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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • edited April 2011
    You know what this series really reminds me of, at least bits and pieces of it?

    The Giver by Lois Lowry.

    Also, anyone else think the sheriff looks a little like Mario?
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Cutie marks being a sign of what one will do for the rest of their life, that they tend to appear around puberty, the fact that Equestria is-baring the occasional hiccup-a very regimented utopia with even the weather being controlled and constructed before hand, and that the land outside of Equestria is "unnatural" because it isn't so strictly controlled.

    It's not a lot, and I'm certainly not saying that the two works are the exact same, but there are a couple of similarities here and there if you're willing to look for them.
  • The Giver was my favorite book in middle school. I wonder if it still holds up.
  • The Giver was my favorite book in middle school. I wonder if it still holds up.
    I also liked it a great deal in middle school. I'm sure it holds up.
  • Also, anyone else think the sheriff looks a little like Mario?
    Are you asserting that Mexicans and Italians look alike? ;)
  • This is my favorite potential reference to Sherrif Silverstar.

  • This is my favorite potential reference to Sherrif Silverstar.

    OH SH...
  • The Giver was my favorite book in middle school. I wonder if it still holds up.
    I also liked it a great deal in middle school. I'm sure it holds up.
    I loved this book in the fifth grade, then had to read it for eighth grade. It did not hold up at all. The plot didn't make much sense, the characters were bland, the writing was awkward, and the depth seemed artificial. It felt like the author thought of a cool idea, then wrote about it without really thinking the idea through.
    Of course, this might just be me. I wasn't too interested the second time I read it, so that might be the reason. But I really feel like it doesn't hold up at all. I'll have to read it again sometime.
  • Nnnnnnnaaaaah. The cutie marks don't really indicate what they'll do the rest of their life.... they're more a mark of each pony's most prominent personality trait. Which is a GOOD INDICATOR of what they might do, but nothing's cast in stone. I mean, It's not exactly a 1:1 match between jobs and cutie marks, after all. Snips, Snails (obviously more an indicator of his personality--- SLOW), Pokey Pierce (the one with the safety pin cutie mark, gotta wonder about THAT), Doctor Whoof(an hourglass), Derpy Hooves (bubbles? she's not exactly a soap salespony), And Cheerilee ( okay, that was obviously stretching when she said the three daisies on her flank were representative of her STUDENTS....)
  • Nnnnnnnaaaaah. The cutie marks don't really indicate what they'll do the rest of their life.... they're more a mark of each pony's most prominent personality trait. Which is a GOOD INDICATOR of what they might do, but nothing's cast in stone. I mean, It's not exactly a 1:1 match between jobs and cutie marks, after all. Snips, Snails (obviously more an indicator of his personality--- SLOW), Pokey Pierce (the one with the safety pin cutie mark, gotta wonder about THAT), Doctor Whoof(an hourglass), Derpy Hooves (bubbles? she's not exactly a soap salespony), And Cheerilee ( okay, that was obviously stretching when she said the three daisies on her flank were representative of her STUDENTS....)
    Look up the origin of the word "kindergarten".
  • OK kids. I have an extremely rare day tomorrow. There is absolutely nothing on the schedule and I am generally on top of or ahead of the game with all of my various responsibilities in life. The house is shiny clean, I've got a few blog posts in the hopper, etc. I am dedicating tomorrow in its entirety to relaxing, playing games, watching stuff, etc. before going back to the grind on Sunday. If I decide to watch MLP, should I just kick it off at Episode 1, or do you pony aficionados recommend jumping in elsewhere.
  • OK kids. I have an extremely rare day tomorrow. There is absolutely nothing on the schedule and I am generally on top of or ahead of the game with all of my various responsibilities in life. The house is shiny clean, I've got a few blog posts in the hopper, etc. I am dedicating tomorrow in its entirety to relaxing, playing games, watching stuff, etc. before going back to the grind on Sunday. If I decide to watch MLP, should I just kick it off at Episode 1, or do you pony aficionados recommend jumping in elsewhere.
    Start with episodes 1 and 2, which is a two-parter, since it introduces the characters and the world. However, you should be aware that much of the awesomeness of the show comes in the other episodes, so don't pass judgement until you watch some more than just the beginning two.
  • so don't pass judgement until you watch some more than just the beginning two.
    If, after seeing the first four or five, you aren't convinced, you're simply not man enough for it. Accept this fact and move on with your life.
  • so don't pass judgement until you watch some more than just the beginning two.
    I thought if a show isn't good right off the bat, it's no good at all. Not worth the time.
  • so don't pass judgement until you watch some more than just the beginning two.
    If, after seeing the first four or five, you aren't convinced, you're simply not man enough for it. Accept this fact and move on with your life.
    Haha thanks. I'm OK with not being man enough if that's turns out to be the case, but I'll stick it out until episode 5 if I'm not instantly hooked.
  • so don't pass judgement until you watch some more than just the beginning two.
    I thought if a show isn't good right off the bat, it's no good at all. Not worth the time.
    It was good right off the bat for me. I actually like the first two episodes a lot more than some of the other. It's just that other people have not had the same experience.
  • I don't get where all the hate towards the pilot comes from I like it a lot, but I have to admit that it pretty much lies about what you'll get in the episodes that come after it. It's a great introduction to the characters, but not to the structure of the story and episodes.
  • I thought if a show isn't good right off the bat, it's no good at all. Not worth the time.
    For me, definitely. But I know people who didn't like Cowboy Fucking Bebop until ten episodes in. I think MLP is pretty great from the start, but I can see how someone might not go from "this is ok," to "wingboner" until right around Applebucking Season.

