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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • So is it just me, or is the idea of Rainbow Dash high-fiving a phoenix the coolest thing ever?
    Not the coolest thing ever, but still 20% cooler than most things.
  • I don't see why everyone is so happy with the last episode. I think it was by far the weakest I've seen to date. The chase scene went on way too long and the fake Yakkity Sax was really annoying, the moral was a bit lame, Pinkie Pie was a retarded amount of random spastic which was also pointless, and Dash was more obnoxious than entertaining.
    I was really disappointed, and was even a little uncomfortable watching at points because everything felt very 'low' and childish.
  • I don't see why everyone is so happy with the last episode. I think it was by far the weakest I've seen to date. The chase scene went on way too long and the fake Yakkity Sax was really annoying, the moral was a bit lame, Pinkie Pie was a retarded amount of random spastic which was also pointless, and Dash was more obnoxious than entertaining.
    I was really disappointed, and was even a little uncomfortable watching at points because everything felt very 'low' and childish.
    I thought it was a little bit dumb, but I have to admit that I actually laughed out loud when Pinkie slammed her head into the chocolate thing and pulled it out covered in goo. The party was clearly an exaggerated throw-away scene; it was supposed to showcase a retarded amount of each pony's character. As for the "goodness" of the episode, I think people are talking it up because it had a phoenix, and everyone is like, "Yeah, phoenixes are COOL." Also, I totally hated their design for the healthy phoenix. Stupid phoenixes.
  • I found the episode funny and laughed multiple times. That's all that matters to me.
  • I found the episode funny and laughed multiple times. That's all that matters to me.
  • I found the episode funny and laughed multiple times. That's enough for me.
  • I either completely missed the point of or failed to see the humor/snark in your post.
  • I just fixed it to suit better my own opinion. What you said was almost what I thought, but not quite, so thus fix.
  • edited April 2011
    Whoever came up with these drinks is a Fucking Moron, and should be tied to a public urinal at Glastonbury festival - with their ears filled with putty, so they can't hear the music, either - then set on fire and shot for their crimes against liquor. Apple Cider, Southern Comfort, and Jager? So, you're adding tangy apple, to sweet Vanilla-orange-bourbon-fruity liqueur, to a strong-flavored digestif whose primary flavor is strong anise and herbs? What in the stuttering fuck are these slackwits thinking? Even the most uncultured, uncaring, taste-bud lacking fucking frat boy wouldn't drink shit like this.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Whoever came up with these drinks is a Fucking Moron, and should be tied to a public urinal at Glastonbury festival - with their ears filled with putty, so they can't hear the music, either - then set on fire and shot for their crimes against liquor. Apple Cider, Southern Comfort, and Jager? So, you're adding tangy apple, to sweet Vanilla-orange-bourbon-fruity liqueur, to a strong-flavored digestif whose primary flavor is strong anise and herbs? What in the stuttering fuck are these slackwits thinking? Even the most uncultured, uncaring, taste-bud lacking fucking frat boy wouldn't drink shit like this.
    Yeah, but despite that, I still kinda wanna try them... and quickly regret it.
  • edited April 2011
    Yeah, but despite that, I still kinda wanna try them... and quickly regret it.
    Just the smell of those horrorshows would make you regret it. Give me it a few minutes, we'll see what we can do with this sorry mess.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • It was Friday night: the day before my team's regional robotics tournament. It was about 7:00, we had been working since school got out, and we would be there for several more hours. Problem was, shit wouldn't work. Arguments broke out; someone started crying. I grabbed my iPod and headphones, walked downstairs to a dark hallway, sat outside a locked classroom, and watched some motherfucking ponies. When the episode was over and I went back upstairs, everyone had chilled the fuck out, and our dinner had arrived. I sat down and ate, and all was right with the world.

    So thank you ponies. You made my day.
  • To be fair, I'd try Twilight Sparkle's drink.

    I loved the new episode. Lots of great reaction shots and references to older cartoons. Really solid Twilight and Fluttershy moments. I think this episode also proved that Celestia can be kind of a funny badass. Just that scene with her in the Cake Couple made me chuckle because there's much more to her character.

    Also, the episode may of solidified that Ponies eat meat. Atleast Pork, Applejack was looking over a ham sandwich.
  • So, you're adding tangy apple, to sweet Vanilla-orange-bourbon-fruity liqueur, to a strong-flavored digestif whose primary flavor is strong anise and herbs?
    They really should've stopped at SoCo and cider. I feel like that could be a tasty combination.

    How about Pinkie Pie? Who the fuck puts absinthe in a mixed drink?
  • I would think Pinkie Pie would be some kind of crazy pink-themed fruit daquiri with a surprise shot of something and topped with whipped cream and sugary sprinkles ... or something. o_o
  • I would think Pinkie Pie would be some kind of crazy pink-themed fruit daquiri with a surprise shot of something and topped with whipped cream and sugary sprinkles ... or something. o_o
    I feel like it should have some kind of cotton candy flavouring in it somewhere.
  • The idea of pony-themed mixed drinks = good.
    THOSE mixed drinks = terrible.
  • edited April 2011
    More PMVs:

    (and yes, I get this stuff from Equestria Daily, but I don't post everything I see there, just the better stuff. Unless everyone in this thread reads Equestria Daily, I might as well.)
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • To be fair, I'd try Twilight Sparkle's drink.
    The problems with that one is that it doesn't specify which Curacao(They likely mean blue, but being specific is important), that you're mixing a bitter Citrus/citrus peel flavor with what I can only assume will be some super-sweet and artificially tart pre-mix syrup.
    How about Pinkie Pie? Who the fuck puts absinthe in a mixed drink?
    Do you actually want me to go on a rampage and start stabbing people to death with my shaker?
  • Really am not a drinks person, so when i read the descriptions of the Pony Drinks, they sounded tasty and exotic.

    I am most probably dead wrong. I do wonder then if any person on the forums who are more inclined to cocktail confections would post some recipes, so i can tempt a friend with it into watching ponies

    *yeah im looking at you Churba :P
  • edited April 2011
    I am most probably dead wrong. I do wonder then if any person on the forums who are more inclined to cocktail confections would post some recipes, so i can tempt a friend with it into watching ponies

    *yeah im looking at you Churba :P
    I've fixed four, working on the others - keep in mind though, it's an idle time project, and I'm not exactly rich in pissing about time. I'll post them when they're all done. It's kinda hard to keep within what the person who made this was going for - Since they're an asshat - and I don't watch MLP, so I've less to go on when deciding if a drink is appropriate.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I didn't even realize they were cocktails. I just thought they were lists of individual spirits or drinks that matched the ponies, not that they should be mixed together. Yuck!
  • This is almost disturbingly uncanny valley:
  • The rate of PMVs is pretty crazy. Here's two more good ones:
  • The cult of Rarity seems to be growing. Soon we will eclipse the Pinkie Pie heathens and the Rainbow Dash addicts, and we will take over the Equestria Daily!
  • We need a Pony fighting game
  • We need a Pony fighting game
    Twilight Sparkle wins every time.
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