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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • edited March 2011
    You don't know that. They could be a million feet tall, and then their houses and such would also be millions of feet tall. But when viewed on film, the scale makes it so you can't tell without anything relative to compare it to. How do you know our entire universe isn't some speck of sparkle in Celestia's hair?
    Square-Cube Law
    Unless their legs are made of adamantium, but then they'd still need muscles stronger than the Hulk's.
    Yeah, it seems that self-levitation is likely to be restricted somehow, though it's hard to say how. It could be a consequence of how their magic works, or there could be other reasons.
    Ugh. Nerds...
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • The ponies could be of a size big enough that they could create an organ capable of buoying them in relation to Equestria's magnetic field. Given that Equestia could potentially have an incredibly powerful magnetic field, they might not even have to be that big.
  • edited March 2011
    Well, if you adjust G, c, and a few other constants to match it, than size no longer matters.
    I've been keeping track, and this is the first time in about a week that someone has used THAN when they mean THEN. In every other case, and the vast majority by Scott, people mistakenly use THEN when they mean THAN. With this one data point, I think I can start work on the De-Cremliator script.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • Does that mean that a comment using "than" in place of "then" (or vice-versa) is considered "Cremliated?" Or perhaps, "All Cremmed up?"
  • What episode does the male pony with the tennis racket appear in? I keep seeing him in memes and stuff, but can't recall seeing him in an episode.
  • I think that was the one where Apple Bloom was first trying to get her cutie mark, Call of the Cutie (episode 12).
  • Finally saw the rainboom episode, it was awesome.
  • Rarity has also telekinesed some pretty big stuff, but ponies are very heavy.
    True that, your average 14 hand pony is going to weigh about 400-500 kilos, for reference. How that relates to the actual show is up to you, though.
    Judging by the size of things around them they are like 3-4 feet tall.
    Twilight Sparkle levitates a freaken Ursa Minor all the way back to it's cave... She's very strong. And that was after levitating a barns worth of cows milk along the way. In fact, she DUAL levitates. The Ursa Minor and the milk... Shes crazy strong.
    I think that's a danger = massive adrenaline boost is what is going on there.

    Like those stories you hear of moms pushing cars a few inches to get at their kids kinda thing.
  • If we could get an idea of what type of apples they grow, then we could find an approximation of the height of the trees and find out how tall ponies are (assuming an earth-like world).
    I've been assuming they are Red Delicious Apples which are pretty big.
  • If we could get an idea of what type of apples they grow, then we could find an approximation of the height of the trees and find out how tall ponies are (assuming an earth-like world).
    I've been assuming they are Red Delicious Apples which are pretty big.
    The one Spike pulled out of the barrel in the GGG ticket episode looked like a red delicious to me.
  • edited March 2011
    I started watching this show over the weekend. Admittedly, I didn't know how I felt about it at first. Was this going to be some cutesy, saccharin kids show (well yeah kind of goes without saying) or some blatant pokemon catch em all? Was there a quest to bring magic back and defeat the night mare? It just seemed so full of potential that could have gone anywhere. It seemed that all roads could very easily lead to "lame" though.

    It wasn't until the third episode that I really started enjoying the writing, the gags, and even the more mature manner in which many of the lessons are presented. The yakkity sax-esque chase scene let me know right then that this was something I could appreciate on many levels, and like the Powerpuff Girls, discuss with others without feeling shame that it was a "show for girls." This is a show by nerds for nerds, and it is awesome.

    Apple Jack all the way. Although, I do find myself subbing in "cursed" Flutter Shy's voice for her normal one all the time now and that has made me like her much more. And Pinkie Pie is just great for the randomness.

    On a related note: think about the size difference between an Ursa Minor and a pony. Now think about the size difference between an Ursa Minor and an Ursa Major. If the Minor is bigger than a house it would take an obscene amount of magic to lift a Major. And how would you calm a Major anyway? You can't just rock it to sleep as easily as you could a Minor.
    Post edited by FarliamentPunkadelic on
  • Just saw the Sonic Rainboom episode as well. (I torrented 1-10 and hadn't watched youtube yet)

    Awesome episode!

    It's now my 2nd fave after Dragonshy (Fluttershy is my fave...)
  • Welp, This show is cool. Rainbow Dash = Awesomest Pony, Pinkie Pie = Funniest Pony, Fluttershy = Most Moe Pony
  • I gave it a try after listening to the podcast. I admit, it's quite good... Kinda has a bit of a cross between Powerpuff Girls and Sailor Moon feel, at least to me, and I did like both those shows.

    FYI, I agree that Rainbow Dash is awesome, but I think my fav may be Applejack. I like her attitude, and I always had a thing for that cowgirl character type, complete with drawl.
  • That video is very well done.
    Also, I must report that my script puts our current pony factor at only 10%, and I must admit to significant personal responsibility in this matter. However, the script does need some work, since it does not identify pony-related comments in other threads, e.g. the pony discussion we had in the morality thread.
  • edited March 2011
    The ponies could be of a size big enough that they could create an organ capable of buoying them in relation to Equestria's magnetic field. Given that Equestia could potentially have an incredibly powerful magnetic field, they might not even have to be that big.
    But apples wouldn't be able to stay up in trees.

    edit: Unless the apples had magnet-bladders too, but that's just gross.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited March 2011
    Fluttershy the Vampony Slayer, Spike, and Angel.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Oh my GOD
  • Sonic, you need a brohoof too.
  • *double brohoof*
  • I only wish this could be a real thing. I'd love to see how Fluttershy would handle Vamponies.
  • edited March 2011
    I only wish this could be a real thing. I'd love to see how Fluttershy would handle Vamponies.
    "Just who do you think you are, going around and trying to suck everypony's blood? You should be ashamed of yourselves! Those ponies need that blood to survive, and you're just going to go and TAKE it from them?! That's the height of selfishness! Now go back to your caves and we'll get you some food later, okay? Now go and never let me see you feeding on my friends again! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!? Thanks."

    Edited the end to sound more Fluttershy-esque.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • "Just who do you think you are, going around and trying to suck everypony's blood? You should be ashamed of yourselves! Those ponies need that blood to survive, and you're just going to go and TAKE it from them?! That's the height of selfishness! Now go back to your caves and we'll get you some food later, okay? But if I catch you trying to feed on my friends again, I will STAKE every last one of you. You got that?"
    Brohoof to you, man. I was laughing, gasping for air for a solid minute. Nice.
  • edited March 2011
    So, my roommate and I watched the first episode, and we agree with all of you, it's not bad. I'm not gonna be as obsessed with it as the rest of you, I think, but...It's good.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • I'm not gonna be as obsessed with it as the rest of you,
    We'll see what you say after a few more episodes.
  • So, my roommate and I watched the first episode, and we agree with all of you, it's not bad. I'm not gonna be as obsessed with it as the rest of you, I think, but...It's good.
    Honestly I'm not a crazy person like these people but just the one eps does not give you the full glory that is MLP:FIM. Not to mention you didn't even complete the two part series :-p
  • So, my roommate and I watched the first episode, and we agree with all of you, it's not bad. I'm not gonna be as obsessed with it as the rest of you, I think, but...It's good.
    Axel, you too shall be assimilated in due time. Just you wait - I'm coming home for Spring break, and may... "encourage" you to watch some with me.
  • It definitely takes a few episodes. It took me until episode four to really go from casual "this is an OK thing" interested to my current state of active seeking.
  • @Linkigi - Except I'M already back at school. RIT's break system is AWESOME. I actually do like it though, sarcasm aside.
    @Everyone else - Yeah, okay.
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