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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • I just watched them and "A Man's Gotta Do" is the best.
  • Hmph. Interesting that the Akinator now asks "Is your character associated with My Little Pony?" on a regular basis.
  • Hmph. Interesting that the Akinator now asks "Is your character associated with My Little Pony?" on a regular basis.
    Only if you go down that road. Try going for something else, like transformers and it probably won't ask that question.
  • edited March 2011
    See the Akinator thread
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • What happens when there are to many ponies and not enough seats to ride the ferris wheel?!
    That is physically painful to watch.
  • I managed to stump Akinator on Over Protective Parent Pony, but I probably gave some wrong answers. However, it got Doctor Whooves in 17 questions.
  • Hahaha, that's 4chan for you - Akinator knows Dr Whooves better than the main characters.
  • On a side note the Production Team has said the Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash are not related, but I'm confused because at the end of this episode Applejack and Rarity are there for their sisters, but what is Rainbow Dash doing there?
    Yeah, this is even more confusing because Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo have the same personality.

    Also, "We're gonna sing it really loud?" Priceless. I don't know how anypony can't love the CMC's.
  • Also, "We're gonna sing it really loud?" Priceless. I don't know how anypony can't love the CMC's.
    Yea I agree
  • I don't know how anypony can't love the CMC's.
    Only heathens who have no heart.

    That episode was absolutely adorable, but am I the only one who can't figure out Applebloom's special talent?
  • I the only one who can't figure out Applebloom's special talent?
    I think it might be home repair/painting, judging how well she reconstructed the clubhouse.
  • I the only one who can't figure out Applebloom's special talent?
    I think it might be home repair/painting, judging how well she reconstructed the clubhouse.
    Yeah, she's probably going to rock at raising some barns and such. However, why couldn't she fix Fluttershy's table?
  • edited March 2011
    I the only one who can't figure out Applebloom's special talent?
    I think it might be home repair/painting, judging how well she reconstructed the clubhouse.
    In addition to this, Applebloom also demonstrated she might have some talent in making costumes when she gave Sweetie Belle some advice.

    I'd pin her down as a designer of some kind.
    However, why couldn't she fix Fluttershy's table?
    The other CMCs got in the way.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • However, why couldn't she fix Fluttershy's table?
    You sir just blew my mind...
  • In addition to this, Applebloom also demonstrated she might have some talent in making costumes when she gave Sweetie Belle some advice.
    Here's the thing, though. Everypony's name also has something to do with their cutie mark and special talent. Scootaloo scoots, that makes sense. Sweetie Bell sings, that goes with her name as well. Apple Bloom, how does her name fit?
  • Here's the thing, though. Everypony's name also has something to do with their cutie mark and special talent. Scootaloo scoots, that makes sense. Sweetie Bell sings, that goes with her name as well. Apple Bloom, how does her name fit?
    Apple Boom is that way because she's a member of the Apple family. All of those ponies have apple in their name. Same thing kinda works for Pinkie Pie when she was talking about Granny Pie.
  • edited March 2011
    Here's the thing, though. Everypony's name also has something to do with their cutie mark and special talent. Scootaloo scoots, that makes sense. Sweetie Bell sings, that goes with her name as well. Apple Bloom, how does her name fit?
    I can't come up with any counterexamples to that. I was going to say Applejack has nothing to do with alcohol, but she does have an apple cellar and it's obvious what she's doing down there.

    Still, if a pony's name determines their talent, then doesn't the cutie mark become entirely redundant and silly? Wouldn't anypony with a lick of sense just reverse engineer their talent and hence cutie mark from their name? Let me list four possibilities.

    1) The pony's talent does derives from the power of the name, but no pony has realised that this is the case. In fact, if they had, could they not name their offspring something like "Great Leader"? Perhaps Celestia has secret police to stop this from happening, or it's Celestia herself who names all the ponies!

    2) The talent is more acquired than it is inherent, and the ponies' names subliminally urge them to acquire those talents.

    3) Ponies can take different names upon receiving their cutie marks, so while initially many ponies' names might not match their talents, they end up doing so in the end.

    4) It's all just be a massive coincidence.

    I very much like the option where Celestia names all the ponies, and in doing so imbues them with their talent, but there is a lack of evidence in favour of this idea - the massive coincidence is more likely. Still, the idea of such an inconspicuous totalitarian state is rather frightening.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Pinkie Pie is an example where her name is unrelated to her cutie mark, which is balloons. I'd say that, if ponies can't change their name on going through puberty (sorry, getting their cutie mark), the parents probably wait a few years to name a newborn pony. This would allow the name to be somewhat based on the pony's disposition (resulting in names like Fluttershy) or what the parents already know of the pony's likes and dislikes, like if Scootaloo already liked her scooter as a baby, and her parents named her appropriately.

    Really, ponies don't need a name until they get out of the house and start going to school, so it may be that the parents all name their children just before the first day of kindergarten-equivalent.
  • Pinkie Pie is an example where her name is unrelated to her cutie mark, which is balloons.
    It so does match, she throws parties all the time, and what do you have a parties?
  • Pinkie Pie is an example where her name is unrelated to her cutie mark, which is balloons.
    It so does match, she throws parties all the time, and what do you have a parties?
  • Think little kiddies parties and high pitched fun times
  • Well yeah, parties have balloons, I was saying that the name Pinkie Pie is more related to her color scheme than her cutie mark.
  • Just a thought: Those Youtube rankings may not be accurate due to kids setting their age to be higher than 18 to see restricted videos. Thoughts?
  • Are they lying about their sex also?
  • edited March 2011
    Just a thought: Those Youtube rankings may not be accurate due to kids setting their age to be higher than 18 to see restricted videos. Thoughts?
    That's likely for the 13-18 male group, but I think a larger difference is just from the fact that a much higher percentage of adult males having youtube accounts compared to younger girls.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Are they lying about their sex also?
    Do you mean to say that girls are using the internet?
  • Either Sweetie Bell is using her magic to make it float, or the animators forgot to draw the handlebars on the scooter. ;^)

  • Pinkie Pie parties hard and doesn't afraid of anything.
  • I think My Little Pony is a pretty cool guy- eh makes friendship magic and doesn't afraid of anything?
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