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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Bridle Gossip would be my next recommendation.

    Is it a fluke? An error? A bug? Or is Hasbro smart? WHO KNOWS? WHO CARES?

  • MyLittlePony1080p had HD Ponies this entire time, though...
  • Who has four hooves and his own little pony?
    This guy.
  • This guy.
    Also this guy, but I kind of want to redo mine to be more in the style of the show.
  • MyLittlePony1080p had HD Ponies this entire time, though...
    Not all the episodes so well organized.
  • New episode today! We've been waiting for this one. Baby Rainbow Dash, 20% cooler than baby you.
  • Last week I went home for lunch to watch the new episode and I got a horribly compressed ad supported version for the trouble. Glory to Mast3rlinkx's return!
  • New episode today! We've been waiting for this one. Baby Rainbow Dash, 20% cooler than baby you.
    I fear Baby Rainbow Dash. If she's 20% cuter than the CMC, we're gonna have a problem here.
  • edited April 2011
    The CMC are dumber than a box of hillbillies.

    Edit: I'm seeing a pattern here, and I think it all leads to Rainbow Dash.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • edited April 2011
    What is this?
    The best thing ever, that's what it is. I love how Gilgamesh's Cutie Mark is a big bridge.
    Post edited by Diddgery on
  • Episode 23: Amazing! Especially the Zelda reference.
  • Rarity's story was the funniest. That was a great episode.
  • edited April 2011
    Equestria Daily's video archive

    It's pretty cool how much goes into the background music when you don't end up noticing it that much
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited April 2011
    when you don't end up noticing it that much
    I notice the background music all the time. The Photo Finish music is still the best, but also the DJ PON-3 music and the music during the not sucky fashion show.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Ok, it's time to measure the white wizards shlong.

    MANEHattan is the awesomest.

    The Pie family is amish?

    Twilight's parents seem alright, but it doesn't seem like Twilight misses them or cares.

    Why was the test to get into wizard school to open a dragon's egg? How the fuck did they get a dragon's egg? Spike was kidnapped and has Stockholm Syndrome? Or is he more like the baby Metroid? Also, in episode 1 think Spike told Fluttershy that the egg was purple with green spots, but it was purple with different purple spots. Also, Spike never saw that egg, so how would he even know?

  • Scary thing is, Scooteloo is kinda growing on me.

    The way they all got their cutie marks at approximately the same time (with Rarity being slightly later made me think of women all getting on the same cycle when they spend a lot of time together. Except of course that most of them hadn't met yet.
  • The more time spent on the cutie marks the creepier I realize it is. Lets say somepony really wants to become a big name actor, but when they're helping their friend wash up after they fell in the mud, this pony gets the loofah cutie mark. They have now been sentenced to a life of being a spa pony. How about somepony who wants to become a firefighter gets a dumpster truck mark. Its a lousy job, but someones gotta do it.

    Oh, and this:
  • This episode was filled with many subtle notes on the world in general. The Magic Academy idea being thrown around, and the hatching of the Dragon egg using magic. WIth such a magically controlled bioshphere on equestria in general, i wouldnt be surprised if dragon eggs were indeed hatched in that particular way. Or it could simply be the old Wizard and Familiar route, with the dragon they hatch being paired with them.

    I also like Pinkie Pie's reference that "Rainbows dont come around all that often". Seeing as how precipitation in general around ponyville has to be magically induced, that would be true to some extent.

    Im also trying to decide if twilight was simply shocked into unleashing her powers by the sonic rainboom, or if her power is intrinsically tied and thus activated by, in someway to that particular sonic rainboom. The sonic rainboom is a powerfully magical event after all.
  • WIth such a magically controlled bioshphere on equestria in general, i wouldnt be surprised if dragon eggs were indeed hatched in that particular way. Or it could simply be the old Wizard and Familiar route, with the dragon they hatch being paired with them.
    Oh right. I'm sure Fluttershy hatches a lot of eggs by hand, but dragons probably need magical help if they are in Equestria where only ponies can take care of themselves.
    I also like Pinkie Pie's reference that "Rainbows dont come around all that often". Seeing as how precipitation in general around ponyville has to be magically induced, that would be true to some extent.
    Well, she lived in the land of rocks where the pegasi didn't seem to be helping out so much.

    I want to see an episode about how all the non-Twilight ponies ended up in Ponyville since they didn't start there, except Applejack and maybe Rarity.
  • Manehattan. Heeheehee.
  • I keep going back to the fact that Fluttershy had never been on the ground before. This seems to suggest a more significant social separation between the pegusi and the unicorns (and earth ponies) than I had considered.
  • Or that Fluttershy's parents never took her anywhere. Cloudsdale is a whole city; there are plenty of people who spend their entire youths (and occasionally their entire lives) within a single city.
  • I keep going back to the fact that Fluttershy had never been on the ground before. This seems to suggest a more significant social separation between the pegusi and the unicorns (and earth ponies) than I had considered.
    There really aren't all that many pegasi in Ponyville. There were no pegasi or unicorns at all in Apple-loosa. Canterlot seems to be almost entirely unicorns.
  • There were no pegasi or unicorns at all in Apple-loosa.
    I thought there were unicorns, but I don't have the time to re-watch right now.
  • I keep going back to the fact that Fluttershy had never been on the ground before. This seems to suggest a more significant social separation between the pegusi and the unicorns (and earth ponies) than I had considered.
    There really aren't all that many pegasi in Ponyville. There were no pegasi or unicorns at all in Apple-loosa. Canterlot seems to be almost entirely unicorns.
    Well, there is definitely some history of the separation of the three races. Just look at a chunk of the beginning dialog in "Winter Wrap-Up".
  • When are they going to get their gosh darn cutie marks?? I know we can pretty much guess them, but still... I wanna know already!
  • When are they going to get their gosh darn cutie marks?? I know we can pretty much guess them, but still... I wanna know already!
    Season 2? Never?
  • When are they going to get their gosh darn cutie marks?? I know we can pretty much guess them, but still... I wanna know already!
    I hope for an episode where one of them gets their cutiemark and that tears them apart.
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