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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • I want an episode on the great butterfly migration- featuring Rainbow Dash.
    Why didn't anyone tell me that there were new Friendship is Witchcraft, with a new song.
    This series seems to alternate between incredibly witty and falling flat every other scene for me, like a roller coaster of guffaws and face-palms. Still a decent episode.

    And that post credits scene...

  • This series seems to alternate between incredibly witty and falling flat every other scene for me, like a roller coaster of guffaws and face-palms. Still a decent episode.
    I agree that it's hit and miss. But it gets bonus points for being an exceptionally well produced fan work.
  • If you attempt to murder a family's child, and end up scaring the parents away in the process before having a change of heart, keeping the kid is totally OK!
    To be fair, based on this episode and the Bird in the Hoof episode, the phoenixes don't seem to be much smarter than your average parrot.

    It's kind of like that Andy Griffith Episode where Opey keeps the baby birds after killing the mother with a slingshot.

    On the other hand, since most of the animals in this show are self-aware and intelligent, then what he did might be more heinous than I originally thought.
  • I do love the new of the name of the new baby Phoenix.
    If you attempt to murder a family's child, and end up scaring the parents away in the process before having a change of heart, keeping the kid is totally OK!
    I view it more as trying to do the right thing to make up for your mistakes (assuming that the parents couldn't be found before the phoenix hatched). If phoenixes are like many other types of birds, odds are they impress upon the first thing they see after hatching, no matter the species.
  • I've been rewatching the series recently and coincidentally enough got to Winter Wrap-Up on the last day of winter.
  • edited March 2012

    So, here is the picture of Rainbow Dash that I got the mural painters to slip into the window mural at my job.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • I now have Pinkie Pie happily riding with me on my scooter.
  • A good question, would you guys wish ponies to be prolonged as long as possible, or simply end on a high note?

    If you ask me, ill settle for being prolonged as long as possible, because i have faith that the studio and creative team will shut down the show once it starts derailing. Il enjoy what they throw out till then. At this point, im more than satisfied with the show already

  • It's already complicated enough to explain to someone: "Yeah I watch my little pony, but only the Friendship is Magic Series!"

    I don't wanna have to add to it: "Yeah I watch My Little Pony. But only the friendship is magic series. Season 1-3 and the two-parter in in season 6 written by Faust.
  • "...You can skip the three episode OAV; it was really just a recap of season 7."
  • "...You can skip the three episode OAV; it was really just a recap of season 7."
    It does, however, incorporate the scenes that were previously exclusive on the pachinko machines.

  • Man, the movie was the real saving grace of the show after season 5, you remember the scene with Derpy? Spectacular!
  • edited March 2012
    I know! It really brought back the feeling that Hasbro was connecting with its key audience and weren't just out to make a buck. On the topic of season 5, who else thought that Transformers crossover episode was abysmal? What was that line Optimus Prime had again?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I know! It really brought back the feeling that Hasbro was connecting with its key audience and weren't just out to make a buck. On the topic of season 5, who else thought that Transformers crossover episode was abysmal? What was that line Optimus Prime had again?
    And of course now you made me think of this.
  • edited March 2012
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I'm excited for this two-parter.
  • This'll be a royal wedding I WANT to see.
  • My sister just told me that all of her guy friends who have seen MLP at her high school say 'Eeyup'. I know I say it, does anyone else say it one a regular basis?
  • My sister just told me that all of her guy friends who have seen MLP at her high school say 'Eeyup'. I know I say it, does anyone else say it one a regular basis?
    I only say it digitally I think.
  • My sister just told me that all of her guy friends who have seen MLP at her high school say 'Eeyup'. I know I say it, does anyone else say it one a regular basis?

  • Eeyup.
  • My sister just told me that all of her guy friends who have seen MLP at her high school say 'Eeyup'. I know I say it, does anyone else say it one a regular basis?
    I say it.
  • I try NOT to say it, as before, I used to say it just as a normal thing, now if I do, every random wanker in the world thinks I'm a brony.
  • People near you actually pick up on that?
  • edited March 2012
    People near you actually pick up on that?
    Yep. MLP is a worldwide phenomenon, dude. I had some 20-something dude interrupt a conversation with a mate while we were hanging at the red room - the university pub at UQ - with something about MLP, because he heard me use it in conversation. Gave him a polite brush-off, and thankfully he wandered away. Not the first time someone's mentioned something, either, doubtfully the last, at least till the MLP fad dies down.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • People near you actually pick up on that?
    Yep. MLP is a worldwide phenomenon, dude. I had some 20-something dude interrupt a conversation with a mate while we were hanging at the red room - the university pub at UQ - with something about MLP, because he heard me use it in conversation. Gave him a polite brush-off, and thankfully he wandered away. Not the first time someone's mentioned something, either, doubtfully the last, at least till the MLP fad dies down.

    It's a fad that's a year and a half old. Doesn't it have to be short-lived to count as a fad?
  • edited March 2012
    A friend of mine was a hater for a long time. I started saying "yay" in the Fluttershy voice around him. He started doing it to. A week later I told him it was a pony thing. He's a brony now.
    People near you actually pick up on that?
    Yep. MLP is a worldwide phenomenon, dude. I had some 20-something dude interrupt a conversation with a mate while we were hanging at the red room - the university pub at UQ - with something about MLP, because he heard me use it in conversation. Gave him a polite brush-off, and thankfully he wandered away. Not the first time someone's mentioned something, either, doubtfully the last, at least till the MLP fad dies down.

    It's a fad that's a year and a half old. Doesn't it have to be short-lived to count as a fad?
    Fads used to go on for 5+ years. MLP hasn't been around long enough for us to determine if it's a fad or not.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • edited March 2012
    Have held off from calling a favorite episode till now, Hurricane fluttershy was one of those episodes i straight up enjoyed every last second off. Well paced with smart direction, holds off from taking the easy route out for all its problems. And im a sucker for the series showing how the different mechanics and customs of the ponies work to maintain their world. Favorite episode of season 2 for me, and im hoping theres another!

    Also, if 5 wing power from fluttershy is able to do all that crazy stuff she pulled back in the starting of the season, RD's 16 wing power is probably on the scale of an actual tornado itself...awesome stuff.
    Post edited by lifecircle on
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