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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • phonebooths
    Ahum, Police booth.
  • phonebooths
    Ahum, Police booth.
    Ahum, Police Box.
  • phonebooths
    Ahum, Police booth.
    Ahum, Police Box.
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • I go the image from the webs, but made the rest.

  • I now have an official pony shirt and a pony sticker.
  • Best birthday present ever! And I won't be home to watch it. But whatever. :)
  • My girlfriend really likes Doctor Who, and in her words, she "officially liked" MLP:FiM when I showed her Doctor Whooves.
  • I showed MLP to my friend Meg who watched it while home one weekend. Her mom entered the room and started watching it with her. Her mom is now a brony and bought her the toy set with pink celestia.
  • My girlfriend really likes Doctor Who, and in her words, she "officially liked" MLP:FiM when I showed her Doctor Whooves.
    I showed MLP to my friend Meg who watched it while home one weekend. Her mom entered the room and started watching it with her. Her mom is now a brony and bought her the toy set with pink celestia.
    The proper term for a female brony is a "pegasis"
  • Random crossover speculation - if Dr Whooves regenerated, ostensibly into a different pony body with the same mind, would he keep the same mark?
  • I wish I could erase this show from history. Well, mostly just my memory.

  • No, it's just everywhere. It's impossible to be on the internet and not encounter MLP memes.
    This is how I feel about Dr. Who.
    This is how I feel about Homestuck.
  • No, it's just everywhere. It's impossible to be on the internet and not encounter MLP memes.
    This is how I feel about Dr. Who.
    This is how I feel about Homestuck.
    Is that like some kind of homeschool kid thing?

  • No, it's just everywhere. It's impossible to be on the internet and not encounter MLP memes.
    This is how I feel about Dr. Who.
    This is how I feel about Homestuck.
    Now I was unable to say anything about Who and Ponies, because I like them both, but I don't even know what Homestuck is. I've seen the name mentioned few times when visiting 4chan, I think, but I have not felt like it's something that's everywhere. Maybe if I would know something about it I could see it all around, but guarded by my ignorance I don't see it.

  • No, it's just everywhere. It's impossible to be on the internet and not encounter MLP memes.
    This is how I feel about Dr. Who.
    This is how I feel about Homestuck.
    Now I was unable to say anything about Who and Ponies, because I like them both, but I don't even know what Homestuck is. I've seen the name mentioned few times when visiting 4chan, I think, but I have not felt like it's something that's everywhere. Maybe if I would know something about it I could see it all around, but guarded by my ignorance I don't see it.

    It is deff some kind of homeschool kid thing.
  • Now I was unable to say anything about Who and Ponies, because I like them both, but I don't even know what Homestuck is. I've seen the name mentioned few times when visiting 4chan, I think, but I have not felt like it's something that's everywhere. Maybe if I would know something about it I could see it all around, but guarded by my ignorance I don't see it.
    If you've been to any conventions- any at all- in the past two or three years, you've seen someone dressed up as a Homestuck character- probably one of the trolls. You just didn't realize it. Trust me, it's big. The reason you haven't been seeing it, I'm guessing, is that it's most popular with people in their teens. Nobody who posts here, as far as I can tell. Maybe the Homestuck fans aren't as loud as Ponies fans are. Or maybe I just keep running into Homestuck fans. I dunno.

    The FRC Forums is the only one of my regular internet hangouts that doesn't have a noticeable Homestuck presence. I'm safe here.
  • The barrier of entry with Homestuck is harder, so that probably why it hasn't infiltrated everywhere like Who and ponies
  • No, it's just everywhere. It's impossible to be on the internet and not encounter MLP memes.
    This is how I feel about Dr. Who.
    This is how I feel about Homestuck.
    And now you all know how I felt about Pokemon and Phoenix Wright every time new games were released. Oh, and Portal.

    It's not a new thing. Every time geeks get excited about something, the internet gets overrun. This too shall pass.

  • Homestuck is kinda cool - But I'd much rather see people dressing up as Problem Sleuth
  • Adam Warock has a song title "I never watched Dr. Who" we may need a pony equivlent to that.
  • edited November 2011
    Since it hasn't been posted I just want to make sure everyone is aware that there's a new Friendship is Witchcraft out. I kind of shut down when I tried to watched previous episodes in this series, but this was really great. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in particular have some amazing scenes, which is something I never thought I'd write.

    Post edited by Nissl on
  • I had seen the first episode of those when it first came out, but somehow had managed to miss the following ones until yesterday when I watched them all that one involved.

    I really like the music numbers in that series.
  • Friendship is Witchcraft is definitely the best fan re-dub thing in the history of such things that I have ever seen.
  • Haha! Time for ponies!
  • Welp, that was the best episode ever.
  • It was a good episode. It didn't surpass the ones before it for me. I was glad to have a Rarity episode though.
  • My Pony Torrent RSS feed lies in wait. I am so happy that one exists nowadays.
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