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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • edited March 2011
    So why are you all still talking all the time about some flying rainbow and pink party cat and not mentioning the pony who just might be the strongest character as a character in story scene of word.
    Yeah, if Rainbow Dash is so great, why do you RD fanboys keep rushing to her defense? Ooh! Burn!

    And hey, I'm giving props to Fluttershy. Staring down a dragon and a cockatrice? Shit son, that be hard-fucking-core.
    She needs other characters to push her in a situations where she has to overcome her basic shy nature.
    Yes, but I don't think this is a weakness of character. I mean, we all respond to challenges. Rainbow Dash only pulled off the Sonic Rainboom because there was an external competition. Challenges motivate everypony to be as good as they can be. In fact, if the characters didn't change in response to challenges, we'd have some very flat ponies, and nobody likes a flat pony.

    Personally, though, I think Twilight Sparkle has the most potential for growth. I mean, the whole point is for her to go learn a lesson every episode, so she's the pony who's going to change the most.

    I want to see Spike change. He's fun as a comic relief and the punching bag, but I want to see him grow into his own thing.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Challenges motivate everypony to be as good as they can be.
    I think this is one of the purposes of the old traditions and the direct caretaking of the environment (seasons, animals, etc...). The ponies have a sacred duty to their lands, motivating and challenging them.
  • Aren't you guys kind of OT for this thread? Don't we have a thread expressly for arguing about which pony is the best?
  • edited March 2011
    The ponies have a sacred duty to their lands, motivating and challenging them.
    It also promotes a collective pony regime of peace and love, as everypony depends on everypony else to maintain their world.

    I'm noticing a distinct absence of the tragedy of the commons, except for the Grand Galloping Gala tickets episode. And then, that problem was solved by the highest authority in Equestria.

    Hm. The more we talk about this, the more that MLP seems like socialist propaganda. Where are my capitalism ponies?

    EDIT: Somepony should totally tell Glenn Beck that MLP: FIM is actually socialist propaganda, and outline why. I desperately want to see Glenn Beck trash MLP on national TV.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited March 2011
    Aren't you guys kind of OT for this thread? Don't we have a thread expressly for arguing about which pony is the best?
    Like I said, two threads about ponies might be a thread too much.
    Hm. The more we talk about this, the more that MLP seems like socialist propaganda. Where are my capitalism ponies?
    What about the two main ponies that run a business? Appejack who's only wants to go to the gala to sell apples. That's no socialism.
    Post edited by Apsup on
  • edited March 2011
    Don't we have a thread expressly for arguing about which pony is the best?
    It's so important that it bleeds into multiple threads.
    What about the two main ponies that run a business?
    Yes, but what does that business get for them, exactly? And for that matter, what the heck does everypony do to earn their money?

    No matter how much money Applejack makes selling apples, she'll never be able to do anything other than harvest apples. It is her function. So the money she makes goes right back into the pony machine, cranking out more ponies to be more cogs in an ever-growing pony machine.

    We need some pony objectivists.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited March 2011
    I desperately want to see Glenn Beck trash MLP on national TV.
    You know, you think that, but no, you don't want to. Moe and I tried to watch his show once, the day the Healthcare Law passed. Once. We couldn't even get all the way through it. It should have been funny, but it wasn't. His level of crazy is only funny when you take it in very, very small doses.

    EDIT: Also, HTF is the GGG a tragedy of the commons? It's not at all - it's shortage of supply, but there was no common resource that got ruined by overuse for personal economic gain...
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • You know, you think that, but no, you don't want to. Moe and I tried to watch his show once, the day the Healthcare Law passed. Once. We couldn't even get all the way through it. It should have been funny, but it wasn't. His level of crazy is only funny when you take it in very, very small doses.
    Relevant: Glenn Beck trashes 78 year old lady who ends up getting hate mail from his listeners. I listened to that on my way to work this morning and was like "WTF!?"
  • EDIT: Also, HTF is the GGG a tragedy of the commons? It's not at all - it's shortage of supply, but there was no common resource that got ruined by overuse for personal economic gain...
    On further reflection, you're right. There was no actual depletion of the resource and no particular economic gain from said depletion.

