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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • What do you expect from the people who brought you Italian Sailor Moon and Italian One Piece. You can just Google "Italian Opening" and you'll probably get something good.
    Italian opening... Heh heh...

  • Really didn't like the Derpy bit. It destroyed the mystery. I thought Derpy would be a little bit off, but now they've basically said "yeah, Derpy is actually called Derpy (even though that makes no sense) and she is in fact full on retarded." I think it would have worked a whole lot better, if they really needed to go through with the Derpy fanservice, to just make her the postman at the end of the first act.

  • edited January 2012
    Really didn't like the Derpy bit.
    Agreed. I was like listening to your dad speaking in ebonics 'cause look, he's cool to, just like you kids.

    "Cool" might not be the right word for this particular situation, but you know what I mean.

    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Copypasta from a thread I made on some Brony forums but I think you guys will be interested too:

    Pinkie Pie, changes in season 2?

    I feel like Pinkie Pie is quite a bit different then she used to be, I dunno if it's just me but I feel like she was a type of idiot savant who always had some clear, purpose to her actions, but as the show goes on she's feeling more like a character who exists purely for slapstick humor, I also think (because of this) that she's less relatable now and I have trouble feeling empathy with her

    I think in part it could be to do with Lauren Faust's leaving, I know she wanted Pinkie to be more then just slapstick and gags and she worked quite hard to make sure that the writers kept her that way. It seems however that these standards have been slowly but steadily slipping away and I feel Pinkie is slipping down in my mental ranking system of the ponies

    the writers have been making Pinkie more and more... frankly retarded

    this all makes me rather sad, what do you guys think?

  • I didn't mind the Derpy bit. I even liked the scene. Also I would argue that Derpy fit better on that scene than she would have fitted as a postpony. The whole idea of the Derpy scene was to show us that the town hall is in bad shape, is breaking down and needs repair and we knew already that Derpy was prone to accidents, like dropping bunch of stuff on Twilight.

    Now I wasn't too fond of her voice, but when one voice actor has to do half of the characters it might get difficult to create unique voice without going to the territory of "silly voices".
  • I think in part it could be to do with Lauren Faust's leaving, I know she wanted Pinkie to be more then just slapstick and gags and she worked quite hard to make sure that the writers kept her that way. It seems however that these standards have been slowly but steadily slipping away and I feel Pinkie is slipping down in my mental ranking system of the ponies
    I call bullshit. Lauren was there still when they wrote the first half of the second season and was involved at least in the planning of the second half, so her leaving shouldn't affect the shows writing in a way that we could have seen it yet.

  • I didn't mind the Derpy bit. I even liked the scene. Also I would argue that Derpy fit better on that scene than she would have fitted as a postpony. The whole idea of the Derpy scene was to show us that the town hall is in bad shape, is breaking down and needs repair and we knew already that Derpy was prone to accidents, like dropping bunch of stuff on Twilight.

    Now I wasn't too fond of her voice, but when one voice actor has to do half of the characters it might get difficult to create unique voice without going to the territory of "silly voices".
    My personal opinion is that they should have hired BaldDumboRat to play the part. If they were gonna run with the fan name of the character, they might as well have used the fanon voice for it too.

  • I finally got around to the show yesterday. I really didn't mind Derpy finally having a voice and being recognized as Derpy. I thought it was pretty cool that the fanon is now canon.

    Pinkie Pie was the best part of the episode, not to mention the homage to I Love Lucy.

    From now on, I will only make Pinkie Promises with people so they will know the severity of the consequences and repercussions if they go back on them.
  • I didn't mind the Derpy bit. I even liked the scene. Also I would argue that Derpy fit better on that scene than she would have fitted as a postpony. The whole idea of the Derpy scene was to show us that the town hall is in bad shape, is breaking down and needs repair and we knew already that Derpy was prone to accidents, like dropping bunch of stuff on Twilight.

    Now I wasn't too fond of her voice, but when one voice actor has to do half of the characters it might get difficult to create unique voice without going to the territory of "silly voices".
    My personal opinion is that they should have hired BaldDumboRat to play the part. If they were gonna run with the fan name of the character, they might as well have used the fanon voice for it too.

