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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • edited November 2012
    And to that end, all of us adults should endeavor to be as responsible as AppleJack.
    Even if you are responsible, what are you going to do about it? Beat up a kid? Beat up their parents? Call the cops/school who will do nothing about it? The bully isn't usually a cousin you are taking care of, and you know is actually a good kid. It's usually someone else's kid, and both the kid and the parent are pieces of shit. If they never take things over the line, the police won't get involved. Then what?
    As the Duck put it; You get Dangerous.
    So now you are a bully. How is someone not now justified putting you or your kid in the hospital?
    Okay oh wise sensei, what IS the correct solution?
    We need to change the law to give teachers/parents the power to actually do something. You go to a school and ask the teachers and kids who the bullies are. Everyone knows who they are. It isn't a secret. I say give the bullies some chances to reform themselves, but thhe unconformable should be sent to military school.

    That is not a hyperbole. I really think that would go a long way towards fixing the problem. The very worst bullies would all be straightened out with some military discipline. The regular schools would now be much better with fewer bullies in the classroom. The very real threat of military academy alone would be an amazing deterrent for many lesser bullies who don't actually need to be sent away.

    Right now we have a system where there is no real penalty or punishment for bullying that doesn't cross the line into very criminal territory. So bullies are like bike theives. Even if you get caught, nothing happens to you!

    Another great addition to this would be to fill schools with cameras. When there is a fight or something, the video should be used as evidence in fair judicial proceedings of some kind. Too many times you have some bully who gets a kid to spaz out, and the spaz kid is the one who gets in trouble and is viewed as the problem. Video with audio would show without doubt who is the real problem. Then the bully could be punished more severely, and the bullies parents would be presented with undeniable evidence that their kid is a piece of shit.

    I would very much like to see at least an experiment of some kind to test this out. Someone should set up a single school that is the guaranteed no bullying school. All bullies are expelled. Will new bullies emerge, or will the school become a happy and wondrous place? I think if done properly, it could work.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I am shocked how much my daughter loves MLP. She hasn't been exposed to it any more than say, Elmo and other popular character. Around 18 months, kids are supposed to develop an attachment to something like a favorite stuffed animal or blanket. For her, it's these two little Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash plushes with ribbon hair.

    We were in Target this morning and they had Twilight Sparkle. She had been cranky all weekend because she's been getting over a fever. I handed her Twilight Sparkle and she lit up, kissed it, and squeezed it to her chest for half of the trip around the store.
  • Thanks Matt, I've got diabetes now.
  • edited November 2012
    (crosspost from the Gangnam thread)
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Oh Scott, how I would love to see that placed in schools. I really wonder about how fast children these days learn about real issues with life (aka, losing their innocence) and what is the best way to handle it. Technology has advanced too far to keep simple issues in the dark. Thus, why I think the CMC should just learned how to confront evil people.

    We need to give schools and teachers more money and benefits doing these careers. It's a title that you keep with you EVERYWHERE. And some leverage of course with the law/legal system when it comes to dealing with children.

    I think this is why I was ultimately disappointed with the lesson in this episode. Bullying needs to be handled clearly and immediately. You need the balls to say "some children are dumb and/or nasty people and not perfect, moldable angels." They needed to allow the development of Babs Seed to flow naturally.

    And hell, make Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon interesting or just SCRAP THEM. You can find conflict in so many other ways. Tiara actually had a good role as a newspaper editor because she wasn't a typical, one-dimensional bully.
  • edited November 2012
    I am shocked how much my daughter loves MLP.
    Very cute! I really think there's something about all the bright primary colors in this show that lots of really young kids love even if they can't follow all of the nuances of the plot. My officemate has started using it to distract his 2.5 month old (!) when he's home alone and needs a few minutes free and it's apparently the most engrossing thing he's found yet. I've been wondering if that partially explains the show's crack-like quality for adults.
    Hell, make Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon interesting or just SCRAP THEM. You can find conflict in so many other ways. Tiara actually had a good role as a newspaper editor because she wasn't a typical, one-dimensional bully.
    Yeah, I was a little disappointed in DT/SS. I thought after Morrow's last CMC episode (Family Appreciation Day) we were going to start to see them grow apart. Not that one of them showing a crack and then reverting to form is unrealistic either.

