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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • This episode was alright. Were those ponies in the bowling alley Big Lebowski references?
    Most definitely. There was also an episode of Foster's Home entitled "The Big Lebluski" in which the FH gang was bowling and The Dude, Walter and Donny showed up directly.

    Any in the Powerpuff Girls, there was an episode based off the Miss Bellum and Sedusa which was filled with Big Lebowski quotes. "It's the Mayor's Laundry! The whites!"

    I predicted this was going to happen, but I'm glad it happened very soon. :DDD
  • Apple fleurissent.. Cute
  • Wow, this episode is stuffed so full of methaphor that young girls and children can take away. The CMC, while not too suited to my taste as an adult, plays a very important role to the target demographic; this episode really shows that
  • Little bitches should just stay little bitches. Don't try to grow up fast and be stupid whores.
  • edited November 2011
    This was the first CMC episode that I could tolerate, so good job on them.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • I'm sorry, but I can't really sympathize with anything wearing a tiara.
  • edited November 2011
    I would buy this.

    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited November 2011
    So we've had a Sweetie Belle episode followed by an Apple Bloom one. What are the odds that the next episode is Scootaloo-centric?

    Also, I haven't felt any loss of enjoyment in season two or that the episodes are somehow "less" or losing their zazz now.
    Post edited by FarliamentPunkadelic on
  • The Scootaloo episode is the Rainbow Dash "race" episode.
  • I enjoyed this episode and didn't think it was "meh" at all.

    I loved seeing the Jesus from The Big Lebowski pony with the "mane-net" as well as the ponies of The Dude, Walter, and Donny. Seriously. A child's show referencing a Cohen brothers movie. Wonderful.

    I rather enjoyed the minor but many Easter eggs and jokes throughout the episode.

    These were the parts I found myself laughing out loud:

    ~ When Apple Bloom was rubbing it in the nose of Diamond Tiara
    ~ When Spike had lovey-dovey eyes when Twilight Sparkle's hair looked like Rarity's.
    ~ When Twilight Sparkle was reading from the pony ailment books and said, "the trots".
    ~ When Granny Smith had the charlie horse.

    I also liked seeing inside the home of the Apple family.

    Overall, the lesson was great and thought it was better than Sisterhood Social.
  • edited November 2011
    The Scootaloo episode is the Rainbow Dash "race" episode.
    You mean the "Scootaloo tries to become Rainbow Dash's pet" episode?

    I also enjoyed this weeks episode and I can't wait to show it to my brother as he has problems with patience.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Even when Pinkie isn't the focus of an episode, she steals the show.
  • edited November 2011
    "...the trots..."
    I died when I heard that :D
    Post edited by Casa Vino on
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I loved seeing the Jesus from The Big Lebowski pony with the "mane-net" as well as the ponies of The Dude, Walter, and Donny. Seriously. A child's show referencing a Cohen brothers movie. Wonderful.
    I wonder if we'd be reacting to the Animaniacs the same way if we had all been 20-30 when that came out.
  • I loved seeing the Jesus from The Big Lebowski pony with the "mane-net" as well as the ponies of The Dude, Walter, and Donny. Seriously. A child's show referencing a Cohen brothers movie. Wonderful.
    I wonder if we'd be reacting to the Animaniacs the same way if we had all been 20-30 when that came out.
    It has nothing to do with us or our ages. It has to do with the current state of society, techology, and culture. What if Animaniacs came out at a time when YouTube, Photoshop, 4Chan, and Reddit existed?
  • My thoughts exactly.
  • image
    I would play this in a heartbeat (hoofbeat?)
  • edited November 2011

    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Already found best one from that DA page.

  • Why didn't you post the one you knew would be Rym's favorite?

  • Let's try to make some instead of posting ones made by other people.

    I have no Photoshops :(
  • But Rarity Oscar Wilde exists!

    Though if we're blue skying, how about something with the Afghan girl and Zecora?
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