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  • So, with a month left of summer and pretty much no more responsibilities, i figured I should learn something cool. I learn quickly, so reasonably motivated I could probably cover several months or so of average high school course material. Something engineering would be cool because that's what I'll be majoring in, but I'm also interested in cool shit with math or science. For subjects that require prior knowledge, I got 5's on Physics B and Calc BC.

    Also, subjects with material available either free online or for a reasonable number of tens of dollars are preferable.

    Actually, game theory would be really cool if someone could recommend a good book(s). I'm ok with a lot of math as long as it's well-explained.
  • A free game theory book was released today by MIT press.
  • That's convenient. Thanks.
  • Hmm, recommended for grad students. The level might be beyond me, I'll have to see. If anyone else has suggestions in case this falls through, that would be cool.
  • A free game theory book was released today by MIT press.

  • Replaying Fallout 3, what mods (if any) would you guys suggest?
  • Infinite Sprint, definitely.
  • I need a new set of headphones for use sitting at my computer. I'd prefer ones with a built-in mic, and I can't afford fancy noise-canceling. Any suggestions?
  • I need a new set of headphones for use sitting at my computer. I'd prefer ones with a built-in mic, and I can't afford fancy noise-canceling. Any suggestions?
    Get a set of Grado SR60s and a separate mic, and thank me later.
  • I don't suppose anyone here is done with Skyward Sword and looking to sell their copy? I'm feeling a sudden urge to play it before I go off to college, but since I'm not taking the Wii with me I'll only bother if I can get it cheap.
  • You have no friends who will loan you their copy?
  • I need a new set of headphones for use sitting at my computer. I'd prefer ones with a built-in mic, and I can't afford fancy noise-canceling. Any suggestions?
    Get a set of Grado SR60s and a separate mic, and thank me later.
    Oh shit, my coworker has a pair of these but I didn't ask him what they were called. They were pretty dope I might need to pick up a pair of them.
  • edited August 2012
    You have no friends who will loan you their copy?
    I don't even know if any of my friends have a Wii. I'll try Facebook, though. The Motion Plus might be harder to borrow, but I guess it would be worthwhile just to buy it.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • You have no friends who will loan you their copy?
    I don't even know if any of my friends have a Wii. I'll try Facebook, though. The Motion Plus might be harder to borrow, but I guess it would be worthwhile just to buy it.
    I have one, but I never use it. I'd loan it to you.
  • Game or motion plus? Either way, thanks, and you are awesome.
  • Motion plus. I didn't get Skyward Sword.
  • I'm just about to start Skyward Sword, but I'm a dirty pirate who did the HDD hack on his Wii...

    Scrolling through a menu instead of shuffling discs is SO CONVENIENT!

    (in my defense, only about 5% of my Wii games are pirated, so that makes it OK)

    Useful program for putting your loader games in the main Wii menu.
  • edited August 2012

    Useful program for putting your loader games in the main Wii menu.
    Neat! I think I've crapped up my Wii pretty good by making multiple attempts at "hacking" it. I don't really understand the underlying methods and just follow tutorials and apply the cracks that seem to be reputable. As a consequence I'm afraid now to try and clean it up. All of my games work as long as I load 2 of them in Configurable Loader and the rest in USBLoaderGX.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Would anyone be interested in viewing a Kappa Pichu presentation I am doing for the Philly IGDA?
  • edited August 2012
    I need an old-fashioned, pulpy sort of term for the science of self-improvement through technology, cybernetics and stuff but from a 1930s perspective. whatever-ology. Probably including an "anthro" word-bit.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Homo-animatronic?
  • edited August 2012
    Do you need a fake synonym for transhumanism or will that word suffice?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Yeah transhumanism is too recent. We're going with Synthgenics; the meaning doesn't quite parse but it sounds sort of sinister which might make players balk a bit over sticking metal in their bodies.
  • Well, apparently the word "transhumanism" was invented as early as 1927, but any wide usage is probably a much more recent phenomenon; similarly so for "bionics" I guess.

    Trying to invent a good, similar term, but with sinister connotations, is definitely tricky.
  • Anthrotronics.
  • Anthrotronics.
    Sounds like a new-wave synth-rock band.
  • edited August 2012
    Is the weird "anime girl run" where one flails one's arms to the side a thing people actually do? I see it kinda often but it looks really weird.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Is the weird "anime girl run" where one flails one's arms to the side a thing people actually do? i see it kinda often but it looks really weird.
    I know that run. I have seen a couple people do it IRL, but not many.

    However, I do say that I see a lot of people running in NYC, and very very few of them have proper form. Once I actually saw a girl running who had textbook form, I was blown away.
  • Were they all female?
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