    As for the lesson, I thought pointing out that bullied people turn into bullies themselves was a good point and certainly summed up my experiences in childhood. They probably couldn't write Babs with a bad home life (most common cause I saw). It was also probably too complex to present a better solution than "tell an adult" because the right answer is to avoid the person as much as possible, develop lots of allies, and play the social game - play a sport, join a couple of clubs, etc.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • Is it bad that it took me almost half the episode to determine that yes, Babs Seed did in fact have an accent? She really didn't get that much clear dialogue until Bully Mode turned on.

    In other news: I rather like Rarity's German singing voice.

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    Listening to metal while watching that is hilarious.
  • Oh god, for a moment I thought they were actually playing the A-Team montage song.
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    Listening to metal while watching that is hilarious.
    I'm going to be talking about that song in my lecture at Anime LA because it's the first one where they actually do a direct address at the camera.

  • Oh god, for a moment I thought they were actually playing the A-Team montage song.
  • You know, when I watched the episode this morning I thought "ugh" when they suddenly broke out in song because it was somewhat cheesy to just have a song out of nowhere. But damn, that song is catchy.
  • MLP is all about songs out of nowhere.
  • I like pony songs, and I can not lie. But what is the last episode that did not have a song? I haven't counted, but it feels like songs were only in about 2/3 of the episodes, but in Season 3 so far they are in 100% of the episodes.

    I personally prefer most episodes to be songless for a few reasons. One is that you will be more excited to get a song, it's more special when it isn't common. Two is that there is less ammo for RFE when a song eats up most of the episode. Three is that almost every pony song is played over a montage. Any montage is a way to eat up minutes while keeping the plot simpler with less jokes, dialogue, etc.
  • Was there a song in Too Many Pinkie Pies? For some reason I don't remember it having one.
  • Did the Mirror Pond episode have a song?
  • edited November 2012
    But what is the last episode that did not have a song?
    Um, Season 3 Episode 3 (Too Many Pinkie Pies)?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • But what is the last episode that did not have a song?
    Um, Season 3 Episode 3 (Too Many Pinkie Pies)?
    I could have sworn it had a song.
  • Well, to excuse Scott, the Mirror Pond episode did have Pinkie's nursery Rhyme, which I guess is close to being a song.
  • edited November 2012
    [Pie in the Sky anti-bully solution that will never-work because of the fact that effort would be required from a school to have it happen.]
    "Scott, I'm sure on some planet, your strategy is considered powerful, but your weak link is: this is Earth."
    Post edited by Conan-San on
  • [Pie in the Sky anti-bully solution that will never-work because of the fact that effort would be required from a school to have it happen.]
    "Scott, I'm sure on some planet, your strategy is considered powerful, but your weak link is: this is Earth."
    This could apply to almost all things.
  • At least he offered a solution. I would have gotten on him if he'd just had that attitude when I asked him.
  • image
    And I gave myself diabetes posting this.
  • edited November 2012
    Chocolate doesnt fit Derpy though...what flavor would? Cookies and Cream? Yam??
    Post edited by lifecircle on
  • image
    Listening to metal while watching that is hilarious.
    With a little modification to the timing, I think that gif could be set to We Will Rock You. I lack the means to do this but I invite the internet geniuses of this forum to make it happen, much like the Nyan Cat/Jackson 5 mix

  • FRCF is not your personal army.
  • FRCF is not your personal army.
    Never claimed it was. I have an idea that I can't execute so I wanted to share it so if someone else wanted to, they could try it, that's all.

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