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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Damn it, Ro! You stole my post by 2 hours! =D I lol'd so much!
  • I guess her pinkie twitch wasn't working.
  • A friend of mine wrote an essay about MLP for one of her classes.
  • This is the YouTube channel of the Sweetie Belle voice actress.

  • She looks like one of the Olsen girls when they were on full house.
  • DWAAAAA!!! Such a cute little kid.
  • Don't remember if this has been posted already.
  • Adding that to my bookmarks.
  • edited December 2011
    Okay, so here's the deal. Most of you know that I work as the voice over supervisor for the dev team that's making the pony dating sim. I know there is a lot of stigma to be associated with that project, so here's what's gonna happen. I'm going to tell you all that we've finished a mini-demo of the game and if you want a copy of it, get in touch with me and I'll give you one. No one has to know. I only ask that you keep it to yourself. It's only really supposed to be given to people who have donated to the project but I value the opinion of this community.

    It's not a complete arc, and it doesn't even play for five minutes, but it's a decent demonstration of the art, the music, the voice over work, and the gameplay (minus a feature, but it's not important right now). The whole thing is the player's first interaction with Rarity. That's it.

    You know how to find me.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited December 2011
    To be honest, a dating-sim could be cute and adorable...if it doesn't go there.
    IF it stays on the cute and up-and-up, it could be successful.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited December 2011
    I'm told there will eventually be a part where it goes there, but I'm having no part of it. I insisted that there be no voice for that part and there wont be.

    Honestly, this is portfolio fodder for me.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I'm told there will eventually be a part where it goes there

    You know... That's... well, it's just that...

    Honestly? I would be fine if a project like that went as far as a kiss. That's kind of the point of a dating sim. You play well, you get a little kiss from Rainbow Dash or Big Macintosh or whoever. It's all cute and fun.

    Whoever is letting this go beyond that is killing the more mass appeal and basically stating to the world "I wish to cater to the hardest core and least socially acceptable of the fanbase and do as much as possible to draw a lawsuit from Hasbro."
    Honestly, this is portfolio fodder for me.
    Fodder, eh?

    Just be wary: that fodder will have some clop in it if anyone goes looking.
  • image

  • Someone made it real.

  • edited December 2011
    I'm told there will eventually be a part where it goes there.
    Well, damn. I was quite a supporter of this project up until I learned of this. I really can't see myself backing this dating sim anymore, even of it only goes there for a small portion of the game.

    Do you know why they insist on doing this?
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • edited December 2011
    I'm told there will eventually be a part where it goes there,
    Even if I was doing something like that for a paycheck, I'd likely leave the details out, or even nix it from the portfolio all together. Typecasting doesn't just happen in movie or tv acting, homie.

    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited December 2011
    I wouldn't add it to a portfolio, either. An unorthodox project like that is more likely to call for further investigation, which may end up being detrimental to your portfolio.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • You know, this used to be one of those things that you "know" but avoid thinking about. But you are all right. I will do all I can to re-route the project away from that bad place and keep it innocent.
  • Do we have to say "there"? It sounds way more awkward than 'hardcore ponyfucking'.
    I'm told there will eventually be a part where it goes to hardcore ponyfucking
    There. Isn't that a lot more honest and straightforward?
  • Good on you, sir! There is already a stigma associated with the MLP fandom. Including such content in an otherwise well-done fan project would make matters worse.
  • Do whatever you can, Sonic. Any large scale pony-related fan work like this should stay faithful to the source material and be cute and fun for all ages. I don't know if that's a detail you weren't supposed to share outside of the development team, but if it helps at all to mention that there was heavy backlash to including sex scenes from otherwise supportive and interested fans, mention it.
  • Hardcore ponyfucking. Isn't that a lot more honest and straightforward?
    Christ, Xefas, be consistent.
  • I predict that at best there will be two versions. Cute, pink version and underground hardcore ponyfucking version. And I don't even care. I just feel a little sad for the voice actors who have to go trough it.
  • edited December 2011
    I predict that at best there will be two versions. Cute, pink version and underground hardcore ponyfucking version. And I don't even care. I just feel a little sad for the voice actors who have to go trough it.
    "That was an okay take, but remember, Rainbow Dash needs to sound like she's really enjoying the man-cock she's getting pounded with. Can you moan a bit louder?"
    Or worse:
    "No no, Sweetiebell doesn't sound nearly "I'm being raped" enough. Needs more rapey."
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
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