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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • I do agree that AJ and RD could be swapped and I think it would be an interesting story arc: how the dynamics change, personal struggle with loss of one role and acquisition of another, character development in a new direction. I don't think a "kids show" would try such an ambitious and nuanced storyline though.
    That would potentially be ambitious enough to actually get some credit with a more broad audience.
  • We hide our thoughts and shut our mouths if we feel it is unkind or that it would somehow be viewed as being disloyal or uncharitable.
    Heh. Well, some of us do. Others of us are pretty straightforward in most cases. Sometimes is it unkind or uncharitable, but it's generally a truth that needs to be said. Life's too short for me to go around kissing everyone's ass.

  • I would be so pro a pony golf game in the style of mario golf.
  • Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

    They just derped de derp derped.
  • Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

    They just derped de derp derped.
    As in shark jumpin' derp?
  • edited January 2012
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • The derpyness hit extreme levels in this one!

    I could not tell if the voice acting was from a male or female though
  • The derpyness hit extreme levels in this one!

    I could not tell if the voice acting was from a male or female though
    I'm guessing it was Ashleigh doing the voice. But when Dash said the magic word, I still went "OH HOLY SHIT."

    Also, who wants to make a Cherrychanga? More reason to why Pinkie is like Deadpool.
  • I haven't even finished the episode and I already known that the fans are going to remember it as "the one where Derpy spoke" and not as an Applejack episode.
  • edited January 2012
    Dodge Junction?

    So they need to get out of Dodge?

    EDIT: Yep.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Did Rarity's last line sound weird to anyone else? Like it wasn't Tabitha St Germain?
  • Did Rarity's last line sound weird to anyone else? Like it wasn't Tabitha St Germain?
    You mean like this?

  • edited January 2012
    I just read this:

    Post edited by Erwin on
  • edited January 2012
    Also Pony genetics:


    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Also Pony genetics:


    Wont that make unicorns and pegasi variations to earth ponies instead of being separate species altogether? Its a viable theory though.
  • I'm now tempted to make cherrychangas.
  • edited January 2012
    Pinkie Pie is a WEAPON.

    Also, isn't Applejack's trait supposed to be honesty?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Pinkie Pie is a WEAPON.

    Also, isn't Applejack's trait supposed to be honesty?
    NEVER break a Pinkie Promise.
  • Applejack was being honest; she just wasn't telling them everything.
  • The cuteness of ponies is taking over with how fun the episode was, plus the moments from Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. Add Derpy's Canon Talking, the and the fandom working in full force. It's really hitting me and my girlfriend, who drew her own OC pony based on a few recent pictures...


    I haven't had like, a fan-joy moment like this in a while, but man I'm loving how this show is coming along both in content and community, ^_^
  • Speaking of the voiced and named gust pony appearance, did anything ever come of that attempt to put the pink Celesteria toy into the show as another princess?
  • edited January 2012
    Speaking of the voiced and named gust pony appearance, did anything ever come of that attempt to put the pink Celesteria toy into the show as another princess?
    There is an official pink princess named Cadence who has shown up in promotional material. An earth pony who showed up with her has been confirmed to have a voice in one of the episodes, so it's speculated that both will be appearing in the season finale.

    It's probably unrelated to the pink Celestia toy, though.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited January 2012
    Really didn't like the Derpy bit. It destroyed the mystery. I thought Derpy would be a little bit off, but now they've basically said "yeah, Derpy is actually called Derpy (even though that makes no sense) and she is in fact full on retarded." I think it would have worked a whole lot better, if they really needed to go through with the Derpy fanservice, to just make her the postman at the end of the first act.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I think the Derpy bit was an excellent example of fan authorship. I think a lot of people are under-representing the situation. This isn't just "the episode where Derpy speaks." There was no "mystery" to Derpy. She wasn't a character. Period. It was just a placeholder pony.

    The fans latched onto that and created this mystique around a pony design. The creators took notice and started including her in more places, and then took the plunge and said, "Alright you animals, here's your Derpy."

    The show's creators had nothing to do with this. Derpy is the character that the Internet created. She's the pony we deserve.

  • Appropriate that the internet-made pony be named Derpy too. :P
    Also, in the vein of WH40K Ponies:
  • edited January 2012
    Derpy is the character that the Internet created. She's the pony we deserve.
    She is batman?
    Pinkie Pie is a WEAPON.

    Also, isn't Applejack's trait supposed to be honesty?
    NEVER break a Pinkie Promise.
    My god, when her voice went all demonic like it did, I nearly fell off my chair.

    Also, I just looked up "great aunt, second cousin, twice removed". No, Carrot Cake, That does not make sense.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Wow, that is really good.
  • What do you expect from the people who brought you Italian Sailor Moon and Italian One Piece. You can just Google "Italian Opening" and you'll probably get something good.
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