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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • edited April 2011
    Yes to Pinkie Pie in the Miata.
    Fluttershy would drive a Volkswagen.
    Rarity would drive a Rolls Royce.
    Applejack drives a pickup truck.
    Twilight drives an electric, Nissan Leaf?
    Rainbow Dash drives an F1 Ferrari, way more than 20% cooler.
    Clearly, if I were to pick from ANY car, those would be obvious choices. But I was picking from cars applicable to both Initial D and Eurobeat.
    Fluttershy would drive a AE86 ('cause you don't consider it a threat when you first see it, but watch out!).
    Not so much of a threat anymore. A good 3/4 of them are driven by people who can't drift for shit, but picked one up because they heard they were godly drift machines, and/or because it's the car the Takumi Drives in initial D/The King of Drifting drove one starting out, and still does from time to time.
    Or, if you're like me and like the aesthetic of the car itself. Actually, I love damn near any car with pop up headlights, hence why my next car is likely to be an older miata. Also, its not really a smart move to get an ae86 these days. Not only does its reputation make its pricier than other cars, but you can get other, cheaper cars with greater tuning potential.
    How does car talk relate to MLP? Both involve horsepower. *Rimshot*
    You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited April 2011
    I've watched alltogether too much Initial D. My mind, on it's own, overlays sounds of engines and screeching tires on top of any eurobeat.

    Pinkie Pie would drive a pink Miata.
    Fluttershy would drive a AE86 ('cause you don't consider it a threat when you first see it, but watch out!).
    Rainbow Dash would drive a Nissan GTR, because that thing fucking drips speed.
    Rarity drives strictly grip in her Lamborghini Gallado.
    Applejack rides a 2009 Fairlady Z. The Japanese muscle car; Strong and nothing complicated.
    Twilight drives an MR2, because you've gotta fucking magic to drift that thing.
    In my opinion:
    Pinkie Pie = Kia Soul or Nissan Cube
    Fluttershy = Toyota Prius or Volkswagen Golf TDi
    Rainbow Dash = Subaru WRX STi or Mitsubishi Evo X FQ-400
    Rarity = Rolls Royce Ghost
    AppleJack = Ford SVT Raptor
    Twilight = Chevrolet Volt
    Luna = Koenigseggeggegggegggeggg
    Celestia = Bugatti Veyron
    Derpy Hooves = Nissan Juke
    Boxy Brown = International Lonestar
    Post edited by Robyn Chaos on
  • edited April 2011
    Riiight. Just like Batman.
    You don't think that if Batman could throw the Joker for a loop by whining, that he wouldn't do it in a second?

    Rarity had those kidnappers wrapped around her hoof with hardly an exertion.
    Only because it is a kids' show and they couldn't punch her in the teeth because it would be too violent.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Rainbow Dash used everybody instead of everypony in the new episode. That threw me off.
  • Rainbow Dash used everybody instead of everypony in the new episode. That threw me off.
    It's happened before.
  • Love the new episode. Party at the beginning was funny and the episode had great classic chase scene. Also this might be the most airtime given to Celestia in one episode yet.
  • Rainbow Dash fucking with the guards. Pure fanservice.

    Also, SO AWESOME.

  • I beat you by a while with that one, rym.
  • Best part was Celestia pranking the Cakes.
    *sip* pour *sip* pour *sip* pour *fakesip* spill.... "Gotcha."
  • Rarity being a bitch."
    Oh ho, so its on again is it? You should try to start making distinctions between individual assertiveness and 'bitch' more often. Even if you ignore all her other character traits, none of the ponies are as strong a character as Rarity when it comes to selflessness and generosity in times of crisis and need. Would you put your entire career and reputation on the line for a friend in need? Its a question that you should ask yourself, that i have asked myself. Unfortunately, i understand that 'bitch' Is a stereotype that she's going to have to get away from, and if you have not been convinced otherwise after Suited for Success and Green Isnt Your Color...i think nothing will.

