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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • I predict that at best there will be two versions. Cute, pink version and underground hardcore ponyfucking version. And I don't even care. I just feel a little sad for the voice actors who have to go trough it.
    I have insisted from the beginning that I would never ask my voice actors/tresses to do those scenes. I made that very clear to the project coordinator.

    Anyways, so here is a pony related win for me:
    I wrote my ctva 210 final paper on the sound design in mlp and submitted it two weeks ago. Today (just a few minutes ago actually), i asked her when we'd be getting our grades back. She said "soon" and then started talking about how there was such a wide range of shows and films covered. THEN she asked "who wrote the paper on my little pony?"
    I put up my hand, "that would be me."
    "That paper was really well done! I instantly recognized all the scenes you mentioned and i even went back to the dvds to watch them. What's the deal with Celestia?"
    "What do you mean?"
    then we had this big conversation on mlp lore ending with the professor saying her favorite pony was AJ and me saying mine was Fluttershy.

    Tl;dr my professor is a brony.
  • I tried to find "cool story bro" pony image, but all of those I found were lame. So sorry, no cool story bros for you this time.
  • edited December 2011
    Too bad your professor is totally wrong about best pony. Everpony knows AJ is the worst.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Too bad your professor is totally wrong about best pony. Everpony knows AJ is the worst.
    Silly KapitänTim, that's not how you write Rarity.

  • Too bad your professor is totally wrong about best pony. Everpony knows AJ is the worst.
    Silly KapitänTim, that's not how you write Rarity.

  • Too bad your professor is totally wrong about best pony. Everpony knows AJ is the worst.
    Silly KapitänTim, that's not how you write Rarity.
    You realize that I was still talking about the worst pony. Considering your avatar and all, you might have missed that.

  • edited December 2011
    Post edited by Greg on
  • So this person took the opening of Cardcaptor Sakura and made it as Derpy Hooves as CCS.
  • I'm the type of pony everypony should know.

    Also, Pinkie Pie is best.
  • edited December 2011
    I like this episode's song. I'm seeing a disco-house remix in it's future.

    And Rainbow Dash gets right to the point.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I'm the type of pony everypony should know.

    Also, Pinkie Pie is best.
    Party Cannon. Need I say more?
  • You realize that I was still talking about the worst pony. Considering your avatar and all, you might have missed that.
    Rarity is best pony, in my mind she has gone from worse to best pony, best songs and the funniest gags.

  • Party Cannon. Don't leave home without it.
  • You realize that I was still talking about the worst pony. Considering your avatar and all, you might have missed that.
    Rarity is best pony, in my mind she has gone from worse to best pony, best songs and the funniest gags.

    She was never worst pony, it just took time for her to claim her crown. Worst pony has always been AJ, with Rarity in second and T Spark in 3d. Now Rarity has ascended to the top (unless something radical happened in this episode, which I haven't watched) leaving AJ and T Spark at the bottom.
  • "You simply must introduce your friends."
    "Well this is Rainbow Dash..."
    "You mean the Wonderbolts' trainer?!"
  • Yeah, I was surprised they never made that lie come back to bite her.
  • edited December 2011
    Okay, so on the subject of the game, I talked to the team and here's how it's set up to work.
    Quoteth the Project leader
    "Oh, that's an add on much much much later on
    People will be able to choose clean or dirty on their own free will
    Two sperate games in a way.
    Yeah, I didn't want the adult version either, but a lot of people do so we decided to make it separate.
    I'm not comfotable making pony x pony action, but I can accept things I don't like and do them."

    So it's not GONE gone, but at least the good game with be released long before the BAD part.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Fancy Pants is not wearing pants... Not sure if this is noteworthy because I don't remember if anypony ever wears pants. Maybe during Nightmare Night...
  • edited December 2011
    Look at that mare, though. That is STUPID skinny. And her cutiemark looks like diamonds and clubs.

    Casino mare?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited December 2011
    Something about the mare's design reminds me of The Last Unicorn. The hair and body styling I think.
    Post edited by FarliamentPunkadelic on
  • So this is a PMV waiting to happen:
  • Actually that mare really hearkens back to Rym's theory of there being some form of other outside race or blood being mixed into the pony gene pool. That mare is a different type or race no matter how you look at it, body structure and all that.

    Also, rarity willing to sack her entire reputation in canterlot (and heart's desire) for the sake of her friends. That negated any bad blood generated in this episode. Its one of the reasons why i love rarity so much and just how much it shows her element of generosity. You dont need to give to be generous, you can give up for the sake of others as well.
  • Rarity willing to sack her entire reputation in canterlot (and heart's desire)
    Damn you people I'm trying to quit.
  • Party cannon. Nopony's arsenal is complete without one.
  • Shouldn't EVERYONE know who Rarity and the rest are by now. They saved the freakin' world TWICE now. They had a Star Wars ceremony! Rarity didn't have to make impressive crap up because she's already impressive being a friend to the princess and one of the 6 saviors of Equestria. That made this episode not make sense at all.

    Best part was seeing the ponies be crazy at the garden party, the party cannon and the seemingly pairing magic with Fancy Pants and Rarity. I demand fan art for that.
  • Shouldn't EVERYONE know who Rarity and the rest are by now. They saved the freakin' world TWICE now. They had a Star Wars ceremony! Rarity didn't have to make impressive crap up because she's already impressive being a friend to the princess and one of the 6 saviors of Equestria. That made this episode not make sense at all.
    Not to mention lying about who Rainbow Dash is, considering that she, you know, saved the Wonderbolts by performing a Sonic Rainboom and winning the Best Young Flyers' competition.

    From a production standpoint I understand why all that is left out, since the episodes are supposed to be episodic and not bring too much continuity into it. But it is still kinda bothersome.

    Missed opportunity in this episode: another cameo from Twilight's parents. Come on, the episode took place in Canterlot and during Twilight's birthday, it seemed so obvious...

    Gripes aside I did like the episode. The party cannon was great, as was the song. And I liked seeing more of Canterlot. Episodes that help build on the world are always good episodes in my book.
  • Also they wrecked the Grand Galloping Gala the year previous (possibly, though since rarity makes up stuff on the spot it'd be impossible to know who was wearing a Rarity dress there; and given the episodic nature of the show...), which I'm sure would cause quite a stir in the social circles in Canterlot.
  • Fancy Pants is just cool. I hope to see more fanart of him, just because every time he spoke I was thinking John Cleese or Dudley from Street Fighter. The thing that I feared the most from the episode was seeing that Hayseed Turnip Truck character. Any bad cartoon would of made all the focus around him and Rarity, where he's just a constant fuck up and Rarity would have to sacrifice all of her hard work to make his ignorant ways look fine, but he just appeared that once.

    MLP has this charm that can make some of these old tropes work, which is how I felt during the first half. But the second half when the rest of the Mane 6 appeared was when it really took off. I loved the song and Rarity just gets better and better as a character because she has her little moments along with being dignified and posh. But you can tell a lot of the animators/designers were having fun with all the costumes, architecture and new ponies to introduce.

    I didn't really consider them not knowing the ponies, because it feels like Canterlot is so huge, it was in a whole different area of the city, with new people and everything, so maybe they didn't know Rarity. And I think they also debunked how all Royals/Nobles are unicorns, since some of the ponies were just regular. (Though it was only female ones, I noticed)

    ...Love this show.
  • "May the Best Pet Win!" has overtaken "Winter Wrap-Up" as my choice for best song in the show.
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