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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • I really like Fluttershy.
    Way to go!
  • Happy Winter Wrap Up everyone!
  • Once again Fluttershy rules all, moe is acknowledged and accepted in the show.
  • Once again Fluttershy rules all, moe is acknowledged and accepted in the show.
    Truly, things are as they were meant to be.
  • So does anypony else want to work on Chinese subs for MLP? I can translate, but I have no idea how to do anything else.
  • Also like Fluttershy the best. Rarity is a stuck up bitch, Pinkie Pie is a giggling idiot prom queen, Rainbow Dash is an annoying tomboy/genki girl (as opposed to a cute tomboy/genki girl, which is a character type I kinda like). Twilight Sparkle and Applejack are okay, but Fluttershy is just nice and interesting.
  • Is it just me or are the first 3 minutes of Episode 5 highly inspired of an old Pepe Le Pew cartoon? Pinkie Pie even has the Pepe jump.
  • I gotta say, I'm not a big fan of Photo Finish. I like her look, but I've seen that posessive artist so many times already. Hoity Toity was much better. XP

    And also, Fluttershy is probably my least favorite of the mane cast. But that isn't an insult, that's like being slowest olympic track runner. I still really love her character, just Pinkie Pie is leaps and bounds my favorite.
  • Is it just me or are the first 3 minutes of Episode 5 highly inspired of an old Pepe Le Pew cartoon? Pinkie Pie even has the Pepe jump.
    I don't think there's any question on that reference.

    My favorite shout-out has to be how "Art Of The Dress" is taken almost wholesale from Sondheim's "Putting It Together."
  • An awesome Rainbow Dash skin for chrome. There are ones for the other ponies on the side, but you don't need them. This one is 20% cooler than the others.
  • *downloads*
  • My favorite shout-out has to be how "Art Of The Dress" is taken almost wholesale from Sondheim's "Putting It Together."
    What are you on about?
  • edited March 2011
    What are you on about?
    Yesterday was the last day of Winter. Hence, it was Winter Wrap-Up, because today Spring is here.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
    What are you on about?
    Today is the first day of spring.
  • Is it? Hadn't noticed.
  • Is it? Hadn't noticed.
    Well obviously you failed at your duty to assist in cleaning up winter and bringing in spring, and deserve to have everypony ostracize you from the community.
  • It is a bit annoying that the series seems to be out of order. For example, Winter Wrap Up comes before the episode where they have the race that causes the leaves to fall. But Twilight Sparkle couldn't have been in Ponyville for nine months and I'm assuming they wouldn't skip over Spring and Summer entirely.

    It also bugs me that Winter Wrap Up happens but no other episode features snow.
  • We'll have to suppose that Winter Wrap-Up probably comes last, and the rest of the episodes happen during summer and fall. Faust has stated that the episodes aren't chronological, specifically so people can watch any one and because Winter Wrap Up best introduced how the ponies control weather.
  • Is it? Hadn't noticed.
    Well obviously you failed at your duty to assist in cleaning up winter and bringing in spring, and deserve to have everypony ostracize you from the community.
    There is no weather in LA. The pegasi have barely any work to do, the animals don't go anywhere or even hibernate, and crops can grow year round with barely any effort. FORGIVE ME FOR NOT NOTICING.
  • There is no weather in LA. The pegasi have barely any work to do, the animals don't go anywhere or even hibernate, and crops can grow year round with barely any effort. FORGIVE ME FOR NOT NOTICING.
    Our Ponies have poison spurs and breathe fire.
  • All this winter wrap up talk makes me want to abuse the free water ice today.
  • I tried watching more of this show. Sorry, it just doesn't do anything for me. Then again, I only very rarely watch anything from TV land, and my standards are pretty high. It would take a lot for any children show to grab me.
  • Which episode(s) did you see?
  • 1 and 2.
    You should give it, at the least, 2 more episodes. A lot of people agree that the pilot is kind of a middle-of-the-road episode, compared to the other amazing ones.
  • No. That is another hour of my life I won't get back. A TV show has to grip me to be worth spending any time on at all. There is nothing about this show I find particularly gripping. You lose nothing by me not being convinced though, so don't sweat it!
  • edited March 2011
    1 and 2.
    You should give it, at the least, 2 more episodes. A lot of people agree that the pilot is kind of a middle-of-the-road episode, compared to the other amazing ones.
    I agree that the pilot is weaker, but ultimately the show on the whole is not great - merely good - and so I presume Luke wouldn't bother.

    On that topic, what's the best episode of this show?
    Bridle Gossip, Sonic Rainboom, and A Dog and Pony Show stand out for me.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
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