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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Rarity's parents were quite interesting.

    It was a good episode. I do like Sweetie Bell, but it's definitely not as good as Luna Eclipsed or Lesson Zero.
  • I declare the shark jumped. Over the course of three episodes, MLP has gone from "best piece of animation of the last decade" to "I'm not watching this."
  • Was rarity's father an earth pony?
  • Towards the end, I was hoping that this week's lesson would be "It's good to have lots of friends, since nopony can share all your interests." Instead, it was more like, "It's okay to lie to someone for their own good, and they'll forgive you."
  • edited November 2011
    I declare the shark jumped. Over the course of three episodes, MLP has gone from "best piece of animation of the last decade" to "I'm not watching this."
    Huh? An explanation perhaps? Don't really see how this episode sucked, or the last two sucked so much to reach this conclusion.
    Towards the end, I was hoping that this week's lesson would be "It's good to have lots of friends, since nopony can share all your interests." Instead, it was more like, "It's okay to lie to someone for their own good, and they'll forgive you."
    Also baffled by this reaction. The lesson at the end was just what the show portrayed: Don't be a selfish jerk, but actually try to do the things others want as well. You might have some fun there.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I declare the shark jumped. Over the course of three episodes, MLP has gone from "best piece of animation of the last decade" to "I'm not watching this."
    I think it is kinda impossible to jump the shark in the second season.

  • Not the best episode, but definitely shark jumpage. It's basically the same episode as "Look Before You Sleep."
  • So... Rarity is from Wisconsin?
  • Like somepony said, they probably wanted to save on the voice acting budget (probably use it for beer money) and really had no good ideas for an episode. It's really just filler, but we're willing to let it slide because the others are good enough that, as you once put it, is coal in the fire to power us through the bad parts.
  • I declare the shark jumped. Over the course of three episodes, MLP has gone from "best piece of animation of the last decade" to "I'm not watching this."
    Uh...why? Feels like everyone's happy with how things are going, and unless I wasn't the only other person disappointed with Luna Eclipsed. But this episode was pretty good.
    Not the best episode, but definitely shark jumpage. It's basically the same episode as "Look Before You Sleep."
    Agreed, but much better. I so D'awwwed between the relationships in this episode and like how they handled how angry you get within those situations. And they reflected back on continuity which is good. (But Fans may be mad because Dinky isn't related to Derpy at all)
  • Youtubes! Why you no have new episode!!!
  • Torrents! Why you no have new episode???
  • I declare the shark jumped. Over the course of three episodes, MLP has gone from "best piece of animation of the last decade" to "I'm not watching this."
    Huh? An explanation perhaps? Don't really see how this episode sucked, or the last two sucked so much to reach this conclusion.
    It's kind of a combination of a couple things. One, the shock wore off. First watching it was this strange irreplicatable sensation. Second, the only episode that stands out in my mind for reasons other than complaints since Sonic Rainboom is Discord of Harmony. Third, they've ruined the two best ponies. They've overplayed her overreactions, when what made her great was the contrast between how calm, collected, and well mannered she was and her breakdowns. Furthermore, they ruined the most interesting relationship: Sweetie Belle land Rarity. Before this episode, one could quite logically come to the conclusion that Rarity and Sweetie Belles parents had passed on, and Rarity had become the guardian for her sister, explaining why she seemed to be the mother figure for SB. With her parents located, this theory is destroyed, and my interest in SB is lost. RBD has gotten on my nerves since shortly after the aforementioned Sonic Rainboom, and Fluttershy, Applejack and T Spark are just flat. Pinkie Pie just isn't enough to carry the show.
    I think it is kinda impossible to jump the shark in the second season.

    Why not? We only got one good season out of Black Cat, and Japanese seasons are only 13 episodes, not even the 26 we got out of MLP.
  • edited November 2011
    Youtubes! Why you no have new episode!!!
    Youtubes has the new episode.
    Edit: I was late.
    Post edited by Apsup on
  • image
    Seriously? T Spark is the most popular pony? What's wrong with people?
  • Only thing I can complain about is that the episode was painfully close to my home situation right now, and its not like I have a friend who I can spend time with their family.
  • Heh, Discord is more popular than Celestia.
  • edited November 2011
    Wait a second... Did Sweetie Bell just say
    "We can ride bikes" Also we see that the animals they keep as farm animals are sentient (a sheep talks).... So ponies have slaves
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Shadoworc, aren't you be a bit overzealous with your Rarity/Sweetie Bell love?

