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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • See my edit.
  • Perhaps their cowering together was a coincidence. You don't have to know someone to cower with them.
  • OR, there are CLONES! And those ponies in the beginning just LOOKED like the cutie mark crusaders! Yeah, that's it!

    You guys, they were clearly just generic designs that were then purposed for characters later. Why design a new pony when you've already got one in stock?
  • Our friend Natalie "fixed" the Hasbro MLP:FIM toys. She redid the hair, and they look pretty damn fine now, surprisingly close to the characters in the show.

    /Rainbow Dash is still the best.
    Oohhh I see you bragging on me. Are you gonna post that video? =D
  • Why design a new pony when you've already got one in stock?
    So that nerds on the internet don't get upset?
  • nerds on the internet don't get upset
    Never gonna happen.
  • Pony Factor 20.8%!
  • At the very end after nightmare moon appears, they are cowering together. So when they "meet" and introduce themselves to each other in the later episode, it's complete bullshit.
    You know, if horse hitler appears out of nowhere, and you're a little kid, surrounded by other little kids, you might cower together with forgettable strangers. Especially when horse hitler has magical powers and takes the sun away.
  • You know, if horse hitler appears out of nowhere, and you're a little kid, surrounded by other little kids, you might cower together with forgettable strangers. Especially when horse hitler has magical powers and takes the sun away.
    Exactly. They were terrified. You think they were paying attention to everypony around them? No. They were busy cowering.

    Continuity sustained.

    Twilight Sparkle needs to remember that she can fucking teleport.
  • edited March 2011
    You know, if horse hitler appears out of nowhere, and you're a little kid, surrounded by other little kids, you might cower together with forgettable strangers. Especially when horse hitler has magical powers and takes the sun away.
    Exactly. They were terrified. You think they were paying attention to everypony around them? No. They were busy cowering.
    Yeah, that was my point.
    Also, "takes the sun away" made me think of Firefly (close enough to "take the sky from me").
    I want Firefly/MLP mashups NOW.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • You guys, they were clearly just generic designs that were then purposed for characters later. Why design a new pony when you've already got one in stock?
    They weren't generics that were purposed later. At least Apple Bloom isn't. You'll notice when Applejack introduces all the Apple family ponies, she introduces many very quickly. Then after she's done, she introduces the three who live in Ponyville more slowly and specifically.
  • edited March 2011
    You know, if horse hitler appears out of nowhere, and you're a little kid, surrounded by other little kids, you might cower together with forgettable strangers. Especially when horse hitler has magical powers and takes the sun away.
    Wait, if Nightmare Moon is pony Hitler, does that mean Celestia is pony Stalin? Because I'm pretty damn sure she's not a pony Roosevelt.

    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • You guys, they were clearly just generic designs that were then purposed for characters later. Why design a new pony when you've already got one in stock?
    They weren't generics that were purposed later. At least Apple Bloom isn't. You'll notice when Applejack introduces all the Apple family ponies, she introduces many very quickly. Then after she's done, she introduces the three who live in Ponyville more slowly and specifically.
    I was talking about the other two. Also, what Pete said. Re: cowering and shit.
  • edited March 2011
    Celestia is pony Stalin
    Further thoughts: Ponyville, being situated on the edge of the wilderness, is a pony gulag - they're not allowed to use magic to force them to use hard labor. Twilight, whether she knows it or not, is a plant sent there by Celestia to warn her in case of an uprising.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited March 2011
    they're not allowed to use magic to force them to use hard labor
    This struck me during the Running of the Leaves. Why do they consider it some right and noble thing to shun magic for the sake of tradition? Can you say pony fundamentalism? Amish ponies?
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Why do they consider it some right and noble thing to shun magic for the sake of tradition?
    They use magic practically all the time for their daily lives. Rarity uses it in her dressmaking, for example. These few events are the exception.

    Are horse races obsolete now that we have cars?
  • edited March 2011
    they're not allowed to use magic to force them to use hard labor
    This struck me during the Running of the Leaves. Why do they consider some right and noble thing to shun magic for the sake of tradition? Can you say pony fundamentalism? Amish ponies?
    I think the ponies view magic the way some people in our society view industrialization. They think something has more value, and is necessarily higher quality, if it's made by hand than if it is mass-manufactured. That's why the ponies make snowflakes by hoof instead of with a magic snow factory.

    I think that that actually the princess likes it that everypony does work the old fashioned way. It keeps them all busy. The pegasi have to make weather all the time. The earth ponies have to farm and work all the time. Only the magical Canterlot unicorns actually have time to learn and become educated. By maintaining an intellectual advantage over all the other pony cities Celestia maintains a firm grip. They depend on her for everything, including raising the sun up and down. If a rebellious unicorn had time to study, they could conceivably learn how to move the sun on their own, and then they could revolt.

    Celestia isn't stupid. She has a second line of defense, the cutie mark. You know if some pony has a cutie mark that has a "don't tread on me" snake that they will very quickly find some trouble in the form of some D&D; monsters.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I disagree with the 'if a pony studied enough' thing. Celestia is clearly a pegasus and a unicorn, as is her sister. No other pony has the dual classification. The case is merely a natural order, pega-corns obviously have more magical power then just a unicorn.
    My argument may have a dent put in it if any sea-ponies show up, as that would introduce a third non-earth pony class, one of which Celestia has no apparent inclusion of.
    Also...god damn...we be so nerdy.
  • Also...god damn...we be so nerdy.
    A show that has a manticore and a cockatrice be nerdy. No denying.
  • Where was the cockatrice? I don't remember it from any episode.
  • Where was the cockatrice? I don't remember it from any episode.
    Most recent: The Stare Master. Fluttershy = pro.
  • Looks like the Pony Parents are coming.

  • Looks like the Pony Parents are coming.
    We still don't know about inter-racial relations. It seems at least the Apple family is earth-ponies only. If Applejack was making time with a Pegasus dude, would there be trouble?
  • Looks like the Pony Parents are coming.
    We still don't know about inter-racial relations. It seems at least the Apple family is earth-ponies only. If Applejack was making time with a Pegasus dude, would there be trouble?
    Maybe, but it would be only because Old Granny Smith thinks that "That sorta thang jus aint natural!"
  • edited March 2011
    If Applejack was making time with a Pegasus dude, would there be trouble?
    I'm betting that this will be addressed in an episode. This is, after all, marketed at adolescent girls and is a show with a moral.

    Will there be a teen pregnancy episode?
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Nerds! Everywhere!
  • edited March 2011
    If Applejack was making time with a Pegasus dude, would there be trouble?
    I'm betting that this will be addressed in an episode. This is, after all, marketed at adolescent girls and is a show with a moral.

    Will there be a teen pregnancy episode?
    Let's hope not.

    But if there was to be, who'd be the one to get the little bundle of pony joy?
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Applejack. Pinkie would be the father, don't ask me how.
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