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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • edited March 2011
    Few can resist the ponies for long.

    Why did the original toy head fail so hard?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
    Welcome brother!
  • It's possible, but I wonder. Twilight loves her telescope, and it is clear that Equestria has the exact same night sky as Earth, with the same constellations. Unless Equestria is on our Earth, there is no way it would have the same sky. So either Equestria is on a distant future or past Earth, or the night sky is a managed fabrication.
    I think it's an alternate reality.

  • edited March 2011
    I have converted my friend from Australia into watching the begins in a new country *evil laugher*
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • I have converted my fiend from Australia into watching the begins in a new country *evil laugher*
    I'm gonna go get my rifle. Another one to take out behind the shed.
  • edited March 2011
    Somehow I ended up writing a story last night. It wasn't a MLP fanfiction, per-se, but when I read this OTHER fanfiction, I got inspired to write one of my own that took place in the same universe. (yo dawg, I heard you like fanfictions...)

    The original is called "The Conversion Bureau". Here's the back cover description:
    The pony race and humans have lived together in harmony for centuries. A peaceful race, the ponies never really felt the need for war or violence to solve world problems. Things always seemed a lot friendlier with the ponies involved. Only recently have ponies been integrating into the modern human society. Ponies have lived in isolated, calm lands for many generations, but with over-population becoming a risk for the equine communities, moving from Canterlot to Newark was a common occurrence in these times.
    Through warfare and species-exclusive diseases, humans have begun a steady decline in population and general health. The ways humans have destroyed the world around them, through pollution, greed and unhealthy living conditions, have led the humans to realize the error of their ways, but it had been too late. Ponies, being a hardy, largely pacifistic folk, had slowly become the majority in world population (but only just so). It was becoming clear the time of the human was coming to a close. Soon, scientists of both human and pony worked together to create a formula to, in a sense, "ponify" a human, and hopefully keep society from collapsing. Their long term plan was to start a thriving, pony-centric world for generations to come.
    In this interim period, humans were plagued with mass confusion and doubt as to what to do. Most humans understood the decline in the population, and would much prefer to be a pony. With a down-to-earth, carefree lifestyle, the possibility of flying or using magic to their advantage, and current human health problems a thing of the past, what could possibly go wrong? However, some people have shown some second thoughts.
    People like Ethan McCullough.
    Here's a link to my spin-off. "The Conversion Bureau: Sidelines" Critique is appreciated, as I plan to submit this to Equestria daily.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Soon, scientists of both human and pony worked together to create a formula to, in a sense, "ponify" a human

  • edited March 2011
    XD Not my story's description, but yeah, it would totally be a furry paradise.

    Seriously, though, I'd appreciate it if you'd read the first chapter of my story and give me some feedback.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Ponies Vs Pokemon.
    Sadly, it doesn't end well for the ponies.
  • edited March 2011
    Ponies Vs Pokemon.
    Sadly, it doesn't end well for the ponies.
    That is, by far, one of the most awesome things I've read this month.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Ponies Vs Pokemon.
    Sadly, it doesn't end well for the ponies.
    That is, by far, one of the most awesome things I've read this month.
    It is the awesome. I just wanted to repeat what I commented there.

    Rarity could have beaten the Gyrados since she beat what was effectively a cousin of Gyrados in episode 2, with the mustache. However, if he had selected different Pokemon, no way can the ponies win. Even Celstia and Nightmare Moon teamed up can't beat Spiritomb or any of the truly legendary Pokemons.
  • Even Celstia and Nightmare Moon teamed up can't beat Spiritomb or any of the truly legendary Pokemons.
    Are you kidding? Celestia could just bring the motherfucking sun down on them.
  • Living deity is kind of a cheat card.
  • Ponies Vs Pokemon.
    Sadly, it doesn't end well for the ponies.
    That is, by far, one of the most awesome things I've read this month.
    It is the awesome. I just wanted to repeat what I commented there.

    Rarity could have beaten the Gyrados since she beat what was effectively a cousin of Gyrados in episode 2, with the mustache. However, if he had selected different Pokemon, no way can the ponies win. Even Celstia and Nightmare Moon teamed up can't beat Spiritomb or any of the truly legendary Pokemons.
    Hell yeah. Articuno could have made a Celetia-cicle. And against Scyther? Pinkie pie would have had no chance.

    Not to mention that whole rainbow dash vs Snorlax bullshit. She couldn't lift a Snorlax.
  • Even Celstia and Nightmare Moon teamed up can't beat Spiritomb or any of the truly legendary Pokemons.
    Are you kidding? Celestia could just bring the motherfucking sun down on them.
    You know what happens when you get too close to the sun? You get burned. She can't bring the sun down on them if they're both in the same place fighting each other. Also, Celestia has never shown herself to be fast. She flies pretty slowly, and is always lounging. Using magic also takes considerable concentration and effort. Pokemon are really fast and just unleash power like crazy. Some can't even keep their power in and are always on fire or whatnot. By the time she lights up her horn, she's already dead.