    You are entitled to your opinion, but overall you come off as a disheartened fan boy.

    I think the episode wasn't best, nor do I think it was the worst. I agree with chaosof99's take on the lesson as well.

    I will say I don't have a sister, but I think the portrayal of siblings not getting along was done fairly well in this episode. I am the younger of my older sibling and the episode reminded me a lot of my relationship with my other brother when I was young.

    Rarity saw the error of her selfish ways and that she wasn't as understanding or as patient as she could have been with her younger sister, Sweetie Bell.

    I think that showing Rarity and Sweetie Bell's parents was weird and thought it was just something they won't ever explain or show. However, I think it is interesting on how they showed them as complete opposites. I think it hints at why Rarity is as much as the prissy snob she is. It seems like the typical be the exact opposite of your parents sort of thing because she somewhat ashamed of them.

    I don't really see as much shark jumpage as others do. I think the next episode about the chicken pox will be hilarious.

    While the lesson is the same as the one Scott mentioned, I don't think it hurts having it repeated but in the form of conflict between siblings.

  • This episode pretty handily described the relationship between my brother and I. Although, though we've had our differences, we've never gotten to the point of disowning one another.
  • I agree with Ro, I feel like that's having A LOT of expectations for this show that Rarity shouldn't have parents and SB and Rarity have a particular kind of relationship. (I mean, Granny Smith is still around) I completely connected as a younger sibling where you really have no idea how annoying or unhelpful you are being. But unlike a bad show which would totally let Sweetie Belle off the hook, both Rarity AND her learned a good lesson.

    And I'm not sure where Sonic Rainboom really comes into it. Rarity learned a completely different lesson about friendship in that episode.
  • Towards the end, I was hoping that this week's lesson would be "It's good to have lots of friends, since nopony can share all your interests." Instead, it was more like, "It's okay to lie to someone for their own good, and they'll forgive you."
    Also baffled by this reaction. The lesson at the end was just what the show portrayed: Don't be a selfish jerk, but actually try to do the things others want as well. You might have some fun there.
    Perhaps I am simply bitter. I have sibling issues.

  • This is almost as good as Fluttershy + Wood Man
  • Also we see that the animals they keep as farm animals are sentient (a sheep talks).... So ponies have slaves?
    Doesn't need spoilers. We already know that the farm animals are also sentient since Applejack stopped the stampede in the fourth episode of season 1. Don't think it's slavery though. I think it's more like the relationship between Twilight and Spike or Owlalicious. Live-in employment, more or less.
  • This is almost as good as Fluttershy + Wood Man
    Almost, but not quite. Fluttershy+Wood Man had good arts to go with a funny idea. That is just funny idea and little photoshopping. Good picture still though.

  • Man, you people and your shark-jumping accusations. I thought this was a solid episode, and I'm about to watch it again. While it was similar to "Look Before You Sleep" in some ways, it focused on a different relationship, we have them taking advantage of the setup from Lesson Zero that allows them to narrow the focus to the other ponies, we had hilarious Sweetie Bell antics and Rarity drama + Apple family lulz, Granny Smith getting a hilarious scene...

    I agree it wasn't the best episode of the show. It's probably not going to be one I rewatch over and over like Fall Weather Friends or Suited for Success, but if you seriously expect every episode to be as good or better than the best ones already are, you are basically setting yourself up for disappointment. Enjoy it for what it is (or don't).
  • edited November 2011
    Seriously? T Spark is the most popular pony? What's wrong with people?
    She has a personality, until some more colorful ponies.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I agree it wasn't the best episode of the show. It's probably not going to be one I rewatch over and over like Fall Weather Friends or Suited for Success
    You mean like Dragonshy and Sonic Rainboom?
  • I agree it wasn't the best episode of the show. It's probably not going to be one I rewatch over and over like Fall Weather Friends or Suited for Success
    You mean like Dragonshy and Sonic Rainboom?
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