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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Ha! That is fantastic.
    Indeed it is, but the video make made the mistake of thinking Dash made the Sonic 20% cooler. Backwards thinking, there. ^_~
  • So, the surface moral was something about humility. But I'm still trying to figure out the real moral. I'm getting something like "If you're jealous of one of your friends, you shouldn't talk to them about it, and instead ostracize them from the group, gang up on them, and belittle them until they feel bad enough about themselves that you aren't jealous anymore. Communication is only for after you've spent days jabbing at the weak points in their self-esteem."
  • edited November 2011

    and one for Rym:
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • So, the surface moral was something about humility. But I'm still trying to figure out the real moral. I'm getting something like "If you're jealous of one of your friends, you shouldn't talk to them about it, and instead ostracize them from the group, gang up on them, and belittle them until they feel bad enough about themselves that you aren't jealous anymore. Communication is only for after you've spent days jabbing at the weak points in their self-esteem."
    Sounds like a good entry for Broken Aesop.
  • edited November 2011

    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Okay, guys, I'm game. What episode do I need to watch for Batcolt?
  • Okay, guys, I'm game. What episode do I need to watch for Batcolt?
    The most recent one: "The Mysterious Mare Do-well."
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • They will tend to do that won't they?
  • My girlfriend told the cutest damn story.

    Me: Hey~

    Her: Hi...D: I failed as a 25-year-old today

    Me: Aww, what happened?

    Her: I went to buy Christmas lights at a retail store and... and...

    Me: They ran out?

    Her: No...
    ...I bought these instead...actually I got X-mas lights too.

    Me: ...Phoebe, that is so fucking adorkable. XD Now, if you didn't get the lights at all, that'd be lol-able But no, it's just cute. X3

    Her: I got the lights. The craziest thing? I got angry that they didn't have a Fluttershy D:

    Me: I would be too. X3

    Her: ._. my mom had a massive laugh when she saw them
    "Haha, twenty years and you come full circle. You're BACK to ponies." >_< I couldn't stop at Rainbow Dash. XD

    Me: Atleast she didn't get mad. XD

    Her: XD She made fun of me.

    Me: Well, I would have pictured something like "You spent hard earned euros on that."

    Her: ...they were only 1.99 each

    Me: Lucky~ So are you going to search for Fluttershy?

    Her: Probably

    Me: Well, I read how Germany and Scandanvia gets cool Pony stuff before the United States does.

    Her: I was surprised to see the minis

    Me: Again, so cute~ X3

    Her: XD darn it, I was hoping nobody'd call that cute..*hugs*

    Me: Well, we have Pony avatars. XD

  • edited November 2011
    I was trying to put together a full set for my cousin's daughter, and Fluttershy is a recolored Rainbow Dash, butch haircut and all. It's very disappointing.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • Dude I went to Target for Black Friday (AFTER the craziness, in the afternoon...because I was bored...) and something drew me into the toy section. I then saw the ponies :D They were super cheap, but no Fluttershys. I managed not to buy any, but still... super cheap ponies. e_e
  • Hm... the lack of Fluttershy doesn't seem entirely accidental to me. I bet she's just too darn shy!
  • Wait. They actually make figures that look like the characters in the show?

  • Andrew M converted to Bronyism, eh?
  • Hm... the lack of Fluttershy doesn't seem entirely accidental to me. I bet she's just too darn shy!
    They had plenty of Fluttershy's at my local Toys'r'us... maybe they all went there?

    And, yes, I bought one.
  • Lies.
    Dude, I saw a picture of it on the Internet. Therefore, it's true. You can't prove it's not true.

  • Lies.
    Then what are you doing in this thread?


  • I've been using Mine Little Pony. It's completely aesthetic and pointless, but it is kinda cool... even though it makes butchering livestock and eating meat feel really weird.
  • edited November 2011
    via Tumblr


    Best bro fist, hooves down.

    Edit: One more RD x Nyan Cat

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited November 2011
    Yay Octavia!

    Okay, so I wont fill this post with pictures from that tumblrblog, just go visit it. It's full of win.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
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