    There's also the false dichotomy. When I usually complain about a show that people say "doesn't get good until later," it's a show that is awful in the beginning and, after a long investment, becomes pretty good. 20 episodes of crap for 5 good moments is worse than 1 meh episode followed by 10 good ones. There's no objective line of how many episodes one must give a show: it varies based on your personal opportunity cost.

    Unless a show is immediately crap, assuming I have some reason to believe that it's worthwhile, four-to-five episodes seems to be the magic number before a proper judgement can be made.
  • Yeah, even at anime club you would give a show four episodes.
  • I don't get where all the hate towards the pilot comes from I like it a lot, but I have to admit that it pretty much lies about what you'll get in the episodes that come after it. It's a great introduction to the characters, but not to the structure of the story and episodes.
    I'm still pissed off about the fact that we haven't seen those necklaces again since the end of episode 2.

    And hey, is there a feminine version of the word "brony"? I've been told that chicks can be bronies but as a language geek (and a chick), I'm perplexed.
  • I'm still pissed off about the fact that we haven't seen those necklaces again since the end of episode 2.
    They're Utena horses.
  • edited April 2011
    Unless a show is immediately crap, assuming I have some reason to believe that it's worthwhile, four-to-five episodes seems to be the magic number before a proper judgement can be made.
    Yes if a show is immediately crap then turn it off, but if it is mediocre with a strong public opinion, maybe it's worth going those four or five episodes. This is what happened with me and Mad Men. Most of my friends didn't get to episode 6 but I did and now I love that damn show so much.
    And hey, is there a feminine version of the word "brony"? I've been told that chicks can be bronies but as a language geek (and a chick), I'm perplexed.
    I don't see why everyone can't fit under one title, but maybe you could try using bronette? It doesn't have that same ring though.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • And hey, is there a feminine version of the word "brony"? I've been told that chicks can be bronies but as a language geek (and a chick), I'm perplexed.
    I might be stating the obvious here, but how about fillies?
  • And hey, is there a feminine version of the word "brony"? I've been told that chicks can be bronies but as a language geek (and a chick), I'm perplexed.
    I might be stating the obvious here, but how about fillies?
  • From what I've read Faust wanted to make the series so that it would have some kind of overarching plot and pilot is probably from those plans, but Hasbro wanted that episodes could be watched at any order so episodes after pilot are just each their own thing. Also I've read interned rumors that episodes might be out of order, witch explains why there was spring and fall episodes so close together.
  • Also I've read interned rumors that episodes might be out of order, witch explains why there was spring and fall episodes so close together.
    What I've heard is that the episodes are definitely not being aired in chronological story order, but it wasn't really expected or intended that they would be.
  • What I've heard is that the episodes are definitely not being aired in chronological story order, but it wasn't really expected or intended that they would be.
    I didn't mean to imply that (although rereading my writing it comes off as such). The out of chronological order is most likely and quite surely intended, but still I find it interesting.
  • And hey, is there a feminine version of the word "brony"? I've been told that chicks can be bronies but as a language geek (and a chick), I'm perplexed.
    I might be stating the obvious here, but how about fillies?
    Unless it's in common (read:hipstergeek) usage, it doesn't work.

    It seems to me that bronies has become a unisex term, which is kinda funny given that it seems to have cropped up to specifically identify that not all fans of MLPFIM are ladies.
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