    Also, Kenshiro can beat all ponies and all Pokemon.
  • Also, Celestia has never shown herself to be fast. She flies pretty slowly, and is always lounging.
    So was/did Vash the Stampede. Until it mattered.
    Also, Kenshiro can beat all ponies and all Pokemon.
    Of course.
  • Also, Celestia has never shown herself to be fast. She flies pretty slowly, and is always lounging.
    So was/did Vash the Stampede. Until it mattered.
    Celestia couldn't even keep herself from getting kidnapped by her own sister when it was foretold that it was going to happen 1000 years in advance.

    And yes, I'm calling total bullshit on her saying that she knew it was going to happen the whole time.
  • So was/did Vash the Stampede. Until it mattered.
    True, but I have a theory that Celestia is actually a poser. She definitely has mad power, since she can lift the sun, but I think she uses all her strength to do that. It doesn't leave her with much left for anything else, which is why she often travels by chariot instead of flying herself. That's why when Nightmare Moon put her away, she had to rely on Twilight to save her. Even when she took out Nightmare Moon the first time, she had to use the elements of harmony because she didn't have enough power on her own. Six magic items is a lot of magic items.

    TL;DR: Celstia uses all her power to raise the sun and can't really do anything else.
  • edited March 2011
    More likely those Stars were seals and the spell the Princess used to contain Nightmare only lasted 1000 years either on purpose or by limitation of her power. The legend fudged the details.
    It's possible, but I wonder. Twilight loves her telescope, and it is clear that Equestria has the exact same night sky as Earth, with the same constellations. Unless Equestria is on our Earth, there is no way it would have the same sky. So either Equestria is on a distant future or past Earth, or the night sky is a managed fabrication.

    Even if it is a fabrication, our constellations come from Greco-Roman heritage. Cloudsdale and the pegasi clearly have an Athenian aesthetic, so perhaps there is a connection there. Perhaps Cloudsdale is above the former Mount Olympus in a far future earth? It would kind of make sense that Equestria encompasses Western Europe and that the Everfree forest is Eastern Europe and Russia, where there are many wild beasts of legend. There be dragons.

    There has to be some reason they have our constellations as opposed to their own pony constellations. It wouldn't be Orion with three stars on his belt. It would be ponycles with three stars for a cutie mark.
    Well, Equestria existed before the Princesses arrived. What was it before then? Was there just constant night like in a pre-sun era Middle Earth? Or is the raising and setting of the sun just a metaphor for the raise of the Pony rule over Equestria? While it's clear that Nightmare Moon had power to cause darkness; that isn't actually so hard. She just needs to use magic powerful enough to block the light from the sun. They have never shown Celestria raising the sun or causing the sun to raise.

    Also, it is unclear if there is anything outside of Equestria. Zacora came from far away but it was never stated, to my memory, if she was Equestrian or not. Having ponies, and other creatures, come from the same planet but not Equestria itself also questions the validity of the creation myth.
    Post edited by Gundampilotspaz on
  • Also, it is unclear if there is anything outside of Equestria. Zacora came from far away but it was never stated, to my memory, if she was Equestrian or not. Having ponies, and other creatures, come from the same planet but not Equestria itself also questions the validity of the creation myth.
    Equestria is a country, not a world. That has been clearly stated. Zecora comes from a different country on the same planet.
  • Also, it is unclear if there is anything outside of Equestria. Zacora came from far away but it was never stated, to my memory, if she was Equestrian or not. Having ponies, and other creatures, come from the same planet but not Equestria itself also questions the validity of the creation myth.
    Equestria is a country, not a world. That has been clearly stated. Zecora comes from a different country on the same planet.
    Well, then that does call into question the creation myth. How could Celestria raise the sun only over one country? The Mare in the Moon myth has to exist only to explain where Princess Luna went and the royal Ponies don't actually have power over night and day.
  • Well, then that does call into question the creation myth. How could Celestria raise the sun only over one country?
    This comes down to a fundamental question. Does the sun rising and falling in the Everfree Forest or outside of Equestria match the sun rising and falling in Equestria?
  • Equestria is a country, not a world. That has been clearly stated. Zecora comes from a different country on the same planet.
    Now riddle me this. Why would a sun controlling god only rule over a small portion of the world. Or does sun work differently in Equestria than other lands? I believe that although Celestia most likely is powerful the thing with the sun is just a legend she tells to impress her people.
  • Now riddle me this. Why would a sun controlling god only rule over a small portion of the world. Or does sun work differently in Equestria than other lands? I believe that although Celestia most likely is powerful the thing with the sun is just a legend she tells to impress her people.
    The only time the ponies visit the forest during the day is when they chase Zecora into the poison joke. the forest is always dark regardless of the time of day. It could just be the canopy. We have no way to know.
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