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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Though if we're blue skying, how about something with the Afghan girl and Zecora?
    That is racist.
  • a few things struck me"

    Of course the Big Lebowski sequence, and how about ninety percent of the the ponies shown in the bowling alley were stereotypes that are in all bowling alleys (obviously a kid's show can't show ponies going there just to get drunk and throw heavy balls at shit).

    When Apple Bloom rejected the idea that a party will cheer her up. Considering Pinkie's backstory and how schitzo she got in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" I can only imagine there was some offscreen angst over the young filly's rejection (and possibly why she ate six or more corn cakes).
  • I also have zero Photoshops. My EqD catchup duty continues, however:
  • When Apple Bloom rejected the idea that a party will cheer her up. Considering Pinkie's backstory and how schitzo she got in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" I can only imagine there was some offscreen angst over the young filly's rejection (and possibly why she ate six or more corn cakes).
    Leave Pinkie Pie out of your twisted grief fantasies, buddy.

  • When Apple Bloom rejected the idea that a party will cheer her up. Considering Pinkie's backstory and how schitzo she got in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" I can only imagine there was some offscreen angst over the young filly's rejection (and possibly why she ate six or more corn cakes).
    Leave Pinkie Pie out of your twisted grief fantasies, buddy.
    Hey now, I just made an observation based on my knowledge of her and past performance... and I just wanna give her a hug really.

    ... I can't help it...
  • edited November 2011

    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited November 2011
    This kind of thing seems to be a meme:
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • And the inverse:
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited November 2011

    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited November 2011

    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited November 2011
    A message that was sent to me while I was away at class:
    [10:11:39 AM] firemay: Damn it Victor!
    [10:11:47 AM] firemay: you have me refrencing my little pony now

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Rule 34, shipping, it's for real.

  • Perhaps we should call that... shopping?

    Couldn't resist.
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Song, Internet asplode.
  • GAH I missed the start of the stream! I was informed it was starting at 10:30! FUCKBALLS.
  • edited November 2011
    Ok that episode was pretty funny.
    Rainbow Dash was such a tool, but she learned her lesson in the end.

    I still think it was rather cruel of her to put all those animals in such a dangerous test.

    I call that there will be memes of "You will lose points for that."

    And yay for new song!
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Of course, Fluttershy justflips when Rainbow says she want's a pet...
  • Great episode! It seems like to make up for going six episodes without a song, we get a big awesome one.
  • edited November 2011
    Yeah that was my favorite episode of the season scored by number of times I laughed out loud. Seems like most people thought this was either the best or worst of the season; a lot of the haters are people who just don't like RD. Personally I'm not her biggest fan but I love the way Fullerton writes her. There also weren't many references or big over the top moments that are hilarious when you summarize them but there was lots and lots of good character/timing stuff. Guess it goes to show the different humor tastes in this fanbase.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • This episode can be summed up in a single phrase: Moving the goalposts :)

    The episode was great. Also, Am I mistaken or is this the first song in which Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had lead parts? (Well, other than Flutterguy singing for Pinkie in the Zekora episode)
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