    So it seems like Equestria is a post-scarcity society. Tragedy of the commons is nowhere to be found.
  • So it seems like Equestria is a post-scarcity society. Tragedy of the commons is nowhere to be found.
    It's not post-scarcity. It's capitalist, but there's also a social safety net in the form of magic. They have to work, but if parasprites eat everything they can recover with magic. Also, there's no unemployment because everyone has to work managing the weather. Even the princess has to work raising the sun. With no ponies in poverty, nobody is so destitute that they have a reason to steal from the commons.

    Also, while everyone has real jobs, everyone also seems to have mandated community service. Remember in the crappy sleepover episode, everyone was cleaning the park before the storm. Well, if everyone was cleaning the park, nobody is going to let their dog shit in it.
  • You know, you think that, but no, you don't want to. Moe and I tried to watch his show once, the day the Healthcare Law passed. Once. We couldn't even get all the way through it. It should have been funny, but it wasn't. His level of crazy is only funny when you take it in very, very small doses.
    Relevant: Glenn Beck trashes 78 year old lady who ends up getting hate mail from his listeners. I listened to that on my way to work this morning and was like "WTF!?"
    He's a special kind of hateful mindless dangerous crazy, isn't he?
  • They have to work, but if parasprites eat everything they can recover with magic.
    Well then it's not really scarcity, is it? Just like with the GGG; the pegacorn goddess just gave them more tickets. How about that apple harvesting episode where Twilight Sparkle just cast a spell and moved a crap ton of apples?
    Also, while everyone has real jobs, everyone also seems to have mandated community service.
    Everypony's job is a form of community service, though. That's what I'm driving at. Total pony interdependency. When was the last time you saw an import in Ponyville?
    With no ponies in poverty
    Once again, no scarcity, so no poverty. Everyone has everything they need.
  • Everypony's job is a form of community service, though. That's what I'm driving at. Total pony interdependency. When was the last time you saw an import in Ponyville?
    The books in the library, Twilights telescope, etc. are all imported from Canterlot. The weather is imported from Cloudsdale. They also have trade relations with Zecora, in the Everfree forest.
  • I think Pete meant when was the last time you saw an import to Equestria.

    Why does it have to be post-scarcity? Are there even lands beyond Equestria? If Equestria is essentially a self-contained universe, and the ponies have not out-populated the available resources, then maybe it is a pre-scarcity society.
  • Or maybe they're just giving the ponies all something to do in the context of the show and haven't thought of any of this.
  • edited March 2011
    The books in the library, Twilights telescope, etc. are all imported from Canterlot.
    Personal effects that don't factor into the Ponyville economy.
    They also have trade relations with Zecora, in the Everfree forest.
    So minor it doesn't have a bearing on the Ponyville economy.
    The weather is imported from Cloudsdale.
    How is that capitalist? We've yet to see any form of economy of weather. In fact, Cloudsdale could really just be the factory district in a large city. Doesn't change the fact that ponies manufacture the weather for the common pony good and without obvious compensation.

    This just means that the web of socialist interdependency is physically spread out. It hasn't changed the economy at all, and Equestria is still one kingdom.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • then maybe it is a pre-scarcity society.

    Good one. This opens up the possibility of post-apocalyptic ponies.
    Or maybe they're just giving the ponies all something to do in the context of the show and haven't thought of any of this.
    Shush, we'll have none of your logic in this thread.
  • OK, you got me there. But even then, how is that capitalist? We've yet to see any form of economy of weather. In fact, Cloudsdale could really just be the factory district in a large city. Doesn't change the fact that ponies manufacture the weather for the common pony good and without obvious compensation.
    Clearly the weather is socialized, like the post office. Actually, weather control is the source of the monarchy's power. It's not the divine right of kings, it's a meteorological right of kings.

