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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • they're more likely to browse a blog.
    A blog that is 90% fanfiction.
  • It's pretty easy to skip over the fanfiction. Still, since I use Google Reader to do so, I never see the polls either.
  • It's pretty easy to skip over the fanfiction. Still, since I use Google Reader to do so, I never see the polls either.
    I also skip it easly, but I'm saying that that lower age demographic is probably the only one that actually likes fan-fiction.
  • How long until ponies? Do I sleep or do I wait?
  • One hour till ponies.
  • How long did it take to get on youtube last time?
  • It takes a few hours to get the HD version encoded and uploaded to Youtube. I get to watch it on TV this week, so I'll be seeing it in an hour.
  • Also, /co/ will be watching it live via webcam here- apparently they have trouble streaming the episode directly.
  • edited March 2011
    It's on like Donkey Kong! I already think my Rarity and Fluttershy love is going to go up 20%!

    Edit: Oh my. Ponyville found Fluttershy's moe.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I've been sweetening to Rarity lately in a big way.
  • I've been sweetening to Rarity lately in a big way.
    What? The Diamond Dogs episode just confirmed that she's a total bitch. Also, that episode taught you that whining is the best way to get what you want.

    No, Rarity can die in a fire.
  • I've been sweetening to Rarity lately in a big way.
    What? The Diamond Dogs episode just confirmed that she's a total bitch. Also, that episode taught you that whining is the best way to get what you want.

    No, Rarity can die in a fire.
    If anything it taught you how to play some fools.
  • Edit: Oh my. Ponyville found Fluttershy's moe.
    Faust is listening.
  • If anything it taught you how to play some fools.
    That's what I got from it.
  • edited March 2011
    I've been sweetening to Rarity lately in a big way.
    What? The Diamond Dogs episode just confirmed that she's a total bitch. Also, that episode taught you that whining is the best way to get what you want.
    But that was one of the best episodes. Just because a character is a total bitch doesn't mean you can't like them for that reason.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited March 2011
    Episode finished! In this episode:

    First, Equestria now has not one, not two, but THREE Pony Gagas.

    Ponyville discovers that Fluttershy is moe. Fluttershy then turns the moe up to 11 by hating all the attention and is TOTALLY adorable.

    Rarity kind of/not really gets some character development by admitting to being jealous, but is still a bitch for most of the episode.

    Spike is oblivious, which is played for comedy.

    Pinkie Pie is amusingly random, but arguably comes the closest to ruining everything by insisting that Twilight keep secrets from Fluttershy and Rarity, when half the conflict could have been avoided if they had just TALKED TO EACH OTHER. So -2 points to Pinkie Pie. "Stick a cupcake in my eye" will be how I make promises from now on, though.

    In related news, Fluttershy is still my favorite pony.

    EDIT: I almost missed it, but as a warning for Scott, the episode contains NO Rainbow Dash. Or Applejack, for that matter. At all. Make of that what you will.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Rarity is still my tops, but my Fluttershy love went up a lot! ~+*MOE*~+
  • I must have squee'd over Fluttershy at least 3-4 times this episode.
  • EDIT: I almost missed it, but as a warning for Scott, the episode contains NO Rainbow Dash. Or Applejack, for that matter. At all. Make of that what you will.
    There was an Applejack sighting. Fluttershy advertised her apples.
  • But that was one of the best episodes. Just because a character is a total bitch doesn't mean you can't like them for that reason.
    Oh sure, that's valid. As long as you recognize that she's a wicked, wicked bitch. I just find it hard to believe that someone could like a character that is so completely bitchy.

    And yes, it was a great episode. Rarity is an epic whiner. It was actually a bit painful.
  • I just find it hard to believe that someone could like a character that is so completely bitchy.
    Dr. House.
  • EDIT: I almost missed it, but as a warning for Scott, the episode contains NO Rainbow Dash. Or Applejack, for that matter. At all. Make of that what you will.
    Yeah, they've gotten the short end of the stick in recent episodes. I'm confident they will make a big comeback in the next one.
  • Yeah, they've gotten the short end of the stick in recent episodes
    Well, Fluttershy and Rarity got the short end of the stick in earlier episodes, so it's balancing out.
  • But that was one of the best episodes. Just because a character is a total bitch doesn't mean you can't like them for that reason.
    Oh sure, that's valid. As long as you recognize that she's a wicked, wicked bitch. I just find it hard to believe that someone could like a character that is so completely bitchy.

    And yes, it was a great episode. Rarity is an epic whiner. It was actually a bit painful.
    Rarity KNEW what she was doing when she got captured by the dogs. It's almost like, once she knew she had leverage to get the dogs to do what she wanted, it was just a matter of time. You don't think Rarity has the character to know what acting is? I think the conclusion with that, is to the fault of Twilight's character who, out of nowhere, decided to attach a message to the whole adventure, when there really wasn't.
  • Dr. House.
    That's fair.
  • What? The Diamond Dogs episode just confirmed that she's a total bitch. Also, that episode taught you that whining is the best way to get what you want.

    No, Rarity can die in a fire.
    Are you really serious? Would you come off of that? There should be no speculation on the moral of each episode, as they are delivered very clearly, straight from the horse's mouth.

    That episode taught you that just because someone may seem weak, frail, and girly doesn't mean that they should be underestimated or presumed helpless. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed in seeing how many people are bagging on Rarity for not punching through faces in order to free herself, and believe me I am a big fan of punching through faces.

    The whole idea behind the cast of this show is that girls, just like the rest of humankind, can have a huge variety of personalities and an array of ways to deal with problems. We already have two physically capable, tough ponies that embody some masculine traits along with their feminine ones. Does this mean they are the only strong members of the cast? Do we only have one standard for what makes a strong woman? So Rarity bitched her way out of that dungeon. That's who Rarity is. That is not who My Little Pony is telling young girls to be. It was telling them that they can utilize their own individual strengths to problem solve instead of curling up and crying because they aren't big and strong, and it was telling them not to assume that every girly-girl is a damsel in distress. Come on, little girls aren't so god damned stupid that they'll all start blindly imitating Rarity as soon as things go wrong. It's the assumption that children are that stupid that leads to the mindless girls' cartoons that My Little Pony has been in defiance of all along.

    I'm with Rym on this one. Plus, it was hilarious.
  • What? The Diamond Dogs episode just confirmed that she's a total bitch. Also, that episode taught you that whining is the best way to get what you want.
    Dude, Rarity Batmannd them.
  • What? The Diamond Dogs episode just confirmed that she's a total bitch. Also, that episode taught you that whining is the best way to get what you want.
    Dude, Rarity Batmannd them.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it that way.
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