    I do agree, it should be BaldDumboRat, but mostly because I had this aware-experience where I could kind of guess who the new voice was. (I said Ashleigh Ball, but it's actually Tabitha St. Germain which is...kind of surprising. ) It's very much like Luna when she reappeared in Season 2.
  • I'm slightly irked that they made Derpy a voiced character instead of leaving her as a silly cameo like the cat in Trigun. But I'm more upset about her characterization and voice because she is close to being, to quote a friend, "a walking, talking ableist punchline." I don't entirely agree with said friend at this point, but if every Derpy scene includes the subtextual joke "look at Derpy she's funny because she's slow," I'll start getting very upset, and her voice actress did no favors in that regard.
    My mental image of Derpy will forever be the one from secretly awesome.

    As for that Italian opening, how sad is it that I can identify every clip they put in (except for one at 1:13)?
  • I found Derpy's scene borderline offensive. I keep thinking about how this is a show for kids, and some poor kid with a stutter or a learning disability is going to watch that and feel like they are being personally made fun of.
  • I always thought Derpy was just kind of clumsy and silly, more a space cadet than actually retarded. ("Is this north or is this south, lalalalaweeee!")
    In my head she was a little like Pinky Pie, but not as manic, more laid back and day dreamy, the kind of pony who would be thinking about far away lands and walk into a tree.
  • I always thought Derpy was just kind of clumsy and silly, more a space cadet than actually retarded. ("Is this north or is this south, lalalalaweeee!")
    In my head she was a little like Pinky Pie, but not as manic, more laid back and day dreamy, the kind of pony who would be thinking about far away lands and walk into a tree.
    Luna Lovegoodpony?

  • edited January 2012
    Exactly! I love Luna.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • My cat's breath smells like cat food.
  • My cat's breath smells like cat food.
    I would hope so. Now let's get back to Pony.
  • The Mane 6 and Spike on the hard drives were a nice touch.

  • I think in part it could be to do with Lauren Faust's leaving, I know she wanted Pinkie to be more then just slapstick and gags and she worked quite hard to make sure that the writers kept her that way. It seems however that these standards have been slowly but steadily slipping away and I feel Pinkie is slipping down in my mental ranking system of the ponies
    I call bullshit. Lauren was there still when they wrote the first half of the second season and was involved at least in the planning of the second half, so her leaving shouldn't affect the shows writing in a way that we could have seen it yet.

    I'm well aware of that but do we really know to what extent the writing was done at that time? was it a first draft? a final copy? I don't think you can write things off quite so easily. the things I'm talking about, multiple small gags could easily have been added at a later point, which is why in episodes like the baby cakes one Pinkie's character remains but in other episodes it degenerates for the purpose of a cheap laugh
  • So, I just finished episode 13 and 14, so I must throw my opinion of them out here. I do see the trend of Pinkie Pie's craziness being more slapstick without the hidden reason behind it like normal, particularly in episode 14. In regards to Derpy, he/she reminds me of a child, which to me is cute. (=^x^=)

  • Also, question:
    Derpy is offensive, but Snails isn't?
  • Snails is a boy. Its ok to make males stupid in shows where the main cast is female.
  • I'm well aware of that but do we really know to what extent the writing was done at that time? was it a first draft? a final copy? I don't think you can write things off quite so easily. the things I'm talking about, multiple small gags could easily have been added at a later point, which is why in episodes like the baby cakes one Pinkie's character remains but in other episodes it degenerates for the purpose of a cheap laugh
    Hasn't Pinkie always been a machine for gags, even since her first appearance in the show. She just happens to be best fitted to be source of jokes and gags. And because I'm easily amused I welcome Pinkie Pie based jokes. Nothing bad in cheap laughs in my eyes.

  • Derpy is offensive, but Snails isn't?
    Snails isn't used for slapstick.
  • I think my main problem is that I just don't like the slapstick in the show. The show has been funny without slapstick, and it's addition seems to direct the show in a different direction. I'm not saying they can't have any, but a time and a place for everything.
  • I like the slapstick, but I like it even more when the characters rip on each other like real friends do.
  • Derpy is offensive, but Snails isn't?
    Snails isn't used for slapstick.
    Snails was important to the plot and learned a lesson. Derpy was just used for "hey check out the retarded pony!" I know it was 100% fanservice, but I think they need to keep in mind the full audience and not just the bronies.

  • My preference would have been for Derpy to be a little less Derp.
  • My preference would have been for Derpy to be a little less Derp.
    Yeah, everyone knows you never go full Derp.
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