    Also, they clearly have a market as both Applejack and Rarity have businesses that sell things for what seem to be gold coins of an unnamed pony currency.
  • edited March 2011
    Also, they clearly have a market as both Applejack and Rarity have businesses that sell things for what seem to be gold coins of an unnamed pony currency.
    Yes, but the market makes no sense. Where are these otherponies getting their money? I mean, food production is completely monopolized by Applejack's family. Who else makes clothes besides Rarity? Hell, most ponies don't even wear clothes. How is there even a demand? And what does Pinkie Pie do? Throw parties? We know that weather production is socialized, and there are only so many pegasi.

    I demand more rigor from my children's shows.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Yes, but the market makes no sense. Where are these otherponies getting their money? I mean, food production is completely monopolized by Applejack's family. Who else makes clothes besides Rarity? Hell, most ponies don't even wear clothes. How is there even a demand? And what does Pinkie Pie do? Throw parties?
    Applejacks family only makes apples. There was another farm that had indentured sentient cows that worries me. And while it seems like they make a lot of apples, these are horses. They eat like horses. They need a metric fuckton of food. There are other horses and families growing carrots, oats, grains, sugar, etc. Also, the sugar for the sweet shop is clearly imported, since Ponyville is anything but tropical. Rarity is the only one who makes clothes in Ponyville, which is basically bumblefuck. In Canterlot, there is probably a ton of competition. The only reason Ponyville is even getting any attention is because a royal (Twilight) happens to be on sabbatical there. Before she showed up, they were just a town of fuck ups who couldn't even clean up winter.
  • I mean, food production is completely monopolized by Applejack's family.
    Whaaat!? They only make apple related stuff. I'm pretty sure there was a bakery seen in one episode, so your argument is unvalid.
    Who else makes clothes besides Rarity? Hell, most ponies don't even wear clothes.
    There you answered to yourself. To ponies clothes are more of an luxury item so one village can't support multiple designers.
  • I feel like Ponyville is going to be fully ruined by a wave of taxing bureaucrats who audit every piece of Equistrian Property and steal it away.
  • This discussion has achieved a whole new level. A new level of what, I don't know.
  • Bakery? Fuck. I need to rewatch.

    So where the hell is the mint?
  • Bakery? Fuck. I need to rewatch.
    Pinkie Pie works in the bakery on more than one occasion.
    So where the hell is the mint?
  • Bakery? Fuck. I need to rewatch.
    Um, where the fuck do you think the Baked Bads were made? You watched that episode right next to me! That was a major segment of the episode!
  • Bakery? Fuck. I need to rewatch.
    Um, where the fuck do you think the Baked Bads were made? You watched that episode right next to me! That was a major segment of the episode!
    Actually, it seems like there are at least two, possibly three, different cooking places. There's the sweet shop where Twist, and presumably her family, live and work. There's the baked goods shop, where Mr. and Mrs. Cake live and work. It's unclear if Pinkie Pie is related to the cakes, works for them, or is separate from them. Regardless, she either has access to their kitchen, or has her own extensive kitchen.
  • Lets be honest, Pinkie Pie would totally just wonder into a strangers kitchen and start cooking.
  • Actually, it seems like there are at least two, possibly three, different cooking places. There's the sweet shop where Twist, and presumably her family, live and work. There's the baked goods shop, where Mr. and Mrs. Cake live and work. It's unclear if Pinkie Pie is related to the cakes, works for them, or is separate from them. Regardless, she either has access to their kitchen, or has her own extensive kitchen.
    Faust has said Pinkie Pie has an apartment above the bakery and works for the Cakes.
  • Actually, it seems like there are at least two, possibly three, different cooking places.
    In that episode, Apple Jack was helping Pinkie Pie run the Cake's shop for the day. They were in the shop and the Cakes left. So we know that they were in the bakery for that.
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