths. That isn't to say that having a pet sloth is a good idea, though, what with the endageredness, the picky diet, the moldy fur, and the sleeping a tree all day and coming down once a week primarily to take a massive shit and say hello before heading back up again.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited April 2011
    I think it's the whole "mold on its fur" thing.
    Quiet you.
    That motherfucker is smiling. Look at how cute that is.
    I'm willing to bet that dogs are far more dangerous than sloths.

    Although, even playing with you with those claws will fuck your shit up.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited April 2011
    the picky diet, the moldy fur, and the sleeping a tree all day and coming down once a week primarily to take a massive shit and say hello before heading back up again.
    Except for the picky diet, Sounds like the Hambeast.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited April 2011
    Except for the picky diet, Sounds like the Hambeast.
    I still shudder a little when you say that name unexpectedly, and I didn't even have to lay eyes on her.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Except for the picky diet, Sounds like the Hambeast.
    I still shudder a little when you say that name unexpectedly, and I didn't even have to lay eyes on her.
    She's the one that ruined the godly tea, right?

    Dear lord.
  • On an unrelated note, I have settled on a new name.
  • Oh man, now I wanna jump the bandwagon.
  • I was going to mention sloth claws, but you guys handled it.
  • Two toed sloths are dangerous. Three toed sloths are fine. They are super strong, but the ones I've held and played with over the past week have been very gentle, and very cuddly. If I was going to be attacked by a sloth or a dog, I'd pick a sloth any time. There is no fungus on their fur, because they are pets, and the owners wash them. I've no idea about diet or climate, though there are many animals kept around the world that are outside of their natural environment. It's just a cost thing, I guess. They may be endangered, but I'm sure there could be a way to breed them which wouldn't cause loads of hunters to strip the jungles and rain forests of wind sloths to sell into captivity.

    But to be honest, I'm no kind of expert. I'm just going with my gut. Just how cute is this guy?

    And when I held him, all he wanted to do is hug me back. Like dolphins, I'm sure the attraction is partly their constant smiling mouth, happy or not, and their natural activities that are appealing to us on a basic level.

  • edited April 2011
    The Australian dub of Takeshi's Castle is one of the most awesome and hilariously (though, probably unintentionally) racist things I have ever watched. Actual quote: "One hundred clap-happy snappy Jappy-Jappies have been gathered by General Lee from all across Japan!"

    Still, it fulfils my craving for Takeshi's Castle in the best way possible.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The Australian dub of Takeshi's Castle is one of the most awesome and hilariously (though, probably unintentionally) racist things I have ever watched. Actual quote: "One hundred clap-happy snappy Jappy-Jappies have been gathered by General Lee from all across Japan!"
    If it has a cross Dressing Geisha called Beryl, you're watching the right one - that's the one that sticks to the plot of the episodes, and just re-dubs them, unlike MXC which just compiles random clips.
  • edited April 2011
    Goddamn it. Apparently the torrent was either a mix of episodes or I just sucked at accents as I woke up, because I'm now 99% sure that most of these are the UK ones (which don't follow the story--I want my fucking Count Takeshi, dammit) narrated by Craig Charles.

    If someone knows where I can get the Australian dubs, please tell me.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited April 2011
    Four parties in three nights and a picnic ending with a family dinner. I can't party anymore! I try to be Pinkie Pie and I can't! Damn my huge social life! Damn it!
    Post edited by Viga on
  • edited April 2011
    Goddamn it. Apparently the torrent was either a mix of episodes or I just sucked at accents as I woke up, because I'm now 99% sure that most of these are the UK ones (which don't follow the story--I want my fucking Count Takeshi, dammit) narrated by Craig Charles.

    If someone knows where I can get the Australian dubs, please tell me.
    You should be looking for dubs that involve "The Comedy Channel" and are hosted by Shannon Cleary and Nathan Morris, with occasional appearances by Greg Fleet. I don't know where you can get them, but if I manage to get a hold of them, I'll either give you the torrent, or torrent them myself. It should be from around 2002. We used to get the occasional Subtitled broadcast of the original show on SBS, but fucked if I know where to get that.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Four parties in three nights and a picnic ending with a family dinner. I can't party anymore! I try to be Pinkie Pie and I can't! Damn my huge social life! Damn it!
    I'm pretty sure the only was Pinkie Pie can manage it is because she actually RUNS on party energy.
  • I have an idea for a LAN party gaming pc. Ok so they make those cases that are more like cubes and have built in handles and all that for easy transport, but you still have to lug around a monitor and keyboard and all that. They should make a laptop-like device that is just a keyboard and monitor with inputs, like they use for some servers. You could even have them separate like some of the huge desktop replacements do. The pc case could have a rack to mount this onto, so basically all you would have to lug around is a cube a couple cables and a mouse. Hell, you could make the cables retractable if you wanted to get fancy. I really wouldn't be that complicated to make and it would be a hell of a lot cheaper than a lot of gaming laptops out there.
  • I have an idea for a LAN party gaming pc. Ok so they make those cases that are more like cubes and have built in handles and all that for easy transport, but you still have to lug around a monitor and keyboard and all that. They should make a laptop-like device that is just a keyboard and monitor with inputs, like they use for some servers. You could even have them separate like some of the huge desktop replacements do. The pc case could have a rack to mount this onto, so basically all you would have to lug around is a cube a couple cables and a mouse. Hell, you could make the cables retractable if you wanted to get fancy. I really wouldn't be that complicated to make and it would be a hell of a lot cheaper than a lot of gaming laptops out there.
    Why not just have a desktop tower with a monitor built into the side and a folding down keyboard and dockable bluetooth mouse?
  • edited April 2011
    I was just accused of being a theist. A reader wrote a letter questioning why I write more articles about the one parochial school in our city than about the six public schools. This is laughable on so many levels. I guess I'm... not atheist enough? Also, the assertion is demonstrably wrong. I write so many stories about public school finance, grants, education trends, building projects, social issues, legislation, kids who achieve shit, etc., that it's not even funny.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • I was just accused of being a theist. A reader wrote a letter questioning why I write more articles about the one parochial school in our city than about the six public schools. This is laughable on so many levels. I guess I'm... not atheist enough? Also, the assertion is demonstrably wrong. I write so many stories about public school finance, grants, education trends, building projects, social issues, legislation, kids who achieve shit, etc., that it's not even funny.
    I demand you write an Op-ed regarding your beliefs.
  • I shat brix when I found out that the mitsubishi lancer evo is a 4-banger. How can such a powerful car have only 4 cylinders?
  • I was just accused of being a theist. A reader wrote a letter questioning why I write more articles about the one parochial school in our city than about the six public schools. This is laughable on so many levels. I guess I'm... not atheist enough? Also, the assertion is demonstrably wrong. I write so many stories about public school finance, grants, education trends, building projects, social issues, legislation, kids who achieve shit, etc., that it's not even funny.
    I'm always amused when I'm called a Bush apologist...
  • edited April 2011
    I shat brix when I found out that the mitsubishi lancer evo is a 4-banger. How can such a powerful car have only 4 cylinders?
    My Suzuki is a 4-banger, and I've broken the ton with it easily despite having far less horsepower than the Evo. It's all about the weight. You put a turbocharged 4-banger with a some crazy horsepower in a lightweight frame (the Evo's curb weight is less than two tons) and you make some magic.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Why not just have a desktop tower with a monitor built into the side and a folding down keyboard and dockable bluetooth mouse?
    That would work but I don't really like having a huge box on my desk if I don't have to.
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