    Most recent episode got the biggest laugh from me yet due to random pinkie pie hijinks. The random self pie in the face was hilarious. Did not really care to much for Celestia and the phoenix; Celestia probably is the least developed and blandest character in the series. I do admit i did not see the Phoenix reveal moment till the bird exploded in flames.
  • I do admit i did not see the Phoenix reveal moment till the bird exploded in flames.
    My sister and I saw it coming from the very beginning.
  • I do admit i did not see the Phoenix reveal moment till the bird exploded in flames.
    My sister and I saw it coming from the very beginning.
    Same with me. Also, jealous about your sister watching. I really need to just sit my sister in front of a computer and say "watch this."
  • Also, jealous about your sister watching. I really need to just sit my sister in front of a computer and say "watch this."
    My whole family watched it during dinner. We subscribed to MyLittePony1080p's youtube channel on our Roku.
  • Lifecircle, next time please try not to respond to a single phrase of my post taken out of context, for if you had read the whole series of posts, you would have realized that I personally do not think of Rarity as being a bitch at all! I was only saying that that was an impression that can be gleamed from some of her behavior to someone that has not seen episodes that showcase her positive traits.
  • Lifecircle, next time please try not to respond to a single phrase of my post taken out of context, for if you had read the whole series of posts, you would have realized that I personally do not think of Rarity as being a bitch at all! I was only saying that that was an impression that can be gleamed from some of her behavior to someone that has not seen episodes that showcase her positive traits.
    Indeed, that is something you'll have to get used to on this forum. You need to read a persons whole post before responding, because we will call you on it.
  • Lifecircle, next time please try not to respond to a single phrase of my post taken out of context, for if you had read the whole series of posts, you would have realized that I personally do not think of Rarity as being a bitch at all! I was only saying that that was an impression that can be gleamed from some of her behavior to someone that has not seen episodes that showcase her positive traits.
    Indeed, that is something you'll have to get used to on this forum. You need to read a persons whole post before responding, because we will call you on it.
    What can i say, im a huge Rarity fan, but i sheepishly admit to my brashness on the issue. Apologies to Sail where it is due
  • Best part was Celestia pranking the Cakes.
    *sip* pour *sip* pour *sip* pour *fakesip* spill.... "Gotcha."
    Plus, this serves as evidence in favour of my "Feeling Pinkie Keen" prank theory.
  • Enjoyed the episode, and wish I'd stuck to my usual routine of avoiding this thread during the window when the new episode is out but I haven't seen it yet.

    And no, I can't really believe that the world has come to this: I'm now going to conscientiously avoid spoilers for My Little Pony.
  • I absolutely love that this show is slowly but surely introducing the young audience to awesome Mythological creatures.
  • I absolutely love that this show is slowly but surely introducing the young audience to awesome Mythological creatures.
    Hasbro trying to bring them from Ponies to D&D.;

    Also, I was thinking in the shower. I wish the guards had talked more. Then I could have done one of these.

  • I got my roommate into the show, I feel so accomplished.
  • Actually, now that we seem to be on that topic, how do you guys introduce people to the show? Any specific way you do it?

    For me i introduce with the first 2 episodes, but stress that all they do is create the setting, and that i only got into the series come after episode 4. I then either go two ways. For arty friends i shoot off Suited for Success immediately, and follow it with Winter Wrap Up. For other friends whose taste differ, i shoot directly at Sonic Rainboom/Boast Busters/Birdle Gossip

    Also, i can somehwhat reliably gauge how much certain people like certain characters, for eg, a friend of mine i was introducing the show to recently loved fluttershy due to her moe influences. So I shot at Dragonshy next just to show him how the show developed its different characters-how they are all multi layered and not just standard stereotypes.
  • If they do not make a MLP DnD campaign for 4e someone is seriously not doing their job at this point. They have the area (Evertree Forest), they have the creatures, they have the villin (nightmare moon) someone could easily make a campaign out of this.
  • If they do not make a MLP DnD campaign for 4e someone is seriously not doing their job at this point. They have the area (Evertree Forest), they have the creatures, they have the villin (nightmare moon) someone could easily make a campaign out of this.
    The thing is, I don't think MLP would work with the incredibly combat-based 4e system.
  • If they do not make a MLP DnD campaign for 4e someone is seriously not doing their job at this point. They have the area (Evertree Forest), they have the creatures, they have the villin (nightmare moon) someone could easily make a campaign out of this.
    The thing is, I don't think MLP would work with the incredibly combat-based 4e system.
    I am thinking more essentials where you have 4 core classes, maybe a few variants and then the pony in question you pick from the main show already has their stats done for them. Allowing pony creation or a standard quest.
  • I think a MLP:FIM RPG would need to be simple enough that it could be played in a couple hours and cover roughly the amount of story that an episode covers (probably with a similar structure). Something for one-shots and childrens games. Of course, when people start making long-running campaigns of it and start twisting it into a darker story about the distopia of equestria, that's awesome too. Maybe some attempts could be made at emulating specific episodes as an adventure? Dragonshy comes to mind. I imagine there could be some kind of reward structure to incentivise the role playing. For example, Fluttershy represents the element of "kindness" so every time she does something that exemplifies "kindness" she gets a "sparkle". And when she has enough sparkles, she can pull out the fluttershy death stare.
  • Someone's already been making ponies for Pathfinder.
  • To be played properly, MLP needs to be its own game. I don't think any existing RPG really fits the way it works at all. The only one you could probably get away with is Prime Time Adventures, since it works with any TV show. However, even PTA lacks some of the MLP specifics such as cutie marks, morals of friendship, etc.
  • So is it just me, or is the idea of Rainbow Dash high-fiving a phoenix the coolest thing ever?
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