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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Akinator knows all the ponies, even Derpy Hooves and such.
    I also tried Akinator. I was pleased with the results.
    Akinator didn't know Angel, the Fluttersy's bunny. Or is it just one of the bunnies that Fluttershy takes care of?
  • So as I'm rewatching the series, I like catching things I didn't notice before.

    Episode 5: Griffon The Brush Off. Was anyone else reminded of Pepe Le Pew when Pinkie Pie was hopping after Rainbow Dash as she was trying to get away from her? It totally reminded me of all his Looney Toon episodes where the cat is trying to get away from him.
  • So as I'm rewatching the series, I like catching things I didn't notice before.

    Episode 5: Griffon The Brush Off. Was anyone else reminded of Pepe Le Pew when Pinkie Pie was hopping after Rainbow Dash as she was trying to get away from her? It totally reminded me of all his Looney Toon episodes where the cat is trying to get away from him.
    are you implying that Pinkie Pie is a french sex criminal?
  • I love how Pinkie Pie has that Pepe Le Pew hop. It just fits with her character.
  • Episode 5: Griffon The Brush Off. Was anyone else reminded of Pepe Le Pew when Pinkie Pie was hopping after Rainbow Dash as she was trying to get away from her? It totally reminded me of all his Looney Toon episodes where the cat is trying to get away from him.
    I've noticed this many times. And the leaf race episode was like straight-up Looney Toons.
  • edited March 2011
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • image
    I could totally see this happening.
  • Pony-mashups are continuing to bleed all over the web:
  • Pony-mashups are continuing to bleed all over the web:
    Halo Pony
    I think those Ponies have been around for a while. I remember seeing a post here about it.
  • Pony-mashups are continuing to bleed all over the web:
    Yeah, that's a pre-Friendship is Magic mashup.
  • edited March 2011
    Current pony factor 28.6% (although my count is a little inflated by posts in the GN MLP:FIM episode thread since a lot of those posts aren't pony related). Do not despair, though, because the next episode is out pretty soon.

    Also, the two main MLP threads are the first and second most posted-in threads in the last 24 hours.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Pony-mashups are continuing to bleed all over the web:
    Found the original post.

    Also the person from Deviant Art who made them along with a lot of new stuff from MLP:FIM. Pretty awesome.
  • Apparently, there is a whole web site dedicated to Derpy Hooves. It's a really crappy site, but it claims that a second season is all-but confirmed. Since we already have 26 episodes, does that mean we're going to see 52? Shit, that's a lot of ponies.
  • This is the best fansite I have found.
  • This is the best fansite I have found.
    Since the 4chan pony pogrom this is where I get my daily dose of pony.

    Oh yeah, you've been warned of the pony lingerie post.
  • OMG, there are an INSANE number of posts on Equestria Daily. It would take forever to read the whole thing. I give up. Here is the best stuff I've dug up from there.

    Pony openers in other languages:

    Two legitimately funny comics:
  • Pony openers in other languages:
    Unsurprisingly, I found the French-Canadian one to be the worst of those three.
  • Yeah, it was terrible.
  • edited March 2011
    Gordon Freemane.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • That pyramid chart sure walks the line of being a bit seditious. I hear the beating hooves of a Earth Pony insurrection.
  • I recently re-watched the pilot episodes and noticed an interesting thing. In the opening bit on the capital only kinds of ponies you see there are unicorns. Unicornism = nobility, seems quite likely after noticing that one.
  • I recently re-watched the pilot episodes and noticed an interesting thing. In the opening bit on the capital only kinds of ponies you see there are unicorns. Unicornism = nobility, seems quite likely after noticing that one.
    Well, all the ponies you see in Canterlot are Twilight's classmates at the royal academy, or whatever it is. If they are studying magic, they are unicorns. I'm sure that at the Cloudsdale flight school there are only pegasi.
  • edited March 2011
    Studying magic is that what they are calling it now. Ha! it's more like studying ways to con a decent hard working pony. Is what it is.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • Studying magic is that what they are calling it now. Ha! it's more like studying ways to con a decent hard working pony. Is what it is.
    Get used to it. Us technology people are basically the unicorns.
  • Get used to it. Us technology people are basically the unicorns.
    I love conning people with my "magic."
  • edited March 2011
    Your days are numbered unicorns. The Apple Party will not let this oppression stand.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • Your days are numbered unicorns. The Apple Party will not let this oppression stand.
    We'll just be floating over here, watching from afar as the two of you pound yourselves into the dirt. We'll pick up the pieces and be proclaimed the saviors of a fallen civilization. We are The Pegasus Proclamation.
  • Yeah that sound like an excellent plan. Have fun just eating rainbows for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Unicorns are the only ones who can write. Their telekinesis allows for the kind of fine motor control required. This dictates that they become the ruling class because guess who makes the laws and records history, bitches?
  • Unicorns are the only ones who can write. Their telekinesis allows for the kind of fine motor control required. This dictates that they become the ruling class because guess who makes the laws and records history, bitches?
    The other ponies write, they just suck at it. Apple Bloom and friends were writing with pencil in mouth in the classroom. Also, even though Twilight can write with pencil telekinesis, she mostly has Spike do it with his dragon thumbs.
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