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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • I'm sure we could find seven different sessions with cleverbot where he claims all seven of the mane cast are best pony.
    Who's the seventh?
  • I'm sure we could find seven different sessions with cleverbot where he claims all seven of the mane cast are best pony.
    Who's the seventh?

  • That image amuses me and I don't know why.
  • Andrew, why do you follow this thread?
    Closet brony. It's cool, we won't judge. He'll come around eventually.

  • I'm sure we could find seven different sessions with cleverbot where he claims all seven of the mane cast are best pony.
    Who's the seventh?
    A better question I just asked myself is who's the sixth?
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by Gundampilotspaz on
  • My sister also made a stain glass Rainbow Dash for a school art project. I'll get a picture when I see her next.
  • edited November 2011
    Hmm, no discussion of the S3 news huh? S3 has 13 episodes ordered, and Renzetti, AKR, and probably Fullerton followed Faust out the door after the S2 scripts were done. It would seem that Hasbro is concerned about instability in the writing team and/or is planning to push the show into syndication after 65 episodes, which as I understand it is standard practice for kids' shows. On the upside we have confirmation that Faust and Renzetti guided the next 21 episodes, there will be at least 13 more episodes after that, McCarthy is taking over as story editor and the other 3 writers are back, and all of the voice talent seems to be coming back.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • If we walked away with only Season 1 I'd have been happy. Season 2 is looking good so far. If the show tanks after that, so be it. This was a freak event anyway, it couldn't last forever.

    However, if Faust left a good enough show bible that detailed the characters than even a less talented staff will be able to keep the show going on the strength of the Ponies alone.
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Even if these rumors are true that means there will be 60+ episodes of pony. That's a lot of episodes. Nothing lasts forever. Most of my favorite shows of all time have been a lot less than 60 episodes. Macross is 36. Utena is 39. Most animes are 26. Gundam SEED is only 50 episodes, and a few of those are recaps! Madoka Magika only has 12!

    Powerpuff Girls and Dexter's Lab only have 78 episodes each. If ponies have 63 or whatever, that's an amount we can be satisfied with and move on in our lives.
  • There is also the possibility of a movie; every other generation of ponies has had one. But even if there isn't, between 64ish episodes of ponies and the huge amount of fan content, this show has provided more raw hours of entertainment to me than any franchise since Warhammer 40k, and I've been in that fandom for over a decade.
  • There is also the possibility of a movie; every other generation of ponies has had one. But even if there isn't, between 64ish episodes of ponies and the huge amount of fan content, this show has provided more raw hours of entertainment to me than any franchise since Warhammer 40k, and I've been in that fandom for over a decade.
    I want to see a movie that is in theathers, not direct to video, just so we can see the audience full of little girls and also bronies.
  • I want to see a movie that is in theathers, not direct to video, just so we can see the audience full of little girls and also bronies.
    Which group would be screaming louder?
  • Bronies have better reverberation but little girls have more volume.
  • Strange, isn't it?
  • I just love the fact that the top image is fan art and not some random image found on the internet and was more than likely specifically made for this sort of meme.

  • This is Rarity talking. The same person who says that losing some ribbon is the WORST POSSIBLE THING.
  • Yeah, 65 episodes is certainly in some ways quite a solid number, although this is still a mindset I'm adjusting to since I only got into anime via the sites doing MLP reviews, like this one; I'm used to the American setup where almost any worthwhile show goes on well past the freshness date and then you go back and pick out the good seasons later.

    I think I'm also a little disappointed because after that Faust interview where she talked about character destinies and such, I was picturing we'd go 5-7 seasons and do progression along the lines of Harry Potter, with the CMC getting their marks and the main 6 gradually unraveling some sort of greater destiny that bound them together. Perhaps that was just my particular fanboy bent, though. I was also hoping for some serious mainstream breakout - not unreasonable, given this show's massive footprint on the geek internet - due to the positive impact I think it could have on various issues to do with gender roles (both as far as the show's characters and the fanbase). I suppose from an anime fan perspective many of you are already used to tons of great shows going completely unreviewed in mainstream media.
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