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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • I don't think that the meme will survive the gap. It will keep going till August or September, but unless Faust does some supplementary unofficial stuff on the internet, we won't care when season 2 starts back up.
  • I don't think that the meme will survive the gap. It will keep going till August or September, but unless Faust does some supplementary unofficial stuff on the internet, we won't care when season 2 starts back up.
    I do agree it will fade, but I also think it will rise again when season 2 starts. However, much rides on the quality of season 2. Any shark jumpage can sink the whole ship.
  • edited March 2011
    I do agree it will fade, but I also think it will rise again when season 2 starts. However, much rides on the quality of season 2. Any shark jumpage can sink the whole ship.
    I would think that jumping over a shark would keep the shark from eating the ship, thusly sinking it. In all seriousness, Faust has yet to jump the shark with anything. Powerpuff Girls went on for 7 years, and while quality varied, it never had a significant decrease in overall quality. I would like it if it survived the gap, I'm just skeptical.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • The disadvantage is the show makes it's money from toy sales which means it needs to promote new toys and we know how those shows work out. It really depends on whether Hasbro decides to get more heavily involved in it.
  • it needs to promote new toys and we know how those shows work out
    So they make a movie where they kill off most of the main cast so they can bring out new main cast and toys for those.
  • it needs to promote new toys and we know how those shows work out
    So they make a movie where they kill off most of the main cast so they can bring out new main cast and toys for those.
    If they did that, it would be titled "Faust Makes The 80s Transformers Movie." Given the way that they put the CMC in (which is the Inception of cute) I think they would just add instead of replace.Yes, they couldn't kill anyone, but they could write them out of the script, or do what Glee did and just forget about characters.
  • it needs to promote new toys and we know how those shows work out
    So they make a movie where they kill off most of the main cast so they can bring out new main cast and toys for those.
    If they did that, it would be titled "Faust Makes The 80s Transformers Movie." Given the way that they put the CMC in (which is the Inception of cute) I think they would just add instead of replace.Yes, they couldn't kill anyone, but they could write them out of the script, or do what Glee did and just forget about characters.
    It'll be awhile before toys based on show themes will come out. I won't be surprised if they made toys based on all the ponies dresses both good and bad, ect. But those take a while to produce.
  • I personally am gloomy about the coming end of the first season, but lets not forget that there are many more people who have yet to see the show (well, in my part of the woods anyway), i predict that the show's popularity may increase steadily from here on, and even if not, this is a good enough effort for me to keep invested in, and im sure many fans as well. I concur that Hasbro may interfere with the creative process, but i doubt it with Lauren's track record, and hey, maybe there'll be better toy quality.

    In the meantime i'll fill the pony void till December with making fan arts and converting people :D
  • Has a new season actually been confirmed? And is tomorrow's the last ep of this season?
  • edited March 2011
    The new season is confirmed. There are, according to Wikipedia, six episodes left this season.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • You want some Gandalf Girthing? How about this.

    In Episode 1 it is clearly stated that Nightmare Moon will return on the longest day of the 1000th year, and the stars will aid in her escape. You clearly see four stars move to the moon. What are those four stars up to? Speculation abounds!
  • They're the four ponies of the Apocalypse.
    Couldn't find any Faustian ponies (referring to Lauren, not Satanic deals) but I thought this would do.
  • You want some Gandalf Girthing? How about this.

    In Episode 1 it is clearly stated that Nightmare Moon will return on the longest day of the 1000th year, and the stars will aid in her escape. You clearly see four stars move to the moon. What are those four stars up to? Speculation abounds!
  • I don't check this thread as a matter of course so I apologize in advance if this has been posted. Also, I need to g back and check all the pony business up in this mug.
  • edited March 2011
    You want some Gandalf Girthing? How about this.

    In Episode 1 it is clearly stated that Nightmare Moon will return on the longest day of the 1000th year, and the stars will aid in her escape. You clearly see four stars move to the moon. What are those four stars up to? Speculation abounds!
    Well, I guess it's quite clear that the stars in MLP:FIM are not balls of gas. After all, Celestia apparently moves the Sun, and the way those stars move is clearly unlike this.

    Though the idea of apocalypse ponies is pretty awesome, surely they would be capable of significantly more than Nightmare Moon managed? I'd expect much more from Apocalypse Ponies. Or were they just messing about?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited March 2011
    I am pretty sure destroying the day is way more powerful than any of the 4 apocalypses. On the other hand, she may have made a deal with them and is in their debt.
    Post edited by Robyn Chaos on
  • I am pretty sure destroying the day is way more powerful than any of the 4 apocalypses. On the other hand, she may have made a deal with them and is in their debt.
    Why did it take 1000 years for them to help? There was a prophecy that they would do it, and the timing was exact.
  • Why did it take 1000 years for them to help? There was a prophecy that they would do it, and the timing was exact.
    They were maybe 1000 light years apart, so when the deal was made they needed 1000 years to prepare.
  • I don't check this thread as a matter of course so I apologize in advance if this has been posted. Also, I need to g back and check all the pony business up in this mug.
    Does that randomly generate pony features? It feels like A Scanner Darkly.
  • Does that randomly generate pony features? It feels like A Scanner Darkly.
    Not sure. From what I can tell, it does. A co-worker (who has never seen MLP:FIM before) linked this to me.
  • Well, I've finally decided to start translating MLP:FiM into Chinese. I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with it, but I definitely need the practice.
  • Oh man! How can a show based on My Little Pony be so good? After listening the show I was quite skeptical, but, after watching five episodes today I am hooked. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but MLP: FIM just has certain charm that makes me feel like a little kid again.
  • Well, I've finally decided to start translating MLP:FiM into Chinese. I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with it, but I definitely need the practice.
    One sentence done, >11 pages to go for episode 1.
    I'm going to bed.
  • Why did it take 1000 years for them to help? There was a prophecy that they would do it, and the timing was exact.
    More likely those Stars were seals and the spell the Princess used to contain Nightmare only lasted 1000 years either on purpose or by limitation of her power. The legend fudged the details.
  • Oh man! How can a show based on My Little Pony be so good? After listening the show I was quite skeptical, but, after watching five episodes today I am hooked. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but MLP: FIM just has certain charm that makes me feel like a little kid again.
    Yup, my experience has been similar.
  • edited March 2011
    More likely those Stars were seals and the spell the Princess used to contain Nightmare only lasted 1000 years either on purpose or by limitation of her power. The legend fudged the details.
    It's possible, but I wonder. Twilight loves her telescope, and it is clear that Equestria has the exact same night sky as Earth, with the same constellations. Unless Equestria is on our Earth, there is no way it would have the same sky. So either Equestria is on a distant future or past Earth, or the night sky is a managed fabrication.

    Even if it is a fabrication, our constellations come from Greco-Roman heritage. Cloudsdale and the pegasi clearly have an Athenian aesthetic, so perhaps there is a connection there. Perhaps Cloudsdale is above the former Mount Olympus in a far future earth? It would kind of make sense that Equestria encompasses Western Europe and that the Everfree forest is Eastern Europe and Russia, where there are many wild beasts of legend. There be dragons.

    There has to be some reason they have our constellations as opposed to their own pony constellations. It wouldn't be Orion with three stars on his belt. It would be ponycles with three stars for a cutie mark.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I think it's the distant future.
  • edited March 2011
    I think it's a parallel far-future Earth, where evolution selected for equine instead of simian forms for higher intelligence. All pony magic is Sufficiently Advanced technology; cutie marks are actually highly-advanced symbiotic nanoscale AI hives with matter and field effectors that work in tandem with the pony brains.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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