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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Faust has said Pinkie Pie has an apartment above the bakery and works for the Cakes.
    An apartment? You would think the party business would be more lucrative. Everyone else lives in a big ass house of some kind.
  • And I thought the bads were baked in Pinkie Pie's kitchen.

    OK, I guess they are capitalist ponies with a strong community service ethic.
  • OK, I guess they are capitalist ponies with a strong community service ethic.
    I think the community service is mandatory.
  • Considering that the God-Empress of Ponykind could probably do pretty much anything she wished, it would make sense that she could mandate and enforce community service.

    ALSO: someone please make a God-Empress of Ponykind shop. Now.
  • Actually, do we know if the sweet and baked goods shops are businesses? The ponies could run their operations out of their homes. Live and work in the same place.
  • edited March 2011
    Actually, do we know if the sweet and baked goods shops are businesses? The ponies could run their operations out of their homes. Live and work in the same place.
    Everyone lives and works in the same place, but they are all businesses. Even Fluttershy provides animal-related services from her cottage such as cat grooming.

    Also, one more mythological tidbit concerning the everfree forest. We already know it's some sort of place where the clouds move on their own, and pony power holds no sway. However, it is also the location of the original palace of Celestia and Luna. Did they abandon it after they broke up? Ponies used to live there, so at some point over the past 1000 years, nature reclaimed that land. For whatever reason it only took back that one area, and did not spread its influence beyond the edge of Ponyville. Also, Canterlot is less than 1000 years old, there is a story of its founding that I'm sure is quite fascinating.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Dear lord, if the staff of the show could read this conversation...
  • Dear lord, if the staff of the show could read this conversation...
    They can, but would they want to?
  • Dear lord, if the staff of the show could read this conversation...
    They can, but would they want to?
    I am tempted to leave a link to this thread on Faust's Deviantart.
  • I fucking love this thread.
  • Oh, also we really need a map of Equestria. Since Ponyville is so close to the Everfree forest, and also the boonies, you would assume that it's at the edge of Equestria. However, if you are standing in Ponyville, you can see Canterlot without binoculars. That means that it's either really close, like a couple towns over, or that the Princess' current palace is ginormous. It does appear to be sticking out of the side of a mountain, so that helps its elevation, but it's still either gigantic or close. Is Canterlot the geographic center, or not? Maybe the Everfree forest is landlocked within Equestria and not at the edge?
  • I know it's been touched on, but not completely defined. I think Everfree is West of Ponyville. AJ's farm is South West and Fluttershy's cottage and meadow North of her farm, right on the edge of the Everfree Forest (ironically.) I couldn't say where Whitetail Wood is, to be honest, and Canterlot is Noth East.

    Here, I found a map, though I think it needs to be re-oriented. The guy is working on a corrected, full-color version.

  • Here, I found a map, though I think it needs to be re-oriented. The guy is working on a corrected, full-color version.
    There are at least two towns/cities missing from that map.
  • edited March 2011
    There are at least two towns/cities missing from that map.
    Well, we know about Hoofington. Do we know much about Fillydelphia?

    And quoth the artist:
    Eeyup, I know. I thought about some sign like
    "to Fillydelphia", but we don't know where the city exactly is, so I resigned. Then i thought to change map's name - "Central Equestria" or something like that, to inform that this is not the whole land. I think Canterlot, as capital city, is in the centre of the country, ut we don't know it for sure, so I decided to not write it. Maybe I will change something on map, when cartoon give us more geographical knowledge about Equestria.
    He'd rather not include the things we don't know than just make some shit up.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Here, I found a map, though I think it needs to be re-oriented. The guy is working on a corrected, full-color version.
    There are at least two towns/cities missing from that map.
    And why does this matter?
  • edited March 2011
    There's also a "Trottingham."

    EDIT: And here's a wiki.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Another Map.
    This one's much cleaner and has some justifications for the positioning of stuff. It has some made-up stuff and is missing a road to Trottingham, but it's readable.
  • Another Map.
    This one's much cleaner and has some justifications for the positioning of stuff. It has some made-up stuff and is missing a road to Trottingham, but it's readable.
  • Stalliongrad?
    As I said, made-up stuff.
  • edited March 2011
    That map isn't bad, except for the made-up stuff.
    I always thought the Everfree Forest was closer to Ponyville, though. Perhaps it's just that ponies are fast?

    Also, pony factor @ 37.7%
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I am pretty sure I will be buying a proper illustration book if they ever come out with one. I am talking about the a hardcover one for grow ups that appreciate good art, and not the ones that one could find in your dollar store.
  • I am pretty sure I will be buying a proper illustration book if they ever come out with one. I am talking about the a hardcover one for grow ups that appreciate good art, and not the ones that one could find in your dollar store.
    I would get one. Especially if it also had development sketches and other information.
  • I believe at this point you guys REALLY need to do the My little Pony Podcast with the items discussed in this tread alone and since (to my knowledge) you be the first you could try to snag an interview with Lauren Faust to make it epic pony time.
  • edited March 2011
    Considering these forums are at roughly 40% ponies, it's definitely called for.
    (I wrote a python script to calculate the pony factor :D)
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • My Little Pony Podcast
  • You guys haven't done a Podcast in a while, this is BEGGING to have a podcast. Or atleast, every week, you tack on "What happened this week in MLP: FIM, and Random Thoughts"
  • I just had an idea: A My Little Pony Panel to be done at an anime convention. I think the reaction would in itself deserve a chance.
  • I just had an idea: A My Little Pony Panel to be done at an anime convention. I think the reaction would in itself deserve a chance.
    I was going to do this for Otakon. At least submit it and see if I get it.
  • edited March 2011
    I think I figured out the whole "why the fuck didn't she just teleport?!" thing. The only times we've seen Twilight Sparkle do this has always been in a straight line and relatively short distances. She also seems disoriented each time after she does it. It's possible that it is unwise for her to attempt it while falling, as in the hyrda episode. She is also still learning magic, and she makes a point that it is not always easy to do certain spells. This may also add to her reluctance to do it.
    The one thing she, and other unicorns, seem to be able to do with ease is telekinesis. Anything else looks like it's tricky and takes practice.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • The one thing she, and other unicorns, seem to be able to do with ease is telekinesis. Anything else looks like it's tricky and takes practice.
    Well it was said in the Trixie episode that every unicorn has their specialty that directs the focus